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Everything posted by sobo

  1. define "semi-sporty SUV" pleeze. is that like a Rav4 or sumpin?
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but revealing/bragging/outing bro-deal codes/savings/etc. is the single best way to have the deal jerked from you. Why would you want to do something stoopid like that?
  3. Then it's fucking hilarious!
  4. A lot of valid points have been stated here: 1. You did nothing wrong, you can't (well, shouldn't) be at fault. 2. Ask for citing officer to be present. This one is tricky: did you get the badge number of the cop waving frantically? The cop who wrote the ticket will obviously have a different badge number. Get both now and write them down. Call the department's non-emergency number and request which officers were working that piece of road on that date and time. It's public info - I do it all the time. When frantic waver doesn't show, drop the hammer. You'd have to be able to know which badge number goes with which cop. Does the ticket have the name/badge number of the guy who wrote it to you? Did you notice his name tag? 3. Missing info on the citation is a good way to get it dismissed. 4. rbw is right, a lot of people do show up just to get their tickets mitigated (can't get it mitigated unless you're present). They stand there with a dropped-jaw, vacant stare and just expect to get it reduced (no shit, I've seen it a dozen or more times-one time, this guy told the judge that his friend told him that if he just showed up in court, the judge would reduce the fine! HA! If this judge could have, I'm sure he would have increased it! ). Have your story straight, but like pindude said, never admit guilt. Say exactly what happened when told. Keep it short. 5. DPS said it, too. Get a shave and a haircut. Dress well. Don't act bored, as hard as that's going to be. What letter does your last name start with? They go in alphabetical order, so I've seen a lot of shite before my turn comes up. 6. If you're on real good terms with your insurance agent, have him/her pull your driving record. Typically, they will be able to go back further than the court will go. The court will typically only go back 5 years, and the judge will have that in front of him when he calls your name. If you're a real good driver and you have no tickets, etc., have your agent go back 10 or more years to demonstrate a stellar driving record (assuming you have one). This tactic worked wonders for me on two occasions: both dismissed. I say on real good terms, cuz if you're not, your agent may ask "why do you want it?" and now you've got your agent sniffing around for a possible rate increase. Good luck, man. You're luck has been nothing but shit lately, and I thought I had it bad.
  5. From "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" Excellent image of Bele to go with the OP. Not many would recall that episode. So where's Lokai?
  6. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Same here. Windows XP, SP2, IE 7.0. Now it's 3 times to get joy...
  7. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Same for me. Something about hurling your cookies... Well, I'm glad I'm not alone now. FAAAAAAAAAWK! Now I have to log in 3 timez!!!1
  8. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Same for me. Something about hurling your cookies...
  9. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Well, Sherri's out climbing today, so I thought I'd take care of that kiss for her.
  10. Better bake a whole one just for me... ...
  11. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Yep, got the same thing and agree that it is rather awkward to deal with.
  12. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Happens to me, too, and started with the upgrade. Also, sometimes (no rhyme or reason to it) when I post a reply, when I return to teh page, I'm logged out. Have to go and log in again. Happens every once in a while since the upgrade.
  13. I was gonna say, "Talk to mattp", but I won't now.
  14. Shoulda stayed in 11worth. Sunday was stellar at Castle Rock...
  15. kevin- Nicely done! And the pics look just awesome. Larry- Welcome back, man! How was Stuie Saturday? Wet?
  16. luvz Rope-Up... OK, I'll only bring one of them, then. I'm not worried about it being hard on the rope. I never use that particular one anymore anyway, and just haven't had the heart to throw it away or cut it up into n00b knot practice lengths yet. Jumar flailing will be a fitting end to its days...
  17. Yes, two of them. They're retired, and I will donate at least one of them to the cause. I need to retain at least one in order to protect myself when I string up the Christmas lights.
  18. A pair of 38's and a real gun too? Larry!!!1 You're back! How was WR of Stuie with Rob? Missed you guys for brews in 11worth this past w/e. Hope you didn't epic in the rain.
  19. Well, I guess Mom is gonna whoop my ass... Sherri's bringing her cobbler. That was the selling point that tipped me over. Well, that and airfares were simply fucking ludicrous. See all you sprayers there!
  20. NEW WINNER!!!1 Sorry, Dru, but with the history on this board of almost any thread degrading into the inevitable diatribe of "bolts next to a crack", Sherri's entry has to be the winner.
  21. I'd say they both have a nice set of guns...
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