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Everything posted by sobo

  1. It's just Mark. Just let it go, Dan...
  2. Glad to be able to help bring you out of your shell. I'm touched. Hugz, man... :kisss:
  3. They've got restaurants and motels now, too??? WTF??? Several years ago I went to one the public meetings that were held (I went to the one in Yakima) back when the Park was soliciting comment on opening up the climbing concession to more competition. A bunch of folks spoke up, and I, too, spouted off for a few minutes against the "Whittaker Cartel." You could see by the look on Peter's face that he wasn't liking the direction the meeting was going. After the meeting was over, Peter wouldn't even speak to me. But Big Lou came over, shook my hand, and told me that he appreciated the candor and logic with which I laid out my argument for, and support of, opening up the mountain to more guide services and competition. I like Big Lou (and Big Jim, too). Pete, not so much...
  4. HAM radios operate through a series of repeaters (just like cell phones) as their first line of operation. But you're correct in that they have a wavelength that allows them to bounce around between atmospheric layers and get extended ranges, but that's not how they're designed to operate. It's just a nice side benefit.
  5. Now that's a GF that knows how to think like a climber. Definitely a keeper...
  6. What's the story on the bivy sack? Brand, model, age?
  7. Mathilda May Oh yeah, she was hawt back then...
  8. Telling us more about it than just "a job in the medical field" and a "panel/scenario interview" might give us more to go on. "Medical field" is a wide open category. What's the specific position to which you are applying? Are you a surgeon? An anesthesiologist? A counselor? ANP? RN? PA? Candy Striper? A little more detail on the actual position under consideration would help if you want a serious answer... Regarding the interviews you've already had, who was on the panel (job title/description)? How many were on the panel? Were any that were on the panel also part of the scenario interview or the phone interview? Who's the common face here (by job title/description) that you keep seeing as you move along in the interview process? How much time did they tell you to reserve for Monday's interview? Do you have a specific time to show up, or are you just showing up first thing in the morning? Are there others that are still under consideration? If yes, are they all showing up at the same time as you? Or do they have different appointment times? Answers to these questions can tell you a lot about what may be coming up for you. Have you met any people in upper/supreme positions of power in any of your interviews to date? Maybe the hospital administrator, or insurance adjustor, or chief of surgery (or whoever) wants to meet you and ask some pointed questions. Who knows? Without some more detail on the position, all we can do is supply you with hunches and guesses, which you clearly don't need. Help us help you...
  9. digital extermination - gotta remember that one...
  10. Choada Boy's a mod now? WTF???
  11. So WTF happened to DogRoute? All his posts are wiped, and he's not in the user registry...
  12. So WTF happened to DogRoute? All his posts are wiped, and he's not in the user registry...
  13. sobo


    Ohhhhhhhhhh, no he wasn't. If you look hard enough, he still survives in ancient threads glorifying the posterity of this little sandbox we call home...
  14. sobo

    day hike

    Haven't done it meseff, but there's a ton of TRs in the Olympic Peninsula forum to plow through that would answer your question.
  15. Looks like it is time for the Introductory Course. I wonder if Sobo or Ivan can volunteer . 1) Spraylords are anyone with more than 10,000 posts. Doesn't matter if it's good beta or total shit. 2) Bile, generally...
  16. Vita! Is that you? I like your avatar name! You should introduce yourself to the "spraylords" here! So Nastia, is this your kalifornikan friend with the supernatural affinity for hidden ditches? Welcome, Vita! We've heard so much about you. Love the avatar pic, BTW. There's more than a few people on this board that could use a new Care Bear..
  17. is that an appropriate question for this site? That question gets asked a lot around here...
  18. Not at all! Feeling grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat and standing tall this morning! 'Course, I got up only a little over an hour ago... Making me some French toast and fried 'tatoes fer breffast right now. And a Bloody Mary. This here one's fer you, Nastia!
  19. Not to niggle/detract from the seriousness of this thread, but correction is required. Willi Unsoeld was killed along with only one of his students, Janie Diepenbrock.
  20. Hey, someone's still awake out there! Can I get a "Hallelujah!"? Not really - more tart than sweet. It's the lime juice. Even though it's sweetened, it still makes for a damned piquant drink. Now why am I am not surprised by that... Hmmm, and here I thought Pat is watching his waistline From what Pat tells me, he fixes and mixes, but nixes the elixirs... If only my constitution were made of such iron...
  21. sobo


    Am I the only one online at this hour on a Friday night (Saturday morning)? WTF is wrong with you people???
  22. Damn, that looks so fawk'n good, I think I'll have another...
  23. Please define the Planet Killer. What's in it? I've taken TTK's basic recipe here, and made some substitutions... My variation on the line adds a 1/4 shot of Grenadine (for a pleasing change of color), replaces the lemon juice with Rose's Sweetened Lime Juice (cuz it's easier), and adds a half-shot of mango juice (for a more tropical flavor). I've taken Stephen's suggestion of the Appleton Estates Jamaican rum for the amber, and bumped up the dosage from 1 shot to 1.5 shots, and I eliminated the 1/2 shot Whaler's dark rum floater. I top it off with a half-ring of pineapple and a maraschino cherry speared on a cocktail toothpick. I know, I know, it sounds a little frou-frou on the garnish, but it makes for a lovely presentation. At least I skipped the little umbrella. The ladies love 'em...
  24. WTF is wrong with you people!!!??? We're so close to pushing this to 4 pages before midnight, while it's still Nastia's birthday!!! Where are your souls, peeople!!!??? Uncage them now, for the love of Dog! WE DID IT!!!1
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