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Everything posted by Winter

  1. He wouldn't have have been doping just for one stage. It would be an indicator of a longer program. The UCI uses a ratio of 4:1 - just lowered it from 6:1. Apparently naturaly occurring ratios higher than 6:1 have been documented. Check this out also: Evaluation of testosterone/epitestosterone ratio influential factors as determined in doping analysis. van de Kerkhof DH, de Boer D, Thijssen JH, Maes RA. Utrecht Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Human Toxicology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. D.H.vandeKerkhof@pharm.uu.nl The ratio of the concentration of testosterone glucuronide to the concentration of epitestosterone glucuronide (T/E ratio) as determined in urine is the most frequently used method to prove testosterone abuse by athletes. A T/E ratio higher than 6 has been considered as proof of abuse in the past; however, cases of naturally occurring higher T/E ratios have been described. Since the introduction of the T/E ratio in doping analysis, the parameters that may or may not influence the T/E ratio, possibly leading to false-positive results, have been debated. To achieve more insight on the influencing circumstances, an overview is given to obtain an objective view on the merits of the urinary T/E ratio. Relevant analytical aspects of the T/E ratio, potential parameters of endogenous and exogenous origins, as well as some alternative methods to determine testosterone abuse, such as the urinary testosterone/luteinizing hormone ratio, gas chromatography-combustion-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry, hair analysis, and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, are discussed.
  2. I'm leaving for Juneau tomorrow afternoon for a wedding and staying the weekend. We'd rather sleep outside somewhere and avoid a hotel. Anyone got a good choice spot somewhere near town?
  3. Yes its easy and fun and worth doing. A very nice day out. The only drawback is the loose approach gully, but its short and not that bad.
  4. I think the best bet here is a voluntary donation system. How much money can it really cost to maintain that place? I know I would be happy to kick in a few $$ once in awhile to avoid a mandatory fee system.
  5. I hear its due out a week after the new Smith Guide.
  6. Winter

    magic indeed

    No shit I would scared shitless tripping in a controlled setting.."why are all these people watchng me?" they're watching you cause you're triping. duh. now take off all you clothes and run around screaming about the ants on your skin.
  7. So if you have rocket box on the top of the car, do you think its safer to keep your shit in there? Anyone had one broken into?
  8. Winter

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Maybe this will help: On a side note, there was a positive Ron Jeremy sighting at SE 26th and Clinton St. in Portland yesterday afternoon. He was wearing a T-Shit that said "The wetter the better." I think he may have offended one or two of the local yuppies. Classic.
  9. Unless you're planning on spending several days in East Creek or somehwere else more remote, you will be able to get the weather report from the hut and all the folks that pass through the hut (if you're at Applebee). Renting and packing in a radio may be overkill for this area. Just my .02.
  10. Winter

    magic indeed

    au contraire. those are called "coke goggles."
  11. Winter

    magic indeed

    Kind of ironic the federal government is spending grant $$ to figure out what teenagers across the country have known since '65. I hear the next study is designed to determin whether beer actually causes "beer goggles."
  12. The Mt. St. Helens Institute is a legit orgnaization, but I think this is complete BS to use a closure as an excuse to change the system and squeeze more mooney out of the public. For an organization that is supposed to educate the public, it seems like jacking up service fees for climbing permits would run counter to their mission.
  13. It was mostly nuts, cams and slings. You can drop the sixer off on my door step.
  14. Climb: Prusik Peak-South Face Date of Climb: 7/10/2006 Trip Report: Jeff Alzner and I clmbed the South Face of Prusik on Sunday. A very fun route. Not much to add from all the other TRs on the site. I think we did it in 5 pitches and took about 5-5.5 hours from camp-to-camp. I think you could run the first pitch to the top tree and the second to right under the chock stone, the third to the top of the squeeze and the 4th to the summit. We had an extra in there somewhere - Jeff traversed out left at the top of the first pitch and then came into the trees from the left - fun variation. Ahh the misery of the hike out Snow Creek - you know you've been there. There's SCW ... still there ... not there yet ... getting close ... almost there ... there's the road ... still there ... etc etc etc. Obligatory Goat Shots From the Asgard Slog In the Lakes Eye Candy And the Route Gear Notes: Took the #4. Probably worth hauling it up there. Approach Notes: Came up over Asgard - still lots of snow in the lakes. Freaking beuatiful!!! Water everywhere.
  15. If you're in a pinch, I know this sweet spot down by I205 - already some mattresses there, some sweet climbing nearby and some great neighbors. You should check it out.
  16. Winter

    I'm just sayin

    "Sweet Jane" should be played by the Velvet Undergroun.
  17. Winter

    For the ladies

    I know where I'll be on the 15th.
  18. Winter

    The Tour de Doping

    the east german women's bodyduilding team on bikes.
  19. Winter

    The Tour de Doping

    So Dru how do you get around the hair folicle tests?
  20. Dope Dopey Basso, Ulrich and Mancebo are out. Vino's team may not have enough riders. Lance retried. WTF?! Usually the tour makes me want to ride my bike. Now I have this unexplained urge to stick a needle in my arm.
  21. Bill I'd love to come and climb with you and provide some motivation, but I'm stuck in wedding hell right now. I'm committed all weekend with maybe a day to get away in the Sisters or something, but it ain't gonna be pretty. Glad to hear they saved the boat. They'll get better at not sinking after a few near misses. Send some hard shit dude ...
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