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Everything posted by David_Parker

  1. Isn't there a beach somewhere so I can come by boat. What about Alki? Bug says he wants to go waterskiing. Bring your wet suits!
  2. You will not be too far from Mt. Olympus, a fun and worthy adventure. It is a three summit mountain and the technical one (the 2nd highest) is Stephano. There are numerous 3-4 pitch rock climbs up the east? face that bring you to the summit. Plenty of loose rock! We stayed in a high hut (like in the alps) just below and to the side of the face. From the summit, you can walk down a ridge to a notch and then scramble up the common tourist summit which is about 10 feet higher. I may even have a topo of it! I'll look. I also have a friend who did an article for rock and no-ice on climbing in the meteora. Sounded like the best place to go in Greece. Greece is very nice and I found if you got away from the tourist areas, the people were super friendly and always wanting to feed you! We were in a VW buss, so it was easy to get off the beaten path. Watch out for the Retcina, metaxa and "moon-juice". It's all creeper!
  3. I carry some of those codine laced pain killers from Canada for injuries with a lot of pain. I also carry a small tube of super glue for fairly severe lacerations. I don't have or know how to apply sutures.
  4. I chose the superfly over the pocket rocket cause it looked a tad more stable and only a tad more in weight and a tad faster. Who the hell is tad anyway? Here's a comparison chart: http://www.msrcorp.com/stoves/images/three_flames.gif Lummox, your sig
  5. I got the camera and this thing rocks! Just need a week to figure out all the minute things you can do. The full manual is 170 pages! I was amazed at it's size, smaller than I expected. The stylus 400 comes in 4.+ pixels for those who want more (add $100). 3.+ seemed fine for me. As I mentioned, I insisted on the ALL WEATHER feature and Olympus quality and that is why I selected this camera. At $313, I think it's a great value.
  6. Heard it's a great one by moonlight. I'm always interested to ski it if anyone's heading that way.
  7. That's a shame. It seems that there's this dangerous place between "hiking" and "climbing". Sounds like this guy was real athletic and confident and got in a little over his head. Perhaps his abilities were up to the task, but he was ill equipped to be at the upper elevations. I was on Elinor on Sunday and the 1st 1000 ft are snow free and then boom you're in it. You can't expect to "hike" these mountains at this time of year. You need proper footwear and an ice axe and some basic mountaineering skills. If the clouds were doing what they were on Sunday and probly the same on the day he was there (why the helicopter couldn't fly) it would be really easy to get disoriented up there, find yourself in difficult terrain and make some bad choices. I still have never climbed Mt Washington in spite of climbing Elinor about 6 times. It looks complicated to me. I guess with my skill, I respect it. I have come close to doing the Elinor/Washington traverse solo a few times, but I get intimidated by trying to find my way down Washington having never been up it. There are lots of cliff bands and it just looks complicated. That's my assessment without having a real report on what happened. Being he was solo, I guess we'll never really know. My condolences to his family.
  8. Every time I go into the wilderness, it is for a "religeous" experience. I have a bag of ashes from a friend of mine who died and I spread some on every mountain I climb!
  9. You shouldn't expect a woman to shave unless you're willing to shave yourself. Your hairy bush against her smoothness is irritating! I like it trimmed short so my tongue doesn't feel like it's bushwacking in the North Cascades. WHAT? No photo's with this thread???
  10. Why would you buy ANYTHING you don't/shouldn't plan on using????
  11. You can use mine if you give me a pull! Part of boating/waterskiing is finding people to go with you that know how to drive. I do!
  12. UPDATE (May 11): You can drive all the way to the upper trailhead. Plenty of snow from before bottom of chute and up. The otter slide is well formed and fairly deep in spots. It messes up skiing the chute. With cloud cover it was still fairly firm and fast, but unlikely you'd come out of it. We (my 8 year old son) skiied the summer route instead. Fun, fun, fun!
  13. Here's My 8 year olds email to his mom in Vermont: Hi Mom, Yesterday was my birthday, but Dad didn't let me sleep. We got up early and drove to Mt Ellinor in the Olympics. At the trailhead we loaded my ski boots in my pack and Dad put my skis on his pack along with his skis too. At first the trail was dirt with lots of log steps, but soon we were in snow. When we came out of the forest at the bottom of a steep chute, we put my ski boots on. Dad kicked good steps for me, but some were really big. The clouds were all around and I kept asking for the sun to come out, but Dad said clouds were better because it wasn't so hot. We made it to the top in a little more than 2 hours. We had peanutbutter sandwiches on top and then put our skis on. There was a big otter slide in the chute so Dad said the skiing would be better in the bowl where the summer route comes up so we went there. We skied some trees on top then in the bowl and then in the forest. The snow was really good and we didn't break through. We skiied all the way until the snow ended and our skis were really dirty when we took them off. On the way home, Dad bought some shrimp and Oysters and then we had a birthday/mothers day party and I got to shoot the new arrows we got on the way home. They're really cool and go in the target really far. I really like my new bow! Do you want to try it? Anyway, it was a great birthday and I can't wait to see you soon. Dad took pictures and so you can look at them. Love, Jordan
  14. Yeah, I can get the 128mg for only $10 more. Maybe I should change my order? The thing that kinda pissed me off was that I already had an Olympus for my office work and this new Olympus uses a different type media card, so I need new cards AND a new reader! I pretty much already knew it's the accessories where they get you and make the $$$!
  15. Lambone, I just ordered one! $313 plus $20 shipping. Just wondering what your experience with battery life has been? Also, how fast do you fill up the 16mg card that comes with the camera? I ordered extra battery and 64 mg card for another $80+. Don't want to run out in the middle of a Pickett trip!!! Did you get a case too? The one they were offering looked bogus so I didn't get it. Usually aftermarket stuff that is better.
  16. In 1986 it was a flaring seam on the pitch after the lip we pounded a #2 stopper into. I still have it! The crux for me was learning how to jug over the lip.
  17. OK, I think I'll bring kid and shoes to bbQ tonite. No promises, but I will try. School night you know!
  18. Are shoes or girlfriend old. Which are you sending me?? I'll take the girlfriend, Jordan will take the shoes. If neither fit, we'll both grow into them!
  19. I carry pink and purple and 2 pins on alpine or long ice climbs as my backup gear. I like them but don't use them very much for pure rock climbing.
  20. OK, the shoes I have to give away are about 7-3/4" long. My son's foot is about 8-1/2" long. For these purposes, this seems better than our screwed up american sizing system. Those who contacted me, double check to see if these work for your son/daughter so we don't waste time shipping shoes that don't really fit! Any one have some for me????
  21. WHY did you choose this cameara over others. How much did you pay???
  22. I did a TON of research, including places in Canada. This statement is no longer true! Times have changed. In Seattle, this is where I went: http://www.kmlasik.com/ If you are a serious candidate and want specific info, call me. I don't have time to explain everything here just for kicks. I did it, I like it, 'nuff said. PS: beware of optometrist referals. They have a pretty serious monetary gain by steering you to who they want you to use. Mine tried to refer me and I chose my own.
  23. I had it done in December in Seattle for about $2000. I used $ from my re-fi on my house. You don't need to go to Canada anymore. I paid for the latest technology on the Baushe & Lomb machine. It friggin rocks that I don't have to mess with contacts anymore. I don't have a problem with dry eyes either. It's a painless procedure and I highly suggest it if you are a proper candidate. PM me if you want a referal to the place I went in Seattle. You want to go to a place close to where you live because you have multiple follow up exams for 3 months after. If you go to Canada, that can be a pain. The doctors I used both had worked in Canada and had 30,000 procedures between them.
  24. Ok, i read the digital camera thread and nobody mentioned this camera. They have the stylus 400 and the stylus 300. The only difference is the pixels and price. The 400 has 4.23 megapixels ($499 retail) and the 300 has 3.34 megapixels for $399 retail. I found the 300 for $299 on a website camera store. That SEEMS like a good deal. I have generaly been favorable towards Olympus cameras. I really like their size and weight and this one even offers short video clips of 40 seconds so I can make a ski movie or film sportclimbers taking wippers! Any comments? Here is full specs: http://www.buyritedigital.com/main/propage.cfm?part=1216
  25. This is my son Jordan's (age 8) TR from last weekend! It's an email he dictated to me for his Mom in Vermont. Thanks for the email. The weekend was great. On Saturday, we parked at the big hairpin turn at Washington Pass and put skins on our skis. At first we were in the forest. My skins were slipping, so we took them off. My feet worked better....for awhile, but then I started sinking up to my hips so Daddy had me put the skis back on again and he invented the daddy tow. He tied 2 ski poles together in a row and tied them to his butt pack and I held on while he he towed me. It was creepy at first but I got the hang of it. We got up to 2 skinny trees and took our skins off, put my shell on and skiied down. That was awesome! We went down thru trees and an avalanche gulley with bumps in it.That was the best part. Then we went back to the cabin. Then we went to the river and we found 2 beaver dams and saw where they chopped down all sorts of trees. We helped them by throwing logs in the pond and putting some big branches on the dam where the water was flowing around. Then we saw a Canada goose sitting on a log. We went too close so she flew away. She was sitting on a nest, so we went up to look and saw 5 big yellow eggs. We got outta there fast so she would come back. That night I made a campfire all by myself and it was smokey. There were about 10 people and I was the beer bottle opener. I used my knife with the special blades. We had marshmellows too. The next morning my fire was still going so we threw logs on. Then we cleaned up and put out the fire with water and then went rock climbing. I climbed a double black diamond in my bare feet. I did 3 routes and the last one was the hardest. Stebbie, my Dad's friend was nice and I liked Kurt too. Stebbie played soccer with me. He is from Iceland. Did you know Iceland is green and Greenland is ice?
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