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Everything posted by cj001f

  1. mark will want the dead bodies, he's into that kinda stuff
  2. but not Weltschmerz Gemütlichkeit!
  3. 14.6 lbs
  4. Why fucking bother with college then? Just spend $80k travelling around the world for 4 years instead
  5. cj001f

    Into the Wild

    Your point, Mr. modern sanitation drugs and a plentiful food supply is the greatest thing ever, is?
  6. JayB hates Europe so much he's given up on schadenfreude
  7. cj001f

    Into the Wild

    I posted on cc.com at a cafe with 3 armed guards out front as well as an impromptu goat slaughter market and a nasty case of the runs back in January The endless list of reasons why this story isn't interesting (and the multipage webthreads that develop) would suggest the story actually is interesting. Or at least the base idea behind it - the interaction of humans and the idea of wilderness
  8. damn it's like the pond out front of the office with all the quacks
  9. cj001f

    Into the Wild

    Don't really see him as much different from some climbers Remember a quote from Todd Skinner describing a meeting with an old Inuit on some trip to Greenland. The old guy asked them why they'd come, he replied to go climbing, the old guy replied for adventure, good. Intestinal parasites, poverty, and men with guns aren't as bad as suburbia thinks.
  10. the bitch set me up
  11. My Aunt was a professor in the school of meth production
  12. Chamonix, Innsbruch
  13. cj001f

    sugar mama wanted

    Is this your monthly emo women suck thread?
  14. She's also a kickass AT skier.
  15. live in Huaraz and don't work because you don't have to
  16. Typical colo-retard. Missed the point of my comparison. The mountains of Colorado are nice, cool, if slightly overrated in some respects. It's just that everything in the Front Range is interchangeable suckitude. Just one tract subdivision after another tract subdivision. Much like Southern California, except with shittier weather. Like Southern California there's proximity to cool stuff, but the actual places people live suck ass.Now, start talking mountain towns in CO I might say something different. Since I mostly ski nowadays I'll take the PNW ski season and ski terrain over CO anyday of the year. You can get 30 days BC skiing between July and October out here
  17. Is this the thread where Fairweather sends angry PMs?
  18. They pay you to ski there? The cost of living is low because you live on a big, flat, prairie filled with subdivisions. It's cheap to live in Pierce county too but you don't hear people raving about it, do you. The front range of colorado is like southern california east of the 101. just because you are close doesn't counteract the shitty boring place you live.
  19. were you the guy who stuck wands in the route today? Or were those just legacy?
  20. Yeah, CA is pretty much done as an affordable place to live. I hope for a major quake in Mammoth :tup: Dunno about the medical profession, but the engineering positions I've looked at in Bozeman were pretty poor paying - even considering the lower COL. Worse than PDX. Seattle's a cool city, but WA as a state, and the residents, need to pull their heads out of their asses and lay the ground work now so they can keep it that way.
  21. so I can blame my bitch tits on the nalgene?
  22. I take myself and my posting very seriously. My actions here will change the course of the globe. You sir, can go fuck yourself.
  23. yet again you misunderestimate me JayB. I've set up a fund for this youngster and will send all proceeds* to the brat. *minus a handling fee, of course
  24. I'm more down with internet message board entitlement to pass judgement on everyone than anything else.
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