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Everything posted by cj001f

  1. ouch. when I lived in DC I had my car towed. When I was at the lot standing at the counter someone called up and reamed the towing dude for 15 minutes while I sat there laughing. He and I had a good chuckle, I was polite, he told me he remembered my plates and wouldn't tow my car again.
  2. I'd bollywood if i could too
  3. wakes for the undead are the best kind
  4. YOu are a big spender. Its usually good for a couple of shots and maybe some wine from me.
  5. thats why I'm a drunkard
  6. cj001f

    Can someone

    Don't underestimate what you can do with a good hand pump. The only way to drink!
  7. pacific edge had soft grades. I could climb 5.9 there
  8. cj001f

    I am posting

    I've never met a carnivorous mac owner
  9. I resemble that remark.
  10. Wanted: Dirtbag climbergal who will sell herself for fleece
  11. What has Bush done to benefit humanity?
  12. If the simpletons can't realize humans are complex creatures who gives a fuck? Eugenics, Race and IQ aren't new fodder for scientists why don't you join JayB and Fairweather playing Oookie Cookie with a portrait of Ronnie Raygun
  13. Dude, your typicing wouldn't exist invention of a "tarnished" Nobel Prize winner - or are you too dim to remember Shockley
  14. or just buy something skimpy from Victorias Secret in the wrong size. the possibilities of misinterpretation are endless!
  15. The lifeguards start hitting on the MILF?
  16. No, silly, there's a bunch of fat welfare recipients below the deck on these: I'm hoping to be middle class one day. Then I can pay mexicans to peddle the bikes when I watch TV.
  17. Thats wonderful and all - but did you know their are 20,000 beady eyed Venetians extorting tourists at this very moment?
  18. It does. No more incinerating the dead bodys.
  19. thanks for killing the mood.
  20. we're adults now we get to decide those things
  21. enjoying the ride?
  22. a touch big for my taste, but I'll take a nice sloop
  23. I think of Corsair. Corsairs make me horny. < wing tip wiggle >
  24. I'm too busy punching myself in the face in front of the truckstop. Maybe next time.
  25. skip the buck, post the porn
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