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Everything posted by layton

  1. thanks slick willy!
  2. Why don't we have a SouthWest (UT,AZ,NM,NV,TX) or Rocky Mountain (CO,MT,WY) forum! We all climb here and it would be a nice place to find beta. How 'bout it? Mountain Project is nice and all, but lacks our soul and wit. Uncage the soul!
  3. I hear there are 10 pitch bolted sport climbs near there. No beta on mtn project, but apparently there was a thread with beta on rockclimbing.com (searching was too difficult) todd miller knows about it. If you figure it out, let me know please!
  4. Anybody catch the name of the pool!!!! "The Cowboy Water'n Hole" How come we haven't mocked this for several pages yet?
  5. Well put!
  6. hours of entertainment. the mccain one is kinda creepy http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/mccain.htm
  7. Why would women have a breast "enhancement" of any size? It's a lot cheaper to have the words "low self-esteem" tattooed on your forehead. Keep 'em as God made them, I say! If you think the mens don't likes them small, too bad. Who you trying to impress anyway? The only exception I can think of would be this friend of mine whose "hoots" were so huge, she had serious back pain. She had them "reduced" and it corrected the problem. Breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery is an important part of the healing and recovery process for many women. Although it may seem to you that a woman who would get her boobs replaced as a sign of low self esteem and an inability to adjust to being boobless in a boob-obsessed world, it is traumatic enough to go through any type of illness without adding the bullshit that comes with men who feel qualified or justified in diagnosing others' "self esteem" issues. Wow, what an insightful, self-important statement that has nothing to do with the point of the topic. Thanks for that.
  8. if there swelling or redness spread, or there is any sign of streaking or if you get any flu-like symptoms go to the hospital this second regardless of money...just ask Porter.
  9. quit asking some many fucking questions and be a man about it
  10. Nice Muffy! The next update will have some big changes. It's amazing how many times you can read something and find something wrong you want to change. Autoimmune problems are really challenging. You'll pull through. If something is helping, keep doing it. If it's not, stop and try something else.
  11. I'd totally be there, but I have to give a lecture that friday
  12. You have "Jumper's Knee," chronic inflammation of the infrapatellar tendon. Wear a "chopat" or similar brace - a band that goes around below your kneecap and takes the pressure off of it. Transverse friction massage, rest, ice, and strengthening your vastus medialis oblique muscle will help it heal. Look up the VMO exercises on the internet, they are easy to figure out (leg extensions, presses, squats, 1-legged stands) with empahsis on the inner part of your quad. It help to turn your leg out, or squeeze a ball b/tween your knees when doing leg presses. The end.
  13. Can you please point to the court where on the voodoo doll the white man touched you?
  14. I climbed perfect granite in sunny weather all day with a 5 minute approach and a 10 minute commute. Same tomorrow, same on monday. Kinda makes me miss that shit
  15. layton

    Gas prices vs ?

    What if your car ran on gold? OMG that would be pricey. Goddamnit you're an idiot on the interwebs kevbone
  16. Too bad they don't make this anymore! http://www.trailspace.com/gear/moonstone/800-lucid/
  17. I also added some stuff like duct-taping tri-cams and pro/cons of using your helmet for storage. The 2nd edition will include comments from the board, full color photos of all exercises, anecdotes, and injury rehab.... and will possibly be for sale. So keep the comments/tips and criticisms coming. Anyone read the nutrition section? I went on a major geek out for that one. One section that is entirely missing is on Aid climbing tips. I don't aid climb very well and if someone wants to write that, I'll stick it in. I imagine that could take up a LOT of pages and require a LOT of diagrams. Another interesting section would be international travel tips/tricks. But I've only been to Canada and my only tip is to phrase everything like a question to blend in.
  18. oh wait, you mean make the rope into a daisy chain. I dunno, that sounds incredibly fucked. Then again, I ain't tried it. All rappelling advice must pass a trial run at Red Rocks, or perhaps Iron Messiah in Zion.
  19. robert, I don't get your daisy chain situation. Do you mean to lap coil each rope and holster them in a daisy chain or sling - so when you rap, you're feeding the rope instead of tossing it? If so, I just added that to the rappelling section, as well as adding having the first person do a "test-pull" and also the 2nd sliding the knot down while on rappel.
  20. i meant a woman's black bra (as opposed to a mans). Is that bra still there? It was an excellent routefinding marker on where to turn in the bushes.
  21. No it's long term, I've cycled it so if you actually stick to the plan, you can reward yourself by longer rests b/t training and shortened training weeks each time around. It's pretty hard to stick to the program, but better to aim high, eh? The whole 2nd half is an alpine tips book
  22. Heck yeah!
  23. I wasn't a big fan of that book
  24. Thanks, I toyed with the idea for getting into specific injuries, etc as well as adding anecdotes etc.. but that would be something to do if I was to publish it. I believe I talk about injuries quite a bit in the first couple pages. The last 10 pages or so are completely different than the rest.
  25. Lost: one very large black woman's bra on approach to dreamer years ago.
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