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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Super easy. I soloed a bunch of the easier lines on my first trip through, and hooked up with a guide the second time, but our outing fell through at the last minute because of rain. I can put you in touch with Jose and Stefan of the tree/climbing store (if they even still work there anymore). I have the phone numbers in my travelogue if you want them. Someone at the other end of the phone can give you more recent beta. They both spoke "some" English, but be prepared to speak French or Spanish to really make things go quickly. I got by on what little Italian I remembered...
  2. There's no place like home. There's no place like home...
  3. Yeah, she's still around here, but she doesn't climb... Send her a PM.
  4. D00d, it's only Richard Wagner's most famous opera. You should get out more and spend less time on cc.com... FWIW Brian, I'd just go and see if you can sell back the tickets at the will call window. I'm assuming that this is at the Seattle Opera. They used to allow that years ago when I used to be into opera a lot more. You won't get full price, but at least it's something. And just so you know, once was enough for me for this one...
  5. Not even close to the inanity that is required to compete with a kevbone post.
  6. Went back thru my travelogue for that trip. Le Laurence is the name of the hotel, I don't recall the name but there is one cafe' at the harbour square with the best espresso, and La Panisse was the best restaurant with the freshest fish. Do NOT eat at Nino's - it sucked royale. Jose and Stefan run the climbing shop, which is part of a tree-climbing store. AlpineK would understand...
  7. sobo

    Indian Sporto

    WTF was that move at 1:19???
  8. Traffic didn't play at Woodstock, mmeee-yaaaaaaaannn. Sheee-it, they weren't even invited. Mighta been because they had broken up by then and had reformed as Blind Faith and were on a US tour during Woodstock.
  9. The beach town of Cassis, a short train ride out of Marseille, is walking distance from Les Calanques, the home of Gaston Rébuffat. Stay in the cheap 2-star hotel (that's actually a 3-star IMHO) that sits below the old castle above the town. Plan on an October visit to beat the heat and the German tourists. When you're tired of climbing, the fjords at beach level hold all manner of naked bathing beauties. A sight not be missed...
  10. What gives, Wes? Giving up aid climbing...??
  11. There isn't any natural rockfall on the donkey trail this time of year. But you're gonna fuq'n bake...
  12. Saw that in this morning's paper. These 20-something kids know everything, eh? Get this, the two cops thanked him "for cooperating with their investigation" of his identity.
  13. Say it isn't so, Carl! The bottles still say Latrobe, St. Louis...
  14. Decided to go with a half-rack of something light, crisp, refreshing, and domestically mass-produced, since I've got the rugrats for the w/e. So I went with... You should know, I also picked up a sixer of each of the following: And a lime, of course...
  15. ...please know that I just returned from the Friday Beer Run about 20 minutes ago. And yes, I just popped the second top... :brew:
  16. I've already read two of them. Will have to get The Prize.
  17. From the looks of it, it seems I'll have to set aside the time to read The Great Game. Sounds quite interesting...
  18. Echoing Tvash: Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil, ... by Ahmed Rashid Others I enjoyed: Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali Guests of the Ayatollah by Mark Bowden (the same guy who wrote Killing Pablo and Black Hawk Down) Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose (my uncle is in this book) Just finished these three in the past month: Lone Survivor by LPO Marcus Luttrell, USN SEAL Total Money Makeover by David Ramsey The Last Juror by John Grisham Your reading list seems to parallel mine a little. I went through Ancient Rome, the Crusades, and WWII many years back. Then I focused on Vietnam and the Cold War, then Gulf War I. Now I'm in to the era of 9/11-Gulf War II and Middle Eastern politics and military stuff. I got scads more suggestions if you want 'em, Bill. Although not in my usual genre for reading material, this one really creeped me out: Tweak by Nic Sheff Both of this guy's books were fantastic: Robert Kurson Shadow Divers Crashing Through
  19. Spock: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Kirk: Or the one...
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