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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Hey, Marie! You didn't like the Ball and Jacks game? I guess Enumclaw is a lot closer to your heart...
  2. How about these, then?
  3. Is this what you're wearing now?
  4. Rest assured, I am not Chaps. No matter how inane some of my posts may be, they pale in comparison to the Queen Fluff Boi's drivel. And Chaps just may well be a mod. I was thinking earlier how dead Spray is today. Maybe a mod decided to get the ball rolling...
  5. You're doing so well. Stretch it, now. Go for the big win. And look up "chaffer" in the dictionary, if you can. And you have to a lot better than you've done so far to offend or insult me. My skin is like an alligator's.
  6. Keep 'em coming, Fluff Buddy. It amuses us to bear witness to your foolish antics.
  7. Chaffer boi, Just in case you've forgotten again: "You're an idiot." QED
  8. Ignoring you... ignoring you...
  9. I think I'll pass this year... Enumclaw's a fair bit of driving anyway...
  10. OK, I lost my virginity at RopeUp this year. So what's Sausagefest? Ice climbing? BC skiing? Crude and double entendre comments are, of course, always welcome. EDIT: nevermind, did a search. So it's a PC with slideshows, then, eh?
  11. or your plane... edit: WTF are you doing in S. Korea?
  12. Get over yourself. She's only interested in your rich, Corinthian leather...
  13. Why, thank you kindly, Ma'am, but Ah must respectfully decline your generous invitation. <southern drawl> I'm looking to head southeast for some granite love in the Clearwater Mountains of I-dee-ho come Friday evening.
  14. SWR, So she's legit? She really does get some nice shots.
  15. OK, this smells like spam to me. Is anyone else getting this shite in their inbox? "I'd like to know climbing and make friend with u..." riiiiight! Where's HarryPi these days...?
  16. Thanks, arch, for responding.
  17. "Honest, Officer, we aren't parked. We're docked."
  18. Yes, but only after spitting venom in your eye. See how her lips and teeth are forming the shot? Better duck!
  19. sobo

    Pernod wine?

    I'm not sure, Mike, but I'm gonna guess that since Camillo's in Oregon, it must stand for something like Oregon Liquor Control Commission or something like that. As you know, in Washington it's the WSLCB (Washington State Liquor Control Board), so I think it's just the state-run liquor store. You should be able to just walk on in to any liquor store and ask for it by name. If they give you the "Huh?" look, tell them it's a French liqueur, it's clear, and it smells and tastes like licorice. It's a lot like Uzo and Sambucca.
  20. I would have to agree, you mirror-faced nincompoop! I've been Cobraaaaaaaaaad!
  21. It's the small, short, slab just above the top of the saddle where the trail drops over the back to Dinosaur Tower, near the Trigger Finger Stump. It's not a technical slab. i.e., there are no climbing routes on it, and the top of the slab is about 5-10 feet above the level of the trail. I know my Peshastin, dude.
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