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Everything posted by sobo

  1. CROSS-POSTED TO CENTRAL/EASTERN WASHINGTON FORUM I just had another pleasant conversation with John McGowan, the manager of the Oak Creek Wildlife Area, across the street from Royal Columns. The annual eagle nesting closure went into effect on February 1, and is in effect now for the reach of the Tieton River Trail from the Tim Pond Wall to the west (upstream) end of The Bend. This closure includes all points uphill of the trail, not just the trail itself. So that there is no confusion, that means the cliffs are closed to climbing. The closure will be in effect until about April 1, at which time the closure will be limited to a 300-yard-radius around any active nest(s). Normally, this will allow most of the trail to be opened and access to certain cliffs or parts thereof. It has been John’s experience that the eagles are migrating upstream a little further each year. In recent years, the upstream limit of the trail closure would terminate at the metal suspension bridge used to access The Bend. You could go right (upstream) to Moon Rocks, but the trail was closed to the left. So the upshot is if you want to climb in the Tieton River Canyon, go upstream of The Bend. You can start your climbing at Moon Rocks or further upstream and you’ll be all good. And if you see any eagles or falcons up the canyon, be a good steward of wildlife and call John at 509-653-2390 and let him know. Remember, we can all get along!
  2. Living abroad in self-imposed exile after his acquittal on child molestation charges a coupla years back. But your joke is well-taken.
  3. sobo


    I just love the undies that most of Couloir's avatars wear. They're always so... titillating. Where does he get those avatars???
  4. No, 5K. This ^^ is the POTD.
  5. sobo

    Which one of you

    SWAF, Firstly, I believe it's Ducknut and kevbone that're laughing at you, not Archie. Secondly, lemme let you in on a little something regarding the comment about there being a god because the meteor may have hit MSFT... that was a *joke*.
  6. sobo

    Which one of you

    that will be interesting.. could change the whole industry. Now we know where that meteor hit. So there is a god. Well, I stand corrected.
  7. sobo

    Which one of you

    That was funny. I noticed ZimZam was in there, too. Musta been practicin' fer that big heist...
  8. I would expect that. It's happened every year that I can remember since I've lived out here. Give a call to John McGowan or Bruce Berry at the Oak Creek Feeding Station at (509) 653-2390 for the exact beta. If the eagles don't put out a brood, it opens ooa April 15. If they have a hatchling(s), then the closure can extend into July or until the babies fledge.
  9. As true today as it was when written. Thanks for emphasizing the point, DeC.
  10. sobo


    Same thing happened to me at the same place. I'll lay even money it was the same MOFO.
  11. sobo


    Oh! That's very different. Never mind...
  12. sobo


    It's a well-known fact that "nice girls" help you put it in. I'm just sayin'... Otherwise, it mind end up in the wrong one. There's a wrong one? I didn't know that...
  13. Did you get to the end of the 609 road on sleds? Or were you able to drive all the way to the end of the road?
  14. sobo


    Nookie? What's this "nookie" thing? Where can I get some? its that thing you have when you send the kids to the grandparents house for the weekend Lucky you. Grandparents that will actually *take* the kids off your hands for a while.
  15. sobo

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    It doesn't last for long, then it's tuna-y...
  16. sobo


    Nookie? What's this "nookie" thing? Where can I get some?
  17. sobo


    Nope, no hand lotion. I like the hot, burning feel on the outside. Kinda goes with the itchy, burning feeling on the inside when I pee...
  18. sobo

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    I can fix that chocolate and licking thing fer ya, minx...
  19. sobo


    sobo: what is the point of this self-flagellation? do you enjoy blue-balls? DSBU has become a state of being for me. By comparison, self-flagellation feels good.
  20. sobo


    It's a well-known fact that "nice girls" help you put it in. I'm just sayin'...
  21. sobo


    ...and sponges. If you need that sort of thing.
  22. sobo


    No problem, I've got towels...
  23. sobo


    Great! I'm on the road. I'll call you when I'm over the pass and you can "guide me in" from there.
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