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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Well, not by any royal proclamation do I... Gawd, I really do love this new autosig. I may never go back to my old one...
  2. Me, too. Wanna spoon? I'll take the outside...
  3. WTF??? I knew the cookies were fuq'n addictive, but the whole organization??? Where's Bill Engval when you need him? Hey, Bob! Here's your sign!
  4. I go through most of my life asleep at the wheel. The fact that I've mastered the art of steering while catatonic is the only thing that has kept me alive all these years...
  5. Ah! Got it now. Your edit was crucial to my getting the funny. And no one has ever accused me of being a rocket scientist, ya know...
  6. haha, good one Feck. I don't get it... Really, not much more gray here than it is in Yakima or the T-Cities! I still don' get it. I'm a dolt...
  7. sobo

    ice screws

    I just spewed a Planet Killer out my nose...
  8. Long periods of the winter with high grey overcast skies in, "Far," Eastern Washington/North Idaho should not be surprising haha, good one Feck. I don't get it...
  9. Always lookin' fer a handout, eh Steve?
  10. sobo

    RIP Whitney Houston

    Wow, that's lame. Wow. That's Free Market. Wow, more free market forces at work...
  11. ...and the banner ad is for the Angry Birds app...
  12. Nice! You should stop being so cynical, Woody...
  13. Now, that's an angle that I hadn't thought of...
  14. Would also have to agree w/JayB and Dan. Took a GF to Slick Rock (near McCall, ID) for the Regular Route. Hella fun, all day outing on moderate slab with three big easy cracks to link to make the top. Interesting descent (got dark before we made it back to the truck) and back to the campspot for dinner and fire. Very nice time. Also, took the GF that ultimately became my ex-wife to Lightning Dome a few times back in the late 90s. Moderate multi-pitch slab with just enough easy trad moves thrown in to carry more than a sack of draws, beautiful alpine setting in the conifers, cool clear river for skinny-dippin', and some really laid back car camping that made for some outrageous meals and campfires in the evenings. Those were the days... So yeah, multi-pitch slab that's accessed by car camping. That's it. Oh, and bring yer lawn chairs...
  15. A wee bit of Talking Heads action there...??
  16. Thanks to you both, Tyler and Steve, for those observations.
  17. Just watched it meself, too. Very nice. Would love to meet Jim someday. Question, the dude jugging at 7:30 and a quick shot again at 7:59... I didn't see a b/u to his jumar...???
  18. I would not be surprised to hear folks that survive an expereince such as this say that they felt a greater level of safety in an OB area of a resort than in a true BC area. Something about being able to see lights, hear cars, smell exhaust, etc. may tend to make folks believe that they are still in a secure area close to civilization when in fact, they are not.
  19. It was reported that the Alpental fatality was boarding OB and was swept over the cliff by the avalanche he himself triggered. Source Let's be careful out there, and know the conditions around you...
  20. Thanks, good to know. I always take my binocs when heading up to Strobach and scope it out before leaving the South Tieton Loop Road. As you state, it's a hella long way in for nothing if nothing's in.
  21. Also one killed at Alpental today, too. Source Reports are that all four killed were operating in OB areas of the resorts. If you're gonna ski/board OB, then pay extra special attention to the conditions. Condolences...
  22. Wow, good on y'all for getting that! Got a link to that vid? I haven't heard of anybody getting on CCF in a hella long time! Been almost 15 years for me... Did you happen to drive further down the east side and catch a glimpse at Strobach?
  23. Looks like y'all had some stellar weather for a Valentine's Day shred-fest. Just a note of caution going forward: Aislinn (well, everybody, really) should wear her beacon inside all of her layers next time. A beacon won't do anybody any good if it gets ripped off in an avy. Just sayin'... PS: Loved your "Twisting & Turning" re-edited vid. :tup:
  24. Is this overhanging granite sport cave real? How do I find it? FISH ON!!!
  25. Oh FFS, can't you tell when someone's funnin' ya? Yeesh!
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