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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Mitt's M&M's?

    But I thought the original was better.Do not concur. Much more shooting and killing of aliens in the second incarnation. Especially if you watch the Director's Cut... The guns and effects were cool in II--and who can forget Bill Paxton's famous "game over" speech. But the Gothic scenes and pure suspense in the original is tops, IMO.Oh, the "game over" speech - that was priceless! He even had slobber drooling out of his mouth during the delivery. Perfect! But I'm a fan of temporal paradoxes, so I liked the whole "57 years" time-lapse thing. Kinda cool that a young-ish mother "returns from the grave" to see a pic of her dead daughter as a sexagenarian, no?
  2. I don't know... is it just me, or does David Lama look like... Naaaaaaaah... Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth! OK...
  3. Why would they tow the car? They're not down yet, and they've certainly not been declared deceased, either. BTW, there are two parties. You mention one car... Still pulling for these guys...
  4. Now that you've told us what's happened so far and with whom, I agree with Pete's hypothesis and it's a meet'n'greet with a hospital higher up, like I suggested in my last paragraph above. And like chris sez, it's probably just to see if you "fit" in their organization and to confirm the panel's selection. Lastly, I agree with Pete. Wear the suit unless you get G2 that tells you to dress otherwise. Good luck, man!
  5. sobo

    Mitt's M&M's?

    But I thought the original was better. Do not concur. Much more shooting and killing of aliens in the second incarnation. Especially if you watch the Director's Cut...
  6. sobo

    Mitt's M&M's?

    ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! Ripley was resplendent in her GI grey panties emerging from the hypersleep cocoon and prancing across the deck when the entire Marine detachment was awakend in ALIENS 2...
  7. Aw hell, Theodore. Just go back n' hike from the lodge to the top of the lift and call it good. Say it took two days instead of one...
  8. sobo

    Mitt's M&M's?

    Doug, I just wanted to congratulate you for having the lowest member number to post in the last 30 days. We truly have you by the balls. You've got all sorts of statistical compilation options available to you with this board's software package, don'cha, jon?
  9. I thought that was pretty cool, too. That's a hella breeze they got going on there, yah, sure, you betcha...
  10. sobo

    Mitt's M&M's?

    Best sci-fi movie EVUH!
  11. Bookmark this MRNP link to check back for daily updates on the search. It appears that news releases are posted a day after the actual events. Still hoping for a positive outcome for all four, and their rescuers. Search Efforts Continue for Overdue Parties on Mount Rainier Date: January 22, 2012 Contact: Patti Wold, PIO, 360-569-6701 The search for two overdue parties continues on Mount Rainier. On Sunday, January 22, a small improvement in the week's severe weather allowed ground teams to conduct visual searches of terrain previously obscured by weather. A US Army Reserve Chinook launched but turned back due to limited visibility. The helicopter remains on standby at Joint Base Lewis McChord. No sign of the missing parties has been detected to date. The search effort will continue on Monday, dependent on weather and avalanche conditions. In the event a weather window materializes on Monday, the Chinook and a Washington State Patrol fixed-wing are prepared to respond. Over the last week ground teams have encountered 30-60+ mph winds, white out conditions, ice crusted snow, and snow depths 10' to 15' with drifts up to 50'. Searchers are highly skilled mountaineers who are familiar with the party's intended route and in mitigating avalanche danger in the area. There are two teams of overdue parties currently on the mountain. A party of two, Mark Vucich, 37, of San Diego, CA and Michelle Trojanowski, 30, of Atlanta, GA, planning to winter camp on the Muir Snowfield over the weekend was due out on Sunday, January 15. A second party of two climbers, Sork (Eric) Yang, 52, of Springfield, OR, and Seol Hee Jin, 52, from Korea, on a summit attempt via the Disappointment Cleaver route was due back Monday January 16th. The weather forecast calls for snow, 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures and winds up to 65 mph through Monday. Mount Rainier and Denali climbing rangers, personnel from the National Park Service Pacific West, Intermountain and Alaskan regions, guides from Rainier Mountaineering Incorporated and International Mountain Guides, and Olympic, Tacoma, Everett, and Seattle Mountain Rescue are contributing to search operations. -NPS-
  12. KB and KB2 were totally awesome flix! It appears there is to be a third volume due out in 2014. I wonder how Quentin will explain the past 10 years since KB2....
  13. sobo

    Mitt's M&M's?

    I did... that little bastard...
  14. Oh, D, Nastia is the Queen of Epicness. She's The EpicMonger! You might have a wayz to go before you qualify to get invited to her royal court...
  15. "No matter where you go, there you are." ---Buckaroo Banzai
  16. I AM VINDICATED!!!1 Thanks, Haireball, ya ol' codger! Oh, and V-threadin'
  17. Sorry, I guess I misunderstood who was shootin' and who was filmin'. I figgered that your handle as the uploader on YT made you the cinematographer. Still, "Nice shootin', Tex."
  18. I ain't yer broham. And we're all here for our own reasons. Howz that for kevboning?
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