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Everything posted by sobo

  1. There isn't. The Q&D Guide was a "one-time" thing, and Yale has moved to Wyoming (hence the name of the Strobach ice climb, "Sudden Change of Plans") and Norm doesn't get out much anymore what with his gymnasium biz.
  2. See this thread from last October.
  3. As do I. I just always hope never to need it.
  4. Did I say something stupid? edited to remove autosig
  5. Greetings cc.com-ers, My name is Paul Soboleski, with Central Washington Mountain Rescue. Our unit has been asked by law enforcement to coodinate the investigation into this accident. We have already spoken with Mr. Peruchini's partners, but we would like to talk with those who witnessed the fall and provided immediate attention to Robert. If you feel that you would like to assist CWMR and Robert's family and friends, please email me at psoboleskiATg-oDOTcom The following is information that has been approved for release at this time: Local climber, Robert Peruchini, 41, of Ellensburg, WA. fell to his death while rock climbing at Frenchman Coulee near Vantage, WA. The accident occurred around 2 pm Sunday while he and a friend were rappelling on the Sunshine Wall. Mr. Peruchini suffered massive head and body trauma and despite the efforts of first aiders and medics on scene he could not be revived. Central Washington Mountain Rescue is currently reviewing the accident. His mother and father of Kittitas and many local friends survive him.
  6. Intentionally launched myself off a climb at Vantage about 15 years ago when the column I was climbing peeled off the wall and started to take me for a death-crooz. Executed a beautiful 30-foot swan dive toward the talus, only to be "safely" jerked up just short of impact by the rope, absorbing much of my kinetic energy. A mere nanosecond or so later, the rope got chopped about 2 or 3 feet from my harness by the VW-sized column remnants that were now chasing me down the scree slope. Route no longer exists, but I still do, much to some people's dismay. I don't have much use for Vantage anymore.
  7. Hoo boy, do I have one from 1991! If you want, I could try to find the incident report we filed, or type it up with a word processer to get it just right.
  8. That is exactly what I was referring to here.
  9. Multipitch routes are on Goose Egg Mountain. Ride the Lightning, CommandHo, Shock and Awe, Dirty Sanchez, etc. See the link that scot'teryx graciously provided above. ^^ Climb earlier in the day if you're going up soon, as the climbs on GE are south/southeast facing. It'll get pretty cold pretty quickly after the sun passes over the top.
  10. Bill Robins was quite "famous" for his choice of route names, wherever he climbed. His legacy is probably most notable around Frenchman's Coulee. Check the guide book for some of his more memorable route monikers... PS Saber: Did you get the package I sent you? And did you check out the downtown store for "the manuscript" yet?
  11. Italians are "kinda welcome" in Libya. They used to "own" it, ya know. Darn guinea Colonials...
  12. I smell Kajhikistan, Beth Rodden, Tommy Caldwell, & crew, and that whole shoot-em-up thing all over again...
  13. Sorry, my bad. Only two parts total.
  14. Oh, but I have. It wasn't a pretty time, back then.
  15. She lapsed into unconsciousness right after the slide. Woke up in the ski lodge the next day. All previous brain function intact. Really wierd. Sunday's part one of three. Monday's part two of three. Tune in tomorrow for part three, same Bat time, same Bat channel.
  16. If'n you've been around this board for any length of time, you'd have gone thru this shiznit/gumnut/sybian crap before once or twice. It seems to happen about once a year or so. Pay it no mind, get some *real* work done today, and it should be fine by tomorrow's logon post time. And remember kids, Zlib compression is disabled.
  17. Just "swipe the wipe" from work! It's easy for you, and cheap for them!
  18. sobo

    How far....?

    Ah yes, I'd say it has. But then, why wouldn't it have? WTF would you be wantin' to come this way for ice when you've got Hyalite, anyway? Planning on relocating to the PNW or something?
  19. sobo

    How far....?

    That would be either Lillowet in BC, or Strobach Mountain in Yakima County. Can't speak much for Lillowet, but Strobach boasts several WI4s and 5s, in the requested pitch length, and are generally around later than most WA ice climbs. Get this book to hep ya out (see attachment).
  20. Yeah, Bronc, I read Sunday's article, but I haven't seen today's paper yet. That whole thing got by me completely.
  21. We went to John Miner’s funeral service on Friday. Then we went over to my wife’s brother’s house and hung out with his family and ate and drank a bunch. On Saturday, we took the kids to Feller-McWhirter (sp?) Park in Redmond and let them hang out with the animals and play on the swings and stuff. Then we ate a drank a bunch more. We headed back to Yakivegas on Saturday. On Sunday, we invited The Boy’s godfather over for the day, and we all went to the park and The Boy played on the swings and fed the ducks. Then we all went out and ate and drank a bunch more. Casual weekend. PS: The views of Rainier and Baker from Redmond were spectacular on Friday and Saturday. It was a very nice service for John. RIP.
  22. sobo

    How far....?

    Define "quality". That'll make a huge difference in the answers you receive.
  23. Now that just sucks out loud. Come on, you fucktard thieves!
  24. Five posts in a row to the same f'kn thread. That oughta about kill this one.
  25. Actually, wouldn't the worst technical gaffe be the fact that he's shown leading with a top rope in that scene? <snip> The "TR lead" was not on the Eiger footage, but on the So. Utah footage. Small point, but true. Secondly, if you look closely, he was wearing an MSR helmet, which I used for caving for years. They are rated for mine safety, I believe, so it's not that far of a stretch for them to be used for rock climbing. Things fall on your head in mines, as well. Mebbe it had more to do with the predominant Ameri-ethnocentrism paradigm of the times to use a national brand instead of a Joe Brown or something?
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