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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Long known to be fake. Snopes.com says so.
  2. Allow me to intiate the festivities... Shouting out a Happy Birthday wish for our most "exquisite corpse." You know who I'm talking about... that camouflaged monkey with the bitchin' coiffure that we all know as Off White. Happy birthday, Off!
  3. My vote helped to pull him ahead into the "unbanninated" camp. Seriously, as I've stated in another thread, kevbone is OK to have around. He's not at all like trask was, who just spewed hate-filled diatribe laced with expletives and profanity. And he didn't even climb. He added nothing of value to this site except to drive discussion of even more hate-filled diatribes laced with expletives and profanity. Trask needed to be banned. By contrast, kevbone does NOT need to be banned. You'd all quickly pine for his inane posts about HUGE whippers and constantly referring to every TR as "spray in its purest form." Not to mention the "To the fathers..." thread in the Cafe', which has actually become one of my favorite threads on my Watch List. Ya'll know you would.
  4. sobo


    I thought this thread was gonna be about some rad route Hannah just did. Obviously not...
  5. sobo


    ba-dum, ching!
  6. Looks like it might help thwart attacks from sharks that don't like sloppy seconds...
  7. sobo


    Oh, come on, he's such a great lil kid. So well behaved. Best lil kid since my own of course:-) Despite what you've all seen me post about the subject, I've never beaten my son. Not even so much as a swat. He's never "needed" it. My daughter only twice. The first time I swatted her butt was immediately following the 7th "scissors incident" in a protracted series of infractions (her doll's hair, the dog's tail, the screen door, the family heirloom quilt, the bedsheets, her own hair, and finally my dress shirts). The second time was after a similarly prolonged fascination with a tube of Crest toothpaste. So the bottom line is that always believe what you see posted here. 1) Although I've never met Kevin, I like him as a human being, but I tire of his repetitive "jail the bastards" spray and his positioning of himself here as an on-line punching bag (and I've told him that). 2) I really don't consider myself a kid-beater. But I know it gets a rise out of some folks here. QED.
  8. sobo


    Pink- You do not know the dynamic between kevbone and me; only what you see posted online. We have a completely different discourse when we PM. Ask him. Now go climb El Cap or sump'n.
  9. sobo


    That's because resistance is futile... Happy Birthday, Off of White!
  10. sobo


    Looks to me like he doesn't beat his kids enough...
  11. sobo


    I can't believe I missed this one the first time around on this thread, Porter! What, pray tell, could possibly cause one to engage in such a patently stoopid maneuver? Although this kid should never be allowed to breed, it would seem that he might still have the capability to do so. Too bad... What a fucking idiot.
  12. sobo


    => quim => urbandictionary.com Since this thread is about wimmin, I just couldn't resist it...
  13. Aaaaaaaaaannnny time you want.
  14. Give it another 4 pages and we'll be on climbing and marriage. Around page 10 we'll be on global warming. Happens every time...
  15. sobo


    or warmed chocolate sauce...
  16. "If I had a pussy, I could fuck it."
  17. sobo


    neck schmeck... what about your face???
  18. Truly sad news. RIP. I never met him, but in my early days of this game 25+ years ago, he was an inspiration and role model for me. The worldwide climbing community mourns the loss of one of its truly Great Ones.
  19. She gets all those nice outfits at Target? I need to seriously rethink my choice of clothier...
  20. NPR mostly. I don't watch TV. We have one, but it's analog and we didn't bother with the converter. Who has time for TV anyway, what with two rugrats? So I listen to the radio whilst driving to/from work and project construction sites. I haven't watched DL in over 10 years, so I have no idea what you're talking about with Axle-Rod unless it's about his steroid use. I would think that to be a viable candidate, you would want to remain in office, especially a governorship or a Senatorship. To "come from the field" and expect to be taken seriously, a la Ross Perot, is a pipe dream these days, IMO. RE scandal, she's no stranger to those. I expect her hide is tougher than that, given what she's been dragged through within the past year. This probably makes the most sense.
  21. sobo

    The Mist.....

    Hey bill, WSU Tri-Cities is having an Open Mic Poetry Reading tomorrow night. Mebbe you can lay those lines on us then, huh? That's some heavy stuff, daddy-o. Heavy...
  22. Jeezus Christ!!!1 How did you come up with all that in only 17 minutes?
  23. Wow, that came out of left field. She's been out of the news for months...
  24. sobo


    New craze: a step up from breakdancing; it's facedancing! It's da new shizzle...
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