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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Fixed it for you, Choada Boi. Happy now? If Taylor has comprehensive coverage on his truck, he may also have his stolen gear covered under that as well. Best to investigate both policies.
  2. You know taylor, I feel for you on your loss and I don't want to beat on you when you're down or be an asshole, but WTF were you thinking leaving all that shit in your truck overnight? I mean, you parked in front of your apartment! How hard would it have been for you to just carry your stuff inside for the night?
  3. Happy Birthday, you old fart, by self-admission!
  4. Done! Signed and with additional comments added (yes, Justin, they were civil, yet strident). Perhaps a mod can make this a stickie until after the vote next week?
  5. I recently got in trouble for not asking if they were pregnant. "What?? Did you think I was getting this fat for no reason?" See, Keith? Just goes to show you ya can't win wit' dem bishes...
  6. Jeebus, Gene! You forgot the most important piece of survival gear of all! The mandatory tauntaun!!!1
  7. So what does that make Tamara...???
  8. sobo

    Rules for men

    It ain't, trust me... Q: Why is divorce so expensive? A: Because it's worth it! Ba-dum, ching!
  9. So, being separated and working towards a divorce, I've come to have some extra time around the house at night... which I've been productively spending combing teh interwebs in search of this new phenomenon with which I have just this evening become acquainted... Literal music videos! You take a popular music video, and write/sing new lyrics which describe the action on the screen. I've uncovered some pretty good ones, but the best ones appear to be the songs that we all loved (to hate) from back in the 80s... Bad singing: [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsZ-BMKVbSc Better... [video:youtube] Best... [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p023YD3DDPg "Holy crap! Look at that! Definitely LSD!" Fuq'n hilarious, man... Helps to view with :brew: and/or Carry on!
  10. Hey Keith, don't let kevbone hear you talking like that. And where's Rudy? He smacks his progeny around quite a bit, too, I hear... nuthin' wrong with a good beatin'! In fact we schedule ours so as not miss the weekly beat down... A true engineer at heart! Do you use Microsoft Project, Primavera, or just the family calendar in the kitchen?
  11. Hey Keith, don't let kevbone hear you talking like that. And where's Rudy? He smacks his progeny around quite a bit, too, I hear...
  12. So jgreg, you burned about 5 gallons of gas in that 1-minute clip?
  13. I agree with Rad, Josh. Post away, and let us know how far you've come since we last heard from you on here. You are very motivated and willing to learn, as we've heard through the grapevine recently, so there are people here that would like to know what you've been up to of late.
  14. Joseph's right. Look for the nut capping the cam axle. The early models (early 80s) had a hex nut. Later models (late 80s) had the cap nut with the Allen wrench socket, and came pre-slung. Lodestone's pics indicate a late 80s vintage.
  15. So, when we get around to going out to Lightning Dome, we can use my rack, mmkay? You have shiny stuff?? Mmmmmmmmm, shiny... Precious... My Precious...
  16. I already did. Go south on I-5 past Centralia and take Exit 68 for US 12. Drive east on US 12 over White Pass to the Dry Side. Moon Rocks parking area is at MP 180.5 and The Bend parking area is at MP 182.2 or so. There is a big metal Quonset hut at The Bend's parking area. There are no "acess roads" to worry about. The parking areas are right on the side of US 12. Just pull over and park it, then get out and walk across the bridge.
  17. I have those in doubles up through 3, and yes, I still use 'em!
  18. TGR's got something against Marker bindings???
  19. Kevin speaks the truth as to the quality and current access of the biggest bouldering area in the Tieton. That said, there are also two highly accessible, smaller bouldering areas (Cozies and Metal Shop) that are on the opposite side of the river between The Bend and Moon Rocks. There are bridges at either end for approach. The parking areas are right on the side of the highway. There is a suspension footbridge at The Bend, and a wooden box bridge (no handrails) at the Moon Rocks end. Access from The Bend (the downstream end) requires the WSDF&W parking sticker (~$12, or free with purchase of a fishing and/or hunting license), or else it's a $66 fine if they ticket you. You will know you are at The Bend when you see the old metal Quonset hut on the side of the road at the parking area. Parking at the Moon Rocks end is free, but the hike to the bouldering wall from there is a tad bit longer than it is from The Bend's parking area. ARob also mentioned Kloochman Rock above. I used to run up and down the SE and SW sides of Kloochman after work for training when I lived in The Palm Springs of Washington. It's a nice jaunty run through the woods and up a scratch trail followed by a very loose scramble to the summit, and the roundtrip could be done in 50 minutes or less (C2C, in the summer), including chugging my mandatory summit beer (yes, even in training, I require a summit reward). In winter, you would have to access the extreme western end of Kloochman from the South Fork Tieton River Loop Road off Highway 12. In winter, approach Kloochman as you would approach the Goose Egg Mountain climbs in summer. See the aforementioned Jim Joder/Marlene Ford guide, Tieton River Rocks. Have fun!
  20. I agree, Steve. If I were to be diagnosed with advanced termianl cancer, I'd quit my job and climb my ass off until the day I expired.
  21. Superbly incredible... superbly. Fascinating achievement and video. Congratulations and well done, Colin.
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