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Everything posted by David_Parker

  1. Add me to the mid-week scene too. BC telemark skiing, Alpine climbing, ice climbing. Fuck Index in the winter except to practice aid. Things I'll do again: Chair Peak, Drury Falls Haven't done Guye or Da Toof either. Anything else possible in a day too. email me or pm me for my phone #
  2. My vote is lost somewhere in Florida.
  3. ironic I moved from my post "Evoking the Soul" immediately to this! Go check it out on the Climber board....
  4. BooneC, this is mostly a very late winter or spring route, one i've been eyeing for some years. Index is low elevation so it is best done in a stable spring cold snap when avy danger is non existant. I'd be curious to know the last time it was climbed. Could have been done recently by a non-CC poster. Anyway, if it does come into shape, and someone here does it, chances are you'll hear about it.
  5. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occured. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no person would have believed would have come their way. Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it. Goethe
  6. Yeah, I know I can go to a web site, but I find them misleading. Anyone got recent beta on coverage and conditions. MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE A SKI CONDITIONS forum. It would work for Back country as well as the resorts.
  7. For the most part, kids are made of rubber and don't need much padding. Warmth is more of the issue. A cut down ridge rest would be fine as would the ultra light 3/4 thermarest. Obviously length for a five year old is not an issue.
  8. I've always maintained that Congress should spend 3 years making new laws and 1 year taking antiquated laws off the books. Prime example. To think that some law passed over 100 years ago on how to manage our public land is appropriate and acknowledges todays reality is absurd. If we are going to be that way, I say give it all back to the Native Americans and let them say how we get to use it.
  9. I ripped my schoeller in a similar area. If you can get to it with a sewing machine, just set the machine to zig-zag and go back and forth over it a few times. I even repair minor tears this way. You can then choose to add the seam grip or not.
  10. Given the context of the situation (gift, christmas, barely a "technical" tool) I think Feathered Friends is making a mistake. They are doing more damage to themselves being this strict with this policy than thinking clearly about the real ramifications (Lawsuit versus losing 10 customers for life). It is easy to discern if the tool has been used or not. If it is still new, they should exchange it for the proper size. Scott, What size is it and how much do you want for it? Is is Aluminum Shaft/steel head? What is the weight?
  11. For sure the Chaos doesn't work. The blizzard is similar but carries a few changes that make it more "ice" friendly. This is what I need/want. I'm sure it will suffice for rock as well, but I'm looking for the features that make it geared towards ice. http://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/alpinism/harnesses.html
  12. Anyone tried this or have comments? Looks like it has what I'm looking for!
  13. The megamid has a pretty big footprint. Just wondering if instead of adding the one ft. extension, could you just bury some of the existing fabric and pitch the tent a little lower. Still should be plenty big for 2 people. Also, Does anyone know if the NF Oval 25 can be pitched with just the fly? I hardly ever use it cause it weighs so much. Bomber tent though.
  14. Allison, Do you mean First, second and third beach??? There's a little town called Pysht on the Oly penninsula. Never did learn the correct pronunciation of that!
  15. Here's a request! I don't get to make it to all the pub clubs frankly because it isn't convenient from Bainbridge. In reading this post, it wasn't until 4:19 pm that you figured out where the fuck the establishment was going to be. I was already in Seattle by then (with a car) and as it turned out I could have come. Only thing was I didn't know where! So I went back to Bainbridge. Now I realize this may make some of you happy that I didn't come, but hey, I like to when I get the chance, so please, quit all the squabbling where to do it. I really don't give a hoot what tap the friggin beer comes out of! So I request that the deadline is noon. Since Mattp is probably one of the most consistant participants, a fair guy, bigger than most of us and surley a statesman and probably supports me in this premise, I say he makes the final decision AT NOON! OK!!!!!
  16. I always thought paying the extra $ for the "express" feature on a 10 cm screw rediculous! By the time you have it threaded, your only about 2-3 twists from it being in to the hilt anyway. I like having at least one or 2 stubbies when I know there is going to be thin ice or the need to place a desperate screw where there is excellent ice. I mostly use the 13's and 17's and carry the 22's for belay and making billybobs (abalakov anchors).
  17. The Alpine Bod is the only harness I have right now and there are things I like and things I hate. I like the adjustability and ability to don on/off w/out removing crampons. Also easier for pissing without taking off or untieing from it. Mattp makes some excellent points. It's a good harness for alpine climbing when you'll be wearing a pack all the time. In that case, bag the gear loops and sew some on your packs waist belt if it doesn't already have them. I'm getting a new harness for ice climbing though, for the reasons I hate this harness. The buckle totally sucks (especially with cold fingers) unless BD has changed it. And even though it's contrary to the concept of "alpine harness", I still wish it had a belay loop. I find it difficult in winter clothes to see what the fuck is going on down there with a couple pearbiners clipped and the rope tied directly into the loop/waistbelt. A belay loop would also help get the rapell device a little further away from my body, improving control and making it more friendly with the leg-loop backup sling thingy. Anybody used the BD "blizzard" harness. That's what i'm asking Dru, errr i mean Santa for X-mas! PS: Ian, this should really be in the Gear Critic section!
  18. Ahhh shit, now I can't make it. Probably last one before x-mas as I don't expect many will be available on x-mas eve and the next one after that is New Years eve. Now if we really want one more here's an idea. We make it a holiday pub club another night before x-mas (maybe next Monday) and we get dressed up and meet at some place slightly more upscale. I'd like to suggest the Cloud Room at the top of the Camlin. Lets hear some feedback on that idea.
  19. Seems everyone has overlooked the whole Olympic range. Most all of them are choss!
  20. I know what you really want to buy. I didn't know yer mom smoked da kind!
  21. Ice Porn /WI 7+? /M9/A3/VII First Ascent: Dec. 8th, 9th,10th/2003; Joe McKay and Paul (Not real Name) Usual Mixed rack required, few extra blades and stub screws helpful. Hook could be useful in one or two places. Thats a pretty "futuristic" climb, considering it was done next year.
  22. Snoboy, this is the ice section. Go somewhere else to talk about rock. Also, you must have had unseasonable conditions if you think skiing sucks in the Canadian Rockies. It (rocks!)
  23. I wanna live in Canmore!!!!! My friend just sent me this link, not that I'd get on this on my best day! Friggin' impressive, eh? http://www.gravsports.com/Ice%20Pages%20Folder/Route%20Descriptions/howse_of_cards_1100m.htm
  24. Right now, viewing the photos is convoluted to I don't like the new gallery! Photos are way too big. I think either we send photos to Jon to post for us or we get some size limits. I admit mine is too big, but I can't get it off or fix it and my pm to the web host requesting it get fixed remains un-replyed to!
  25. 1. Getting to the North Buttress of Mt Fury. 2. Getting up the North Butress of Mt Fury on a cloudless day 3. Getting back down E. Ridge of Mt Fury same day(night) 4. Reaching the dock at Big Beaver 4 minutes before the last boat left. 5. NE Butress of Goode with mucho snow on route. 6. Taking my cc buds for a boat ride at pub club!
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