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Everything posted by layton

  1. yo, what does the "this" of "check this out" refer too?
  2. layton


    y'all need to work on your elo-quince
  3. layton


    oh my god, i have the shits! What a "quince-dence!"
  4. PM wayne1112 and hopefully he can hook you up. I'd just head up there and plan on doing whatever looks clever.
  5. I still find it hard to believe that those frat boys were not reading from a script! It was just too...perfect.
  6. use dirt in your bag
  7. It's gonna be hard to get on it w/the road washed out. Wayne Wallace is the guy to ask. I've tried to get on it twice and have been weathered off or it's been bone dry
  8. don't know many folks who get medial epicondylitis climbing...maybe an aggressive swing would do it, lock offs doubtfull. Lateral-yes.
  9. i put less than 70 movies on the list, i'm pretty sure there's been thousands of comedy movies. wedding crashers sucked.
  10. bring a change of socks and a bicycle and you'll do fine
  11. john is referring to medial epicondylitis or elbow tendinitis. Pull ups create an extreme amount of varus force on the outside of the elbow. Rock rings or dowel rods allow your elbow to pivot and not place so much stress. John's idea is most excellent. The dowel rods or tool shafts require lots of grip strength, and the pull ups get your shoulders and arms. Training "sport specific" will increase your strength for that sport. Doing a bunch of pull ups will help those of you who are generally weak and who don't have to strength. Slow pull ups and isometric holds will train your muscles at those specific arm locations. Way more time is spent in a isometric hold climbing, than it is in the actual process of a pull up. try not to work on grip strength specifically too much, injury is too easy in that area. By combing it with an activity like a pull up, you are doing more functional training and are less likely to injur. To round out the training, be sure to work your wrist extensors and triceps, and also your lower traps. A hammer swing with tubing or weights is a good way to exercise the extensors and provide a functional way to train, sport specific. Lower traps do ground angles on the carpet or wide grip lat pull downs and only pull down a few inches. Finally a punch-plus will help stabilize the shoulder--with a pully or tubing-punch straight out, then push out a bit farther, like a karate punch. If you do staggered pull ups, get both sides equally, even if one side is weaker. Do as many as you can on the BAD side, and the same amount on the good. It'll catch up.
  12. Game Keeper's Thumb fracture/avulsion?
  13. go visit the twin sisters
  14. We had three teams of two all wanting to rap at the same time off the S.Howser Tower, 6 ropes total. We got all 6 people off in the dark in under an hour with the above method.
  15. Easy. Give all the ropes to the 1st two rapellers and have them simul rap, set up anchors, and toss the ropes until they are out of ropes. 2nd set of people simul raps, and at each station, one person pulls other coils. Much faster than 2 people IF you simul.
  16. Gary- Sternum forward, chin tucked in and head retracted. Any overhead activity, especially the arm abducted and externally rotated can cause numbness, tingling, weakness. Hand position of extension and elbow flexion stress the ulnar nerve, and elbow extension with wrist extension can get the median nerve. I don't know the position for the chello per say, but try and avoid those arm and hand positions. If that's not possible, and support on the elbow to lean on may help...or repetive micro-break and pec/arm/wrist/neck stretches.
  17. Same problem here, in fact my grip is weaker than most of my non-climbing friends. My problem is impingement of either my brachial plexus in my neck/shoulder, or median and ulnar nerve in in my forearm. So I'm going to try and stretch my pec minor and forearm and see if my strength improves.
  18. I believe Alan Kearney and his partner (sorry i forgot your name) tried and got most of the way up the NF of McMillian.
  19. suck it up and run in a cotton sweatshirt like a man
  20. i saw these photos last week, i'm better than everyone.
  21. I thought I put Dr. Strangeglove in that list? I also can't believe I forgot Strange Brew. Garden State? The Sandlot? What! It's hard to draw the line b/t cheese and funny. For instance Ski Patrol, Slapshot, etc etc aren't that funny but are b/c of the cheese factor. Add to the list: Better Off Dead, Repo Man, Eating Raol, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Big, Stir Crazy, All of Me
  22. don't bother, it's the chossiest rock in Washington's already chossy range.
  23. good point wayne. although it's tropic warm out right now, maybe it's freezing when it hits Hood's lil turd.
  24. can I change my vote to this? Fuck that stupid fucking movie
  25. bored as shit.
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