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Everything posted by sobo

  1. What Couloir said. Thanks, John. My years doth showeth...
  2. You owe me a beer! Two or six if I get trounced on this thread.
  3. we did pretty much the same thing. click me ps: how do get this thingie to point to a single post in a thread, and not the whole thread?
  4. OK, I'm going to go waaaaaay out on a limb here and show my total old-skewl-ness and ask the obvious questions... Why would you want to permanently bolt/screw a pair of crampons to your boots? And without a heel, no less? Do you, then, also need a separate set of footwear for the approach? Is this solely a dry tooling outfit? Or do you actually take this affair into alpine environs? Serious answers only, if you're reading this, CPB/GGK.
  5. fenderfour say: Pussy! goatboy say: Light-weight! ps: I am neither a hardman nor a real drinker, but someone had to say it!
  6. Unless it's living in a coal mine, there's not much to burn in a troglodyte's countryside.
  7. We are prolly going to set up a website to upload our journals and photos, like we did when we went to get Nicholas. Don't know if the wife will have time to get it up and running before we leave. Here is the site for Nicholas's journey, from 2002/2003, if anyone's interested in reading it/looking at the pictures.
  8. Righteous! That is so sweet! Confer my congratulations to them! And Happy Trails!
  9. UPDATE! WOO HOO! We got our travel authorization on Monday (I've been out of the office and away from the Spray Factory for a few days)! We leave out of SeaTac on November 30, and will be touring a couple of touron sites in China for a week before we get Elaina. Our visa says we get back home on December 14, missing most, if not all, of the holiday travel bullshit that we ran into when we went to Vietnam (cheaper fares, too! ). Oh, and because of SARS and avain flu and generally shitty air quality in some of the cities we'll be visiting, we decided to leave little Nicholas here with Gramma for the duration. He's already had pneumonia three times in his short little life, and we thought (and his doc recommended) that he stay home if at all possible. Just thought you'd like to know. Gotta go; we've got a lot to do in the next three weeks!
  10. sobo


    Congratulations! Will your mailing address remain the same? I ask this because I finally put *the package* in an envelope and addressed it. I was going to take it to the post office today or tomorrow. Should I wait for a change of address or just send it on its way?
  11. First there was the roadslide/wash-out. Then there was the snow of November. Now... clickety click Cayuse Pass is temporarily closed for this weekend, and will be re-evaluated for the seasonal closure on Monday, November 7.
  12. True dat, but I did not say it was photo-shopped. I only commented that the mechanics of tinted glass and open windows aren't adding up. That being said, what's your explanation for not being able to see through the passenger compartment in this photo?
  13. Ya know, Brian, I noticed that too. Tinted windows allow the occupant(s) to see *out* more clearly than people looking *in*. Since the driver's side window is (obviously) down, why then can't we see though the passenger compartment and out the passenger side window, or even the windshield for that matter? And there doesn't appear to be a deployed air bag blocking the view path, either. As you opined above, something's not adding up here...
  14. "It's a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand."
  15. We all saw it, drunk/high/stoned, just for the laugh-factor it provided. Side note: Me and a bunch of my buds got all doodied up in our mountaineering regalia, and trooped off to the theatre to go see it. They made us leave our ice axes at the ticket booth. Then they almost threw us out of the theatre, we were so drunk and being such assholes!
  16. It's locked for the good of the climbing community... sucka!
  17. Here you go, RN. Over 45 pages of drivel, making this one of the longer threads on this board, and a real classic. Grab yerself a beer and a bong and settle in for a long evening...
  18. Christ, amateurs! Alex has it right. Bob's Keg and Cork, across the street from the old Grants. Arch, you're fuhqued on this one. That's the *jail* next door to Bob's. YPD is six blocks away on the other side of 1st Street. The guards at the jail couldn't give a shit about your driving in the "pub crawl" district, unless you just ran someone over. Yeesh! And if you don't like the pub fare at Bob's, there's great food around the corner in the Barrel House (the old Blue Banjo haunt). Also, there's the Warehouse Pub in Glenwood Square on Tieton Drive around about 52nd or 53rd Avenue. It's upstairs in an old apple warehouse. Grant's new location is (was??) downstairs in the same building. There's also Zesta Cucina in the same building with a nice bar and good food. And skip Miner's burgers; they got busted for a ptomaine rap a few months/mebbe a year ago.
  19. Yeah Paul, that's the same message one gets when one does searches, and what I meant by my earlier post above, quoted below:
  20. Wow, that's more confessing than I've done in 25 years!
  21. Will BD sew slings onto cams that are not of their manufacture? I have a bunch of Metolius and ABC cams that are slung with tied slings right now, and I'd like to clean that mess up a bit.
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