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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Your experience on Cat Burglar earlier this year would seem to suggest otherwise. Just saying, ya know... No, I missed it. Please tell me again.
  2. Do! Or do not. There is no "try." hmm... climb with my good friends, hit the Oktoberfest, relax in hot tub with some good micro at friend's cabin or... meet you... I'll try. Hey now, it ain't all about me. Oh, waitaminute... yes it is.
  3. We brought one of ours last year(it was a necessary evil). She kept a pretty low profile around the campfire until she discovered that these strange people with lights on their heads had a propensity for dropping FOOD everywhere. Clearly concerned for the environment, she went on an all-out mission to clean up the site. SuperFund Canine, certified by CERCLA
  4. Note the hate present in RuMR's thread. Hateposts rack up faster than any other here at cc.com. Posts to your appreciation thread are filled with wuv. It's all from the heart. :kisss:
  5. WTF? Are we to believe that you're a purple, belly-slapping, bi-pedal hippopotamus? I'm jus' sayin'... You forgot gay! Just sayin... I believe you must be thinking about a certain purple dinosaur. TamaraSlade is a hippo. Different animal, so to speak. Jus' sayin'... Whatever, that dance move the hippo/dino-whatever is obviously GAY! sickie Not that there is anything wrong with that... True dat. The move is sickie
  6. Too cool. Looks like Little Sister is in love with Big Brother.
  7. Yes, if you follow the cairns down, there is a station set up on a big pine tree that allows for a short (30-40 feet?) rap over a roof. The rap drops you right on the trail at the base of the wall, about 200 feet climber's left of the Orbit start. Learn sumpin' new every day, huh?
  8. tm, I don't think they're worth that much...
  9. Careful there, marc. Shit talkin' like that online can lead to EX-GFs mighty quickly...
  10. Because if he were a she, she would have to be some sort of shape-shifter to have so many different perspectives on her... attributes.
  11. WTF? Are we to believe that you're a purple, belly-slapping, bi-pedal hippopotamus? I'm jus' sayin'... You forgot gay! Just sayin... I believe you must be thinking about a certain purple dinosaur. TamaraSlade is a hippo. Different animal, so to speak. Jus' sayin'...
  12. Absolutely nuthin'! Just moderate it to the oblivionet; I won't be hurt. Don't know if you can say the same for Erik. He's a really sensitive guy... And I'm pretty sure that Sherri won't mind. She's warm on the inside, and tough as nails on the outside. Except mebbe for her shins...
  13. Do! Or do not. There is no "try."
  14. WTF? Are we to believe that you're a purple, belly-slapping, bi-pedal hippopotamus? I'm jus' sayin'...
  15. Ya gotta love this guy! He's a superfun, pear-shaped, short-assed sunuvabitch; one helluva bridge enginerd; beats the livin' shit outta his kids; and... oh, nevermind...
  16. So how much will ya pay me to get one started fer ya?
  17. Don't be hi-jacking, Rudy. This one's all about Sherri. Bribe someone to start your own appreciation thread. Or just start your own with one of your other avatars...
  18. If anyone finds a nice pair of polarized sunglasses on the backside of Snow Creek Wall, I'd really appreciate getting them back. I lost them along the descent trail, somewhere between the summit and the Orbit start, most likely on the short rap about 200 feet climber's left of the Orbit start. There's a 6-pack of your favorite malted beverage in it for ya if ya return them.
  19. I don't think it was the climbering that wrecked my calves for me. I believe it was the high-speed grind up the SCW trail (keeping up with Kurt) and the interminable "downwalking" off the descent trail on the backside of the wall that did my legs in. The semi-hanging belays on the wall were righteous. I sure wish we had a camera for a couple of those. They woulda made great Christmas cards to send to the 'rents. BTW, if anyone finds a nice pair of polarized sunglasses on the backside of Snow Creek Wall, I'd really appreciate getting them back. I lost them along the descent trail, somewhere between the summit and the Orbit start, most likely on the short rap about 200 feet climber's left of the Orbit start. There's a 6-pack of your favorite malted beverage in it for ya if ya return them.
  20. Well, not so much a "ropegun", Shugga. Kurt did all the leading, much to my pleasure (and his). I just provided "boat anchor" duties and returned his gear every now and again...
  21. Then git yer butt down to Rope-Up... and don't forget your cobbler.
  22. Thanks, Kyle, for that synopsis, and also for getting back out there to help those guys out. :tup: So were Kurt and I wrong about someone being lowered off Two Tree Ledge? We thought we saw someone coming down from there to the ground about 11:30 to noon or so, just before the rock fell. And we didn't see anyone on route up high as we walked out. We stopped to look pretty hard for a few minutes, since we saw the gear at the base and were concerned. When we didn't see anyone, we figured they had topped out. Just curious, rapping from the Pedestal down the chickenhead pitch, are there natural anchors (other than at the Pedestal itself) that are sufficient upon which to bail if you only have one rope? It's been a lot of years since I last did OS, and I don't recall any features on Pitch 4 that I would trust a rap from, unless there are new bolts or something. And I don't remember how long Pitch 4 is...
  23. Hook up with Jake Gano ^^ or wfinley. Check out Billy's website (in his profile) to see what kind of stuff you'd be doing. There's others (willstrickland, foraker, etc.), but I don't know which ones are still up thataway. Post your request in the Climbing Partners forum, too. Have fun, lucky...
  24. Anybody know anything about this? Woulda started this morning around 5 a.m. Kyle? Background: I stopped in to Homefires Bakery on my way home from Der town this morning (after doing Orbit with Kurt Hicks yesterday) and Kyle's wife Linda told me that he headed out this morning for a mission at SCW. When Kurt and I descended yesterday evening, we noticed a shirt, a pack, and some boots stashed below Outer Space, but no one was on the wall that we could see. We figure whoever it was spent a chilly night up top. Seems like it coulda been worse than that...?? In other SCW news: Earlier in the day, while we were gearing up at the base of Orbit, someone trundled a microwave-sized block off Two Tree Ledge while lowering someone to the ground. Made a huge racket, but we didn't hear any screaming or yelling, so we figured everyone was OK and we set out for our climb. Anybody know anything else about this one that they care to share? I don't think the two incidents are related. PS: Orbit was a fucking h00t!!!1 What a ride, man. Please note, at the bush belay above the 5.9 finger crack, DO NOT GET SUCKERED INTO GOING LEFT toward the fixed ring pin on what appears to be easy ground. It turns into polished, featureless granite after you turn the corner and ascend a bit (just ask Kurt). Instead, go right around the corner and up the golden ramp to find the bolts that "tame the roofs" per the Nelson/Potterfield guide. We wasted an hour on the left side. D'oh! Still, we managed to do the climb in under 9 hours, car-to-car. My calves sure are tight...
  25. Any time any of you wankers have the opportunity to spend a day climbering with Sherri, just go ahead and jump on it without giving it a second thought. She's a great climber (just look at those guns ), a wunnerful human being, and a serious kick in the pants to hang out with. Highly recommended. :tup:
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