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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Oly in softshell with blingblingcostalots! That picture is hilarious! It's about as funny as those Icy Hot Stuntaz are stoopid.
  2. No, I have a son. I'm getting a daughter in a coupla weeks. So I gotta get this shit out of my system while I still have time.
  3. ...he's watching you do yourself right now...
  4. It's called rappeling. Sheesh - gotta catch you up on everything? Yah, when you hit my age, you develop CRS disease. Can't Remember Shit.
  5. No no. He's being coooooooool. Haven't you heard the latest? He's making a social statement about those that can't type. It's all the rage. All the kids are doing it. I'll guess I'll go jump off a cliff, then. All the cool kids are doing it (my dad used to pull that one on me all the time when I was a kid).
  6. along the same lines... "Trust me, I'm an anesthesiologist."
  7. spellcheck your autosig, oly
  8. "You going ice climbing, Ramon?" Leon Trotsky
  9. "The Third Riech will last a thousand years!"
  10. "Mary, I do believe I'd like to take in the theatre tonight..." Abraham Lincoln
  11. someone had to be the first...
  12. Oh. I thought you used it if someone posted an inane post. Instead of replying with just "inane", you reply with
  13. I always thought it was, "You're going to the vet to get tutored."
  14. And we now have an "olyclimber" graemlin? Under what circumstances, pray tell, does one utilize this little gem of an emoticon?
  15. Thank you, Erik. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about this thing. You're a fine human being.
  16. absolute power corrupts absolutely... Be strong, oly. Stay away from the Dark Side. The Force is an ally.
  17. Yeah, unless I get blown up at the Consulate office. Or blown up in the Western hotel directly across the street from the Consulate office. The one where we have to stay if we want our kid. It's kinda creepy; like being a tornado chaser in a way. You know it can get pretty damn nasty in there, but you go in anyway... Well, if you hear about a bombing in Guangzhou next month and I don't log back on after the middle of December, at least you all will know what happened to us. Stefan, I'm worried for your BIL and his wife. I hope they get back safely and soon with their daughters.
  18. Now THIS is some happy news... NOT! We have to go to this very Consulate office in Guangzhou to get the baby's entry visa to the US. Not to mention, the Chinese officials choose your hotel for you for these adoption deals, so guess where we'll be staying? You guessed it, at "places where Americans are known to congregate or visit." Great, just fucking great!
  19. sobo


    I was just about to sign off and go get lunch, but what do I do instead? I click on this thread. Yech! Now I'll just work through and go home early...
  20. Awww, shucks guys... and I thought you didn't care...
  21. Thanks for the invitation, and the birthday sentiments. I'll take "fruit booting" under consideration...
  22. Pre-pubescent snot-nosed punkas. Where's the TNF steeptech jackets? agebottom
  23. "Don't worry, Honey. I'm a good driver."
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