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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yeah, it's late and I just got back from a date and I'm pretty fuq'n drunk, but WTF, IT'S MARCIN'S BIRTHDAY TODAY! Now y'all wish that MF a fuq'n Happy Birthday or you're all just a bunch of fuq'n panty wastes! Hpaay Birthday, Marcin!!!1 Ya fokker!
  2. sobo


    WTF are you doing up, Dane? You have a wife, ferchrissakes! Get to bed, my good man! Me, I'm jsut back from a date and pretty drunk to boot!
  3. sobo


    Fixed it More importantly OUCH! That hurt, Kurt. More importantly, HAPPPY FUQ'N BIRTHDAY, MARCIN!!!1 PS: You can't broach global warming until it hits 10 pages. Do please endeavor to keep up with the rules of Spray.
  4. YTF did it take pink so long to get around to this thread??? Has he been out climbering El Cap again??
  5. Oh, c'mon, Kurt, the route didn't get any longer in 5 years. Put a little excitement in your life! Seriously, it can be done with a single 60m, just line Gene said, but it's really tight. Just please don't rap off the end.
  6. sobo


    Wow, three pages and headed for four. Gogogogogogogogo!
  7. agreed, Tyson! Dru would be proud...
  8. Done! Another guy (18Bfive) beat me to it, but I backed him up. I even linked to the MRA's position paper on the real cost of, and not charging for, mountain rescues in national parks. Maybe that'll make some of those asshats STFU for once, assuming they can read.
  9. Keep workin' the thread, Brad. We'll eventually get there. Only 9 more posts for a I mean, kevbone, the Master of Spray, is here now. Shouldn't be long before we turn the page at 8, ya savvy?
  10. sobo

    Biggest Sprayer?

    Laugh it up, fuzzball...
  11. sobo

    Biggest Sprayer?

    Shite! Missed the Top 20 by one!!! But I'm only ~50 posts behind minx, so I should claw my way into it soon! Can we add Donkey Fellator to the total to help get you over the hump Paul? Donkey Fellator didn't have any posts, bill...
  12. I got so mad this time that I actually signed up and posted several comments back at the assclowns. You'll know which one is me... And indeed, best wishes for Mr. Lewis and the rangers/rescuers.
  13. Hey, yeah, I think ya got something there, Kurt! What a collection of assclowns these people are. No soul...
  14. And the article is followed by the typical bullshit ignoramuses making comments about their lazy, couch-bound asses "having to pay for the rescue of the stupid" with their hard-earned taxes (posted by Burp). Give me a fuq'n BREAK!!! And the one asshole (HabaneroGuy) who suggests suicide or summit fever as the motive for unclipping? Has no one here on this board ever unclipped to take a dump while en route to the summit? I, for one, have. Imagine for a moment how Mr. Lewis might have felt as he was squeezing out a big one, a few feet from where he unclipped, only to see his rope and biner disappear up the hill in a white-out without him. I think I would also follow the rope up the hill looking for the end of it when I finished my business, probably hollering for my friends at the same time, too. It's too bad that Mr. Lewis missed his partners in that search. But at least he was smart enough to have dug in and waited it out for a while, and is now apparently attempting to head back down. :tdown: on these haters that never get their lard-asses off the fuq'n couch, and analyze the misfortunes of others from the safety of their living room armchairs.
  15. sobo

    Biggest Sprayer?

    Shite! Missed the Top 20 by one!!! But I'm only ~50 posts behind minx, so I should claw my way into it soon!
  16. Oh yeah...!!!1 So HAWT right now!
  17. Thank you, Kurt. Name it, so long as it doesn't involve anything with a donkey.
  18. Can I at least have it put back the way I originally registered? With a lower case "s"? I'm not impotent enough to deserve an upper case one.
  19. Yeah, yeah, yeah... Just stuff it, bill.
  20. Nicholas will be 8 next month, Elaina 6 in October. I ask myself the same question. And yes, that's a pull-up on his head. Don't ask me why...
  21. Jeezus H. Christ, and we have 30 more days of this shit??? So who's next, O Capricious Warlord?
  22. Aw right, that ain't funny. Change it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
  23. Ribbed, for her pleasure...??
  24. So is that the real reason you had kids, bill? Thinking ahead, eh?
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