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Everything posted by David_Parker

  1. Well, Ok I guess you found out about my "other" life as an actor, producer and director. I'm stepping out for this new Willard thing and yes I am a RAT! I was born in 1960! For other film entertainment, check out Hotel de Love and Bimbo Movie Bash. Friggin hilareous, I'm tellin' ya! Anyway, I've been secretly auditioning all you guys and gals at Pub Club and later at my party in the Methow, I'm going to announce the new movie and cast featuring at least 3 of you. Lets just say it's got a little to do with climbing. Now, you should also know that I can be bought if you REALLY want a role in my movie. Guys, Beer and gange works best! Gals, well, I guess I don't need to say too much, you'll just have to figure it out on your own! So I'll see ya tomorrow, (late) and for christ's sake figure this shit out before noon, OK!!!
  2. I am pretty much planning on being at this weeks pub club. I can make it to just about anywhere as long as someone gives me a ride to the ferry. Of course the downtown locations work for me best so I'll vote for O&T. What about the Pyramid Ale place on 1st and Royal Brougham? Someone should scope that place. It's close enough for hikerwa to show up too. Shall we make this the official ST. PATTY'S PUB CLUB??? It's the last one before the official day as the next one is the day after.
  3. Try Retcina or Ouzo with the cheeze instead!
  4. Sorcerer and Hydro are in as well as Kimosabe and Marion Falls, all best approached through the Waiparious Creek instead of the Ghost. I made it all the way in using a Subaru Forester with chains. The approach in the new guide book is fairly accurate although using driving time vs. actual distance is a little subjective. I also heard there might be better beta on the Will Gadd website. Here's what I remember: Drive past gate to Ghost. Guide says 20 minutes further, but it was more like 12 to obvious green sign pointing left for Waiparious Creek. Go about 1.8 MILES to left turn. Look for big blue arrow painted on tree. Follow this, crossing small creek, then follow road keeping Waiparious Creek on left and any Cabins on right for about 12K. You then cross the Waiparious and follow a cut line then hang a left to climb a steeper, narrow road through the forest. This is where we needed to put the chains on. When you come out of the forest you follow a big meadow, first on the right, then on the left. Somewhere along this section, you make it onto the map in the guidebook. We parked up the Marion Falls drainage by rallying a little further, but you can park earlier to begin walking to Sorcerer and Hydro (to left) . It's a little confusing because there are lots of other tracks from ATV's but it seemed if you stuck to the "main" path, it lead you to where you want to go. When you get back, tell us your "ghost" story!
  5. I got sucked in a tree well at Crystal once. Was unable to extract myself. Fortunately my buddy was close by to help. I was wearing pin bindings with Voile plates and could NOT get my own skis off in the position I was in. Switched to Hot Chilis in case it ever happened again. Easier to reach the heel and don't need to undo any plate at the toe! Friggin scary man!
  6. I'll throw in a couple of snargs and a warthog if you throw in your m-10's.
  7. Still in excellent condition. Dual Points. $75. Best dual points for waterice out there.
  8. Tim, Do you want to stay in SLC or PC? My bro lives in PC. I'll check with him. For skiing, I agree the Cottonwoods rock, but for partying, nothing beats Park(less) City. You just need to know how to navigate the club situation. For one or two nights, just hang out in front of the bar you want to go in and ask someone to "sponsor" you. One membership gets something like 8 people in and lasts 2 weeks. Once your in, you don't have to hang out with them. If you know a local, you'll be fine. We used to take 'shrooms and go down to the Mormon square at christmas to see all the lights. Friggin' spectacular!!!
  9. If he was climbing with leashless, could he have taken one of his tools and placed the pick into the hole in the ferule so one tool hung from the other and then lowered himself down to the end of the lower tool. Maybe then he would be low enough to grab draw and let himself invert easily until rescued. Easy to say when your not pumped, Eh??
  10. I just climbed Gibralter on the way up. Follow logging road about 10-12 miles out of Canal Flats. Beware of logging trucks. They don't slow down for you! It was butt cold that morning so we put on too many clothes for climbing in the sun! There is NO avy danger cause there aint no snow Period! Beware if it's warm and sunny though. Don't underestimate the power of radiant heat!
  11. Seems everyone ends up with there own GHOST story eventually. After returning from our climb in the Ghost and consulting the guide book, we figured out we climbed Marion Falls, not the Ice Funnel!. Sorry, no photos boys and girls. You'll have to come up and see for yourselves.
  12. Retrosaurus and I climbed Polar Circus yesterday along with 2 other friends up here in Canada. Did the first pitch by headliamp and then had a beautiful sunny day. Only one other party below us on a Saturday! Topped out around 11:00. Enjoyed the rest of the bluebird day scoping all the awesome alpine routes all the way to Mt Kitchner. Curtain call was looking way scary, but ssaw some climbers doing a really skinny pillar. Slipstream is also looking sweet! Also went into the Ghost. Other than minor navigational errors, we made it no problem in a Forester with chains on all 4 wheels. Mitch did an impressive lead on very technical ice on the Ice Funnel. Sorcerer and Hydro are in. So, what are you doing down in warm Washington? Gotta go get in the hot-tub now. The girls are here!
  13. No need to bring a grill. Multiple big Webers and a custom grill as well. Just bring the briquettes. It would be good if a few brought firewood, but we can probably cut some too. There can be a campfire at the tent area or near the cabin or both.
  14. Ditto to what Dulton said. You'll get purty dern fer befer hittin' snow right now. Keep in mind "winter" ends March 20th! Not much time left!
  15. I have super mt 9, but NEVER lace the top hooks. I concur that you can get more flex depending on how tight you lace. I don't know the models you're looking at but if one is the same height as super 9, you'll be fine. I use mine all over including 2 days of snowshoing in Stehekin Valley. Took a little while to break in, but that's normal. If you know you have areas prone to blister, just pre tape for preventative maintainence.
  16. Fred (or anyone with experience), were other people making it very far in, or were the river crossings too dicey? Do the ones making it way in have big tires, chains on 4X4 or what. Would Subaru Forester with chains on all wheels work or is a 4-runner better? Do the running boards typical to 4-runners get in the way? I realy don't need one of these epics, but I also hear it's worth the risk!
  17. Just drove over Hwy 2 tonite. Rain/fog for 2 days straight in Lworth. Dumping HARD starting about 2500 ft. on east side. As for Drury, didn't see it, but all I can say is ...got scuba gear and/or an avalung? Go skiing you fool!
  18. Sorry, just back from 3 days in Stehekin. Wow, that place is cool in Winter. Too bad rainbow falls wasn't frozen. All I ask of people that visit the cabin (and surrounding property) is that we leave it better than we found it. That means we don't use all their firewood and fill up the outhouse. I'm thinking a portapotty may be necessary and we put firewood in their woodshed. I cut some last fall and it should be dry now. Other than that, there is plenty of room and the owner would be delighted to know a bunch of climbers and skiers are getting together to party. Also, the owner has a party sometime in May also, so we'll have to work around that weekend. Chances are, the pass will be open sooner. I can't be at next 2 pub clubs (going to Canada) but perhaps the next one I can attend, some firmer plans can be made. I'm pretty sure you won't be dissappointed in the location. Erik can attest to that!
  19. Thanks guys. I figured out how to "save" it as a jpg by exporting to a file such as my documents. However when I either try to open the jpg with a program like MS Photodraw or attach it to an email and open it from there, it still only comes out in black and white. What the hell is up with that? B&W is worthless!! Any hints??????
  20. My Salomons are made in ITALY. I didn't say anything about Japan or Mexico.
  21. Any boot made in Italy should be of the best quality. So if you find a boot made in Italy and it fits well, buy it! I love my Toyota and I love my Salomons!
  22. What's the return policy for that company. I'd have to try it on before buying for sure.
  23. Anyone out there have the Nat. Geo Topo software for maps. I got mine from my Dad for X-mas and it's pretty cool so far. My prob right now is I don't have a color printer at home. I tried to save as a jpg and email it to myself at work as an attachment, but I can't seem to make it a jpg and I don't have the program on my work computer. I tried pasting it into WORD, but it came out B&W anyway. Someone emailed me a TOPO once and it worked fine. I was able to print it in color here at work. Any suggestions??
  24. I'd say the cabin on 10 acres in Mazama I have access to. As soon as the No. Cascade Hwy opens which should be very early this year. It's only 16 miles to the pass. Obviously not everyone can sleep in the cabin, but it's a great base camp with plenty of room for tents.
  25. Last time I paddled a boat like that (I still have one) a guy in one of those playtoys looked at me and said the only thing it was worth was hanging a mailbox on! But really, If you want to paddle class 2 stuff and have a lot of fun just being on a river, or go surfing out at the coast, That's a good deal.
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