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Everything posted by layton

  1. whoa!!!! broseph! that's totally rightous brah!!!!!!
  2. if it's on the inside of the elbow with the palm up, then it's medial epicondylitis, aka golfer's elbow. palm down and it's on top of the elbow, it's lateral aka tennis elbow. if it's medial, it changes things a tad, but not too much. Much more likely a muscle strain than a chronic NMS dysfunction like lateral epicondylitis. either way internet diagnosis is sketchy at best, therefor the treatment suggested should be taken with a grain of salt. seeing an expert in person is you best bet. emphasis on expert. your family doc or run of the mill massage therapist doesn't count as an expert.
  3. yup, that's the article
  4. layton


  5. Pope's dead on. Although, not to say you can't get serious inflammation at the lateral epicondyle and relief w/NSAIDS, and RICE... ...It's just that the majority of suffers don't have inflammation! Ultrasound hasn't proven an effective treatment either, which is disappointing. Re-training the neuro-muscular patters of the wrist and arm with deep tissue massage and a kinesthetic type brace are the best bets.
  6. yeah...like you!!!!!!! ha!
  7. most folks tennis elbow complains are of a chronic nature, and inflammation is usually not there, it's a weird neurological issue. so after it's acute, the whole anti-inflammatory treatment doesn't work very well. Taping and braces help sometimes, but don't fix the issue, nor does cortisone injections.
  8. Fuck yeah Erik!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. do laps on jug routes at the climbing gym until you can't even use your keys to open the front door
  10. thanks!
  11. Anyone know of any part time jobs over the holidays? I'm broke (literally) and would like to pay my bills and get some people christmass gifts w/o borrowing money. I can work weekends, mon/wed/fri afternoon and tue/thurs mornings until 11:30. Thanks, Mike
  12. Yeah, it's fucking hard and painful as shit now. I hopped on it w/out knowing that and had a hell of a time.
  13. could someone please post that photo of BCMountaingirl again?
  14. Imaginary Voyage!!!!! Rollerball!!!!! Clean and Jerk!!!
  15. That 2nd pitch was in similar conditions when Marcus and I did it last year. You can get a 1/2 assed pin in that looks pretty when you are above it, but that's about it. Try it again and I bet you'll get it. This route requires little to no ice to climb. Good job on getting after it, you'll get it next time!
  16. yes (i think)
  17. I generally only 2 significant figures
  18. i meant 5.9
  19. 5.90
  20. Very hard for the grade, I nailed my belayer (carolyn) in the mouth when I dyno'd for that reachy hold, then got scared as my ground fall got bigger and bigger.
  21. now go climb something!
  22. Check out this shirt Loser Talk I'm sure Alex would be proud. JoJo told me that Lowe made this famous comment when he was there, and was instantly annoyed by the B.S. value of it all.
  23. the link was actually posted here, and I witnessed it. I'm usually into watching stuff for it's shock value, but this was right up there, no worse, than that beheading video. It was so wrong, it wasn't even a bit amusing.
  24. Too bad, scoliosis was the hot topic for rehab today
  25. What town is this in?
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