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Everything posted by David_Parker

  1. Looking to get a kids rock shoe recycling program going on this board. I have some to give away to the first person who pipes in. They were given to me by DPS. I think they are size 2. Looking for a size 3-4. Lets get those kids out climbing! Also, I'm looking for another Dad who likes to get out with their kid to climb. Could involve a weekend of camping in 11worth, Mazama or wherever!
  2. How old is your kid. Mine is 8 but climbed Ellinor when he was 4! Was thinking of taking him up for a ski down.
  3. I know some ski runs in the Olympics. Maybe we can hook up. I live on this side already!
  4. I doubt it. Valdez is the furthest north ice free port in North America which means fairly temperate. The ice is not far from the bay so somewhat affected by the ocean temperatures. Call Brian Teale or Andy Embick to find out.
  5. Actually Matt, your bases can dry up so bad they shrink and you have a concave base (edge high) which makes for catchey edges. Also, in worse case scenario, they can begin to delam. You'll probably be fine if you only wax once a year or at least put the storage coat on for the summer. It is important that the wax is ironed on. The heat changes the molecular structure of your base so it can absorb the wax. Think of it like putting oil in your car, not necessary, but highly recommended! Fleb, If you want to bring your skis to the next pub club we both attend, I'll teach you how to detune them. A finer file is fine, then a stone. I don't suggest experimenting, it is an art. Thing is, once done, you won't need to do it again until someone does your edges on a machine. I never did go for the bevel thing so much. A flat base is important though. I used to race, so I'm just used to having my skis in tip top shape. It's like driving a sports car rather than a truck. Doesn't matter a hell of a lot on soft snow though.
  6. Detune tips and tails prevents catching edges. On tele skis I detune outside edges back further than inside. Rest of ski edges should be sharp or at least smooth with no burrs from hitting rocks. Wax is not just for speed and you should wax frequently to keep your bases from drying out. Get any old iron at a thrift store. Holes don't matter. Petex is for scratches and minor gouges, but any core shots should be done with a base welder. (I have one). Use a sharp cabinet scraper (steel) for scraping petex and use a plastic scraper for hot wax. If you don't intend to use your skis for awhile, put on a layer of wax and leave it until you ski next. Cover the edges so they don't rust. A stone is like a knife sharpening stone but smaller so you can carry it with you to debur spots when you hit a rock. I aso have a diamond stone which works great. If your bases aren't flat, you'll need to go to a shop to have them belt sanded and/or stone ground. $30 every once in a while makes a big difference. I used to do it when I was a ski bum so I have all the right tools, which helps, but a 10" bastard file, a stone, 2 scrapers, an iron some petex, wax, and a bench with a clamp (I use a couple 4x4 blocks and a gripper clamp) and you'll be able to do most all you need to be happier in them dar hills!
  7. Just up from the hairpin a few K ft. Photos from 2 weekends ago, but it was so good I returned and took my 8 year old son up there on Saturday!
  8. I'm only coming if there is live music
  9. Freshies are Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! Rip it up!
  10. Friday and Sat look good, Sunday so-so.
  11. Directions to the Cabin: Coming east on Hwy 20, go past the turn off for Mazama exactly 4.3 miles. On the north side (left) look for a zig-zag fence and a gate under a 12' pvc arch. I'll put a plastic Goose out there too. The property is immediately before the Rocking Horse Ranch and about 1/2 mile before the Weeman bridge where the Methow river crosses under Hwy 20 and the lost river road joins in. The dirt drive goes thru open field and then enters the woods. Just before the cabin there is a left turn which leads to the tent area. We may need to have some cars park out in the field at the entrance after unloading stuff.
  12. Pindude, I don't think you "need" to go shorter. I weigh 178 and ski 190 TM22's no problem. Maybe the risers are too high. Try shorter ones. I don't get this push for such short skis for tele. As they said in the 70's, "Short Skis Suck"!
  13. maybe mail it to yourself a few times too. that's like my coworkers who print out emails to read, or print out webpages that they want me to correct. I did that and could only get it to print in B&W. Still haven't figured out how to get it in Color. Let me know if you figure it out.
  14. Capp, I was in the Dolomites three years ago. What time of year and what kind of climbing (grade) do you want to do? There are gobs of moderate routes on huge faces and the Via Ferrattas are really fun and interesting in a historical sense. The reffugios are like alpine hotels and you'll meet realy nice people everywhere. If you will be there for more than 2 weeks, you might join CAI (club alpino italiano) to get a discount. To get a guidebook, check out online bookstores or climbing shops in England. I was at the Marmolada, Tre Cime, Cinque Torre, Monta Rosa and Civetta. Italian women are so sexy!!!
  15. I'm coming to pub club, so anyone wanting to discuss this weekends party should be there. I could use some assistance. I am not going to Olympia, so someone call it NOW!!!!!! I can drink in fernbars with hippie dead-heads.
  16. The best New England states in order are Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Portland is only 2 hrs from North Conway where the best and biggest mountains are. Many Bostonians would take smaller paychecks to live in Maine if they could find a decent job. Portland, North Conway and Burlington are excellent choices. Traveling east/west in northern New England is an excersize in driving and navigation skills!
  17. SKI Photos Here! http://vtour.mywindermere.com/index.cfm?ln=Wash%20Pass&username=davepark
  18. TIME TO GET THIS THREAD BACK ON TRACK!!!! The party is this weekend and the skiing up at the pass last weekend was some of the best I've done. The place is in shape and ready for a party. The well works, although the water is a tad rusty so if you are sensitive to what you imbibe, bring your own. You can also get it from the river. Some things to consider bringing, any volunteers???: keg of beer salmon for the barbie briquettes Garbage Bags propane plates and cups lawn chairs ice (stop on the way over the pass!) music (no electricity) anything else??? There is much blow down, so I'm bringing a chain saw (Kurt?) and we should have plenty of wood if everyone helps carry a log or 3. All I ask is that everyone respect the place like it is your own. This is private property, not a NF campground. I intend, with your help, to leave it better than I found it. Who knows, this could become an annual event.
  19. All I can say was that is was pornographic!!! 2 days of incredible skiing, one up in the east basin of Cutthroat and another up the w face of the "nipple" from the hairpin. If I show you the photos, there might be too many people at the party this weekend! I'll try to get them up soon anyway. Skiing at the Pass See you this weekend!
  20. OK, the Official Party is next weekend, April 26,27. There is most likely going to be a warm up this weekend. I will confirm soon and post directions. I intend to get a port-a-potty and will be accepting contributions ($$) at the party. Alpine K is the official firewarden and will bring some fire wood, but suggest a few other throw a few logs in. Looks like Beck will join me as Grand Marshall. Also, anyone with kids are welcome to come as well. Mine will most likely be with me and I hope to have the immediate area around the cabin mostly kid friendly and the tent area for all saftey checks until they are all in bed. My kid has heard/seen me swear and drink so I have no concerns about that. It's a party and we're going to have fun. Is there a keg coming?????? Anyone want to take charge of that?
  21. Not that I need to say this, but it's ok to express your opinion as to why you prefer one weekend over the other and then vote. Also, I will need some help to pull this off. Any volunteers?
  22. There was much talk when this party should happen. Basically as soon as the pass opened. It's open and I'm sure there will be many headed that way this weekend. But it is short notice and it could wait one more weekend. I have circumstances that make this weekend better for me than next but either will work. I'm inclined to let the weather have a say as well. Next weekend makes sense from the standpoint there will be a little more planning involved. I don't know how to set up one of those polls, so I guess lets get some votes for "This" weekend (19/20) or "next" weekend (26/27). For those of you in the dark, see the "spring ski in" post at the top of the Freshies page.
  23. David_Parker, all I can say is straight up FUCK YOU. I was joking, moron. Until last season I was on Kazamas and Scarpa doubles, touring every single day that I skied. This season I've done a lot of lift skiing, and realized that it's extremely important to look at yourself in a humorous light to enjoy the frustrations of lift-serviced skiing, because I CAN'T ski as well inbounds, period. People like you drive me nuts because you are obviously trying to prove to yourself that achievment on the boards somehow makes you a better person than others. Get a life mother-fucker, and take a joke even if it does make a little fun of how you appear to others. E-rock, you shouldn't be so offended if people don't get your "jokes"! Sorry I missed it, but in the context of the thread, you were just like many of the others who seemed to basically diss the idea of learning telemarking. Your answer was worthy of spray and should be over there. And you shouldn't jduge me as one of "those trying to prove themselves as a better person...." You don't know me from squat and I find a comment like that as funny as your "joke." Maybe my problem is I don't know you well enough to understand your "humor." My point was, I get sick of people discouraging people from trying telemark and you seemed to be one of them. I'm just a fun loving, positive person who is trying to encourage someone to stick with it and that imo it's worth the effort. I find a unique comradery amongst tele skiiers and I enjoy the instant bond in a sea of flamers. I actually find most to be really cool folks who don't spray about their abilities at all, who CAN laugh at themselves and like to encourage others to stick with it. Maybe they just get sick of hearing all the dissing about it from those who can't do it. We like what we do and we don't diss what others do. As Donald Sutherland said in "Kelly's Heroes" .... "so much negative energy!!!" As far as leathers go, I ski both leather and plastic now and Beck is RIGHT ON with his assessment. I'm keeping my leathers for powder! If you learn on leathers you won't regret it. You'll get better faster. Spray on!
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