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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    jesus peanuts

    Did I hit a tender spot there, oly...?
  2. sobo

    jesus peanuts

    The image of your sorry ass, with a beer tap shoved up it, is emblazoned forever across my frontal lobe. It was a horrific sight, and one from which I shall not soon recover. Woe is me.
  3. sobo

    It's 10:00

    Got divorced, eh? Nope, only married once, and still am... ...at least I was when I left for work this morning...
  4. sobo

    jesus peanuts

    ...or the beer enema...
  5. sobo

    hey there

    Somehow that just seemed really funny, knowing olyclimber and how much he despises Chaps...
  6. sobo

    jesus peanuts

    Why, yes, I believe that's what you testified to at RopeUp. Are you now saying that you don't? Methinks you have a promising career in politics ahead of you...
  7. sobo

    It's 10:00

    I lost my groove somewhere back in 1986...
  8. judging by the cannister on the right, it would appear not.
  9. sobo

    jesus peanuts

    Old news, oly. snugtop beat you to the punch in this thread. Please endeavor to maintain the pace of play.
  10. sobo

    It's 10:00

    Just baiting the hook, TT... I see that you didn't take it.
  11. strangely tittilating, isn't it...?
  12. sobo

    It's 10:00

    But it's lunch time! Oh wait, I forgot, we all work for Wal-Mart...
  13. sobo

    It's 10:00

    Just in case you're one of the seven people on the planet that doesn't already know... Chaps is an idiot.
  14. sobo

    hey there

    We're so happy for you. Did they have to use the "fire hose" size cuz you're such a big asshole, or what?
  15. When performing searches, and you get your results, and click on one and find it's not what you wanted, so you want to go back to the results page. So you click the "Back" button, it says, "POST DATA" and stuff, so you click "OK" and hit the "Back" button again, it dumps you out of all the results and puts you back at the search page. That sucks. Is there a way that it can just go back to the results page so you don't have to re-type all the search parameters and start over?
  16. Trying to carry on a nose hair trimmer makes me "armed and dangerous" as well. TSA confiscated mine on our way to Vietnam, and I'm such a cheap bastard I never replaced it. That was almost 3 years ago. My face looks like a hound's butt now...
  17. RN, This question was answered for you in the "poll" thread in Spray already. The answer had already been dictated by the TuffLove thread, in the Events forum. The date is October 22/23. I know you're new here, but stick a fork in it already, it's done! You'll start corn-fuzin' some of the lesser minds around here... mine included.
  18. This was already decided to be October 22/23, in this thread. Let's not upset the apple cart.
  19. Yeah, Erik, I'm all about BLACK TAR HEROIN!!
  20. you two are just made for each other, aren't you?
  21. You had an anniversay yesterday? Congrats, Man! Which one was it? 5th, or is just the same date?
  22. I was a late-comer, but it's been a fun ride all the same. Thanks, jon and timmy, for making this place happen. (sobo, #201)
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