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Everything posted by Winter

  1. The Steelers played on the road against the # 1, 2 and 3 seeds in their conference and then beat the # 1 seed in the NFC. Say all you want. We just witnessed the best playoff run in the history of the NFL - by the youngest QB ever to win the game - and it may never be repeated.
  2. Give me a fucking break and cry me a river. The refs fucked up the Steelers game against the Colts just as bad if not worse. Blown INT call - blown Pass Interference - blown penalties. Steelers didn't sit around and bitch - they stepped it up and won the game with heart. All this complaining is loser speak plain and simple.
  3. I don't know, I climbed it once in late June and rock fall was an issue low on the route. I don't think I'd wait until July if I could go a bit earlier. We didn't use snowshoes and had no problem, but the whole upper mountain was a sheet of ice that year, so it may not have been normal conditions.
  4. Then this guy is gonna come kick your ass!
  5. Yeah, JB, he was profiled in the current Alpinist and they recount this story at the beginning of the article.
  6. Yeah that's the guy. I think that comparison between Ruff and Pierre and Shane and Kent is total BS. I skied once or twice with those guys at Squaw back in the day when they started pulling back flips and front flips off the Palisades, and they had that shit under control. They'd huck a huge backflip over Extra Chute, stick the landing and then straightline it down onto the flats at 60 mph. Sick sick sick. Not that Pierre couldnt' do that - but its different.
  7. Somewhere I'd like to see a history of people that have tried to break this record. I remember back in 94-95 or sometime around there someone tried a 125 footer or so and landed on rocks and came up spitting blood right before his death. Linking clifflines on a huge face at top speed will always be way more impressive to me, although this guy's got some huge Christian nads (or a pee-sized Christian brain).
  8. Winter


    Yinz know Primanti's kicks some serious ass like the Stillers.
  9. Winter


    IRON CITY BEER KICKS ASS! How can the Seahawks compete with this kind of history and tradition?
  10. You guys are all cruising for some serious disappointment.
  11. I called it! I'll say it again: We'll crush in 2 weeks. The 'Hawks are unstoppable now. The Hawks were celebrating like they had already won the Super Bowl. Just making the big game was a victory. Look for the Stillers to pummel them into submission.
  12. He may have been drunk, but that guy felt the pain! Jake Plummer will feel similar pain this Sunday.
  13. Sweet video of the incident in question. Yeah boy!
  14. Too bad Jerry died, or I would have prescribed a month of Dead tour, hitchhiking and and the associated substance abuse, in carefully monitored doses of course. Why not send him away to a foreign contry for awhile? You'll get him out of the house, he gets to roam free and hopefully he'll get some perspecitve. Otherwise just continue to show him some love and respect and it will all turn out ok.
  15. bump I hope some folks can make this. We're helping to coordinate with the AAC. This is gonna be a fun event that will help out some people seriously in need in Kashmir.
  16. Shit this type of thing happens all the freakin time on Killi. I saw two guides literally pulling and carrying a South African woman to the top of the Western Breach in like 18-24" of powder snow.
  17. This is short of the idealized internet version. Lifting is often used in wieght lost programs and I'm certianly not saying you shouldn't lift to lose wieght. But your not going to be able to add muscle and shred fat at the same time. If calories in > calories burn = tissue added (type of tissue dependent on type of food, time of eating, lifestyle, hormones, etc. If calories in < calories burned = loss of tissue aka is loss of fat and muscle agian the ratio is subject to variables. Come on eric, if you bust ass on the weights and keep your k intake below your burn rate, you're still going to tone and strengthen muscle and get rid of some fat. You're gonna chage your body's composition.
  18. I heard the Mustang Ranch was nice and warm this time o year.
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