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  1. Looking for over-50 climber(s) to partner with for Rainier this coming season. I (59 yo male) can't be the old guy on a team of 30-somethings, so I'm looking for partner(s) who are closer to my age for better compatibility. Thanks! Theo
  2. Hello. I matched with a climbing partner here a bunch of years ago and thought I would try it again. I am looking for a couple of people who want to climb the Camp Muir Cleaver route on Rainer in July 2022. I wrote in to one person on this thread, but then I realized later that he was posting an interest for 2021. Ooops. I have been ON Rainier three times, first time with RMI but bad weather turned us around at about 12.5k on the Direct route. I went back up two more times unguided but a member of our party experienced severe altitude sickness both times at about 12k and I turned us around both times. I have hiked up Longs peak several times (no snow/ice, but same basic height as Rainier), hiked up some weird ones like Ben Nevis Scotland a few times, Mount Whitney after several years in the lottery, and spent a month in the Himalayas in Nepal two different years, crossing over several 18k+ high mountian passes each time. I am 56. I know that the Camp Muir route will be the Cleaver by July. I would really like to get all the way up after three failed attempts, but if it isn't right, it isn't right. I just want to, don't NEED to. I have a new person to mountaineering who is the son of a friend. He is about 35 and very enthusiastic. The rest of my climbing partners of the past are no longer available due to new jobs, new babies in the house, etc. I would love to find two people to fill out the team to go this year. I am taking my young friend up to Longs Peak in early July to spend some time being high up, Chasm Lake, camping at the Boulder field, summiting at some point, just to see how he does with altitude, and so he can learn what various altitude body cues feel like. If we are able to form a Rainier team, I am planning on working with my young friend on basics before the trip and making sure he understands the deal. I do not feel comfortable going up without two more people who have at least some mountaineering experience. If you are interested please let me know. Thank you. Bentley Wall bentley_wall@yahoo.com bwall2@uchicago.edu 330-221-7048 cell
  3. Looking for a fast & light partner to tackle rainier in a day.
  4. Hello world! I’m looking to summit Rainier in May 2022 and I’m actively looking for partners. I have summited Rainier last August through standard DC route and I’m looking to summit again for the adventure, challenge, and also because last year the smoke, forrest fires, and heat wave took the Rainier views and experience away. If you are interested don’t hesitate to reach out on: kayo.goncalves99@gmail.com (305)733-5020
  5. I will be hanging out in my van in PNW the second half of May. Flexible dates, looking for skiing and touring. Wants: Baker (Coleman-Deming), Hood (done it 4 times), Rainier (have fun on Muir, maybe summit?), Olympus (combine with packrafting, float from the summit to the ocean!!)
  6. Hi all, Im looking at an early season attempt of the Ptarmigan ridge on Rainier. Specifically the first week in May. I've never been on Rainier that early and im wondering what you all are thinking about such an attempt. Any weather beta or advice for that time of year? Any advice would help.
  7. Hey guys my name's Mike I'm from Montreal and looking to summit Rainier after years of postponing due to covid. I have glacier travel experience and 18,000ft+. I also have all necessary equipment including a MH Trango Assault tent if needed. I will be in Seattle area doing some volcano's and Rainier. I'm open to any route but would feel most comfortable on a standard DC route up but open to alternatives. Send me an email at mikael.farley@hotmail.com serious people only please
  8. Anyone interested in climbing Rainier in July-Sept? Looking for a rope mate. Previously climbed DC route. Experienced in glacier tavel. Interested in other volcanoes as well. If interested shoot me an email at slee126@ucsc.edu
  9. Hi all, My name is Trevor - I'm a 29 y/o outdoor enthusiast living in Ohio. I am looking for a climbing partner or group to tackle Rainier next month, during the week of December 27th, 2021. If you or someone you know if already planning a summit at this time and wouldn't mind a +1 OR you or someone you know would be interested in joining me, please reach out to the email address here: 330.TrevorThomas@Gmail.com. I'd love to start a dialogue and see if teaming up would be a good fit. Thanks all - hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Trevor
  10. Hello! I am looking for a climbing partner to climb Rainier in September, or join an existing team. About myself: I have climbed Elbrus, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo, have glacier / crevasse rescue training. Please message me here or on IG (@sir_james_cook). Thanks
  11. Looking for an experienced partner for the last weekend in August 2021. Ideally for a single push attempt, but open to camping/bivying. Let me know if interested (517) 317-2941. Matt
  12. Looking to join an existing party or form one for a climb/summit sometime between August 5th. and the 20th Let's talk if you or anyone you know would be in to tht - E
  13. I am looking for some people to climb Rainier with in first part of July 2021. Anyone interested?
  14. Hello - I am looking for a team to ascend Rainier in Summer 2021. I summited in 2019 via the DC route, and abandoned a summit attempt on the Emmons in 2015. I have been trained by RMI in crevasse rescue. If you have room on your rope or are interested in forming a team please let me know. Thanks!
  15. I am looking for an experienced partner for Rainier in the first weekend of June 2021. I have 2 spare permits, I had a group of 5 people, 2 of whom had glacier travel and crevasse experience and 3 of us with little to none. The 2 experienced members are now unable to make the trip, I hope to still make the trip happen, and am looking for more experienced partner(s) to join us. For reference, I am an avid backcountry skier, competent climber and fit, my team members are similarly good climbers and fit, we all have experience at 14,000'+ and winter backpacking. If anyone is interested we want to make clear this won't be baby-sitting, we are doing our homework, we just want to make sure we don't make any mistakes on the glacier. Perhaps most importantly, we're friendly and want to have a fun time.
  16. I'm looking for some people to climb Mt Rainier with this summer. I’ve successfully done the DC route so I’m looking to get up another route, most likely the camp Sherman/Emmons glacier route. My experience: I've summited Mt. Rainier on the DC route on a 2 man team and a 5 man group to the top of Mt. Whitney during spring. Please respond to this post or text me 253-326-oneone76.
  17. Hi all! My name is Zach and I just moved to the area, it's about the worst time of year for the types of climbs I wanna do but I'd like to make plans with somebody to do some winter-accessible stuff including but not limited to some of the tags on this post, and stuff in the spring and summer. Everything from cragging to alpine stuff but preferably the latter. My experience includes: AAI's AMTL1 class (South Early Winter Spire, Baker, Silver Star), trad following and leading at Devil's Lake in Wisconsin, easy glaciated peaks in Peru, ice climbing in Michigan, and several years of sport climbing. I have most of my own gear including a standard rack, but lack the correct ropes and snow/ice protection. I've been out of the game for a bit because of two hip surgeries earlier this year so I'll need to brush up on some stuff before hitting it too hard, but I'd definitely like to get active asap if anybody is interested. Shoot me a text at 616-443-8851, thanks!
  18. Hello All - I will be in Seattle for work next week and would like to join a party if you are planning to climb Rainier the weekend of Aug 24. I climbed (summited all) Mt. Whitney early this year, Mt. Shasta four weeks ago (on my own), and Mt. Elbert last week. I did a mountaineering course with Alpine Ascents last year in the North Cascades including crevasse rescue and repeated a two day crevasse rescue class in Colorado Rockies this summer. I am in a pretty good physical shape and hopefully add some value to your group. Would like to climb Rainier as I am trained and in Seattle next week rather than wait till next summer. Any leads are appreciated. Thanks.
  19. Dear All, We are visiting OHSU in Portland for work, on July 18. Would love to stay to do some mountaineering between Portland and Vancouver till July 23. I'm an experienced mountaineer, but have never been to Pacific North West. Looking for a reliable partner - Mount Rainier would be an obvious target, but happy to join any other trip - Hood, Olympus, Adams, Jefferson, Baker... between Portland and Vancouver. . See below some basic info about me. Just PM me if you are in the area on those days, and open to potentially team up ! Thanks Vaclav About me: - Entrepreneur/CEO of a medtech company based in Oxford UK,. - Member Academic Alpine Club Zurich (AACZ), Oxford University Mountaineering Club, Austrian Alpine Club. - Have climbed 40+ peaks of comparable or higher difficulty to Rainier at 4000m-7000m elevation.Experience gained mostly in the Alps, Andes, Caucasus, Pamir, Altay. - Physically demanding but not very technical climb on French PD or AD would be ideal for this trip. I have done routes up to French D, but would not be as ambitious with unknown people - Highly safety conscious. Every couple of years i repeat glacier rescue training, and have real-world experience in rescue situations involving other climbers/skiers. - At the moment, i do not plan to bring skis given reported poor snow conditions, but could.
  20. Dear All, How partnering for Mt Rainier during July 18/9 - July 23 ? Hood, Adams, Jefferson, Olympus, Baker .... - or any more interesting peak between near Portland, Seattle and Vancouver. I'm from Europe, nowadays based in Oxford UK, visiting OHSU in Portland for business on July 17/18. Unfortunately I don't know any mountaineers in Pacific North West, so keen to team up ! I am comfortable to lead such climbs technically, with a reliable partner, but unfortunately won't have much time to do research for routes/maps. I'm experienced in both alpine and ski mountaineering, having done 40+ high altitude peaks of comparable/higher technical difficulty than Rainier between 14,000 and 24,000 feet, and practice crevasse and avalanche rescue almost every year. Member of Academic Alpine Club Zurich (AACZ). Good endurance - I have done up to 20 hour mountain routes and up to 16,000 uphill feet in one long day. Not as fit at the moment, but 7,000 feet uphill/day is still fine. Thanks, Vaclav
  21. experienced guy from Minnesota planning to trek to Muir on 7/19 would like to find a team to join for summit push via standard route / DC if possible. i have previously climbed Mt. Baker (twice) via the Coleman / Deming Route and Glacier Peak via Disappointment Peak Route. Have never done Rainier. I lost 100lbs this last year and have been working out continuously for the past year (classes at the gym, long hikes, yoga, nutrition). i always thought i'd never cross Rainier off because of being overweight but now i want to kick some butt! If you have room for one more please let me know! thanks, tommy h
  22. Hey everyone, I am looking for partners for climbing this summer in the Cascades or doing Rainier/Adams this summer. My timeframe is open and tentative but looking to come there anytime for a WEEK or a bit more if hitting up multiple mountains in quick succession during June or July. I am interested in doing Shuksan, Adams, Rainier atleast (not all of them but some of them based on what partners decide) for now but open to suggestions from others and dependent on what others are interested too. Just want to get out to the west and climb some mountains and get experience. I am from Atlanta and will be travelling to Seattle April end for a mountaineering course up Mt. Baker, going to Mexico for Iztaccihuatl May end and hoping to fix a plan for Mt. Shasta via the Avalanche Gulch during June/July. Message me if interested in partnering up.
  23. Climbing Liberty Ridge on Rainier June 6-9. Our third had to drop out last minute due to a job offer, and we are interested in finding a replacement if there is a good fit. We are totally okay with going as a two-man team if we think that’s the best option but open to adding a third of their climbing resume is good and personality seems like a decent fit. First time on LR for both of us, but multiple Rainier climbs via DC and Kautz for both of us as well as plenty of experience on steep alpine ice/rock/snow at altitude. Hit me up if interested and let me know your experience. We have wilderness camping reservations for a group of 3.
  24. Hi, I’m an avid scrambler/climber from Alberta looking to connect with someone interested in a 1-day ascent of Rainier. I recognize that this is a pretty strenuous goal as that is almost 3000 metres cumulative elevation gain in a single day and I would anticipate a significantly long day starting from the trailhead at Paradise at or before midnight. i am considering timing in late June or July. Will depend on partner. I’d be driving from Alberta and would have a backup plan as well for other mountain(s) if this falls together. Shoot me a note if you are interested. We’ll want to check each other’s availability, experience, etc. A couple of relevant videos: White Pyramid feature in Gripped.com https://gripped.com/gripped-outdoors/watch-snow-trek-to-top-of-rockies-white-pyramid/ Mount Hector (Alberta)
  25. Looking for climbing partner for June 24-26 for Rainier, Baker, Shuksan, or Mt. Olympus. Previous glacier experience required. I have x2 snow pickets, 3P tent, 40m dry rope, ice screw. I do NOT have a car. Send me a text if you're interested. 305-608-4006.
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