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Everything posted by Winter

  1. This thread is seriously worth reading. I can only imagine if this happened here.
  2. Oh yeah, Tacos told me about that Bugaboo incident. Funny. Some snaffle somewhere is having babies in a nice pair of comfy booties.
  3. chopping bolts and chipping holds - makes a lot of sense. at least at rocky butte we pass on the chipping holds for snortin meth and hucking rocks at cars on I205.
  4. you think that's bad? you should try trader joe's turkey chili. seriously. that shit haunted me for like two days at least. ever had gas smell just like the turkey chili you ate two days ago? now that haunts me when I go to sleep at night. and it haunts my wife even worse.
  5. Climb: Lovers Leap - Hardly Strictly Bluegrass- Date of Climb: 10/6/2006 Trip Report: Back at the desk after another excellent trip that once again call into question the sanity of holding down a regular job. Why? K and I started out at Lovers Leap. First time we've been there, and we loved it. Free camping. Beautiful rock. No mid-week crowds. Cool locals. We pulled into the parking lot and the first guy we see says "My japanese friend here is looking for a rid to Yos. You going that way?" We knew right away he was talking about Tacos, who we met at Red Rocks in the spring of '05. She got dropped off by some strangers on a cold windy night when the campground was full. I asked her if she was ok and she asked if she could crash in our site. We've been there before and obliged. Haven't seen her since, but there she was at the Leap 18+ months later. Ended up climbing with her a bit and hanging in Camp 4 through a rainstorm later in the week. Fess up - who knows Tacos? Someone out there must have met her before, because apparently all she does is travel around North America bumming rides and looking for climbing partners. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/119Haystack_2_small_-med.jpg' alt='119Haystack_2_small_-med.jpg'> Bear's Reach is a good warm up to the area. Haystack was a walk with one semi-hard move at the fun roof. Look for the jug. Surrealistic Pillar to the Line Yeah the line kicks ass. I thought it was sustained but pretty easy for 5.9. Incredible rock and a great position. Watch out for the blind reach to the loose flake on pitch 2. Someone needs to trundle that shit before it takes out a belayer. The Groove to Hospital Corner Hospital Corner was definitely the highlight. HIGHLY recommended for anyone within spitting distance of being a solid .10a trad leader. A steep corner, tons of pro, incredible rock and an awesome position. Also got some time in at Phantom Spires. Cool place. BIG knobs. From there we drove over Tioga Pass, through the Meadows and Camp 4 to San Francisco for Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. Del and the Boys Del kicks ass. The Ladies The Bums Bonerama at the Boom Boom Room on Staurday Night. Oh yeah ... a little piece of Nawlins in SF for the weekend. 4 trombones, a souzaphone, a drummer and guitarist blaring Crosstown Traffic at you from 5 feet away at 3 am. How much do we need to retire? Gear Notes: no computer, no cell phone and no worries Approach Notes: PDX-Lovers Leap-Tioga Pass-Camp 4-SF-PDX
  6. So now can someone please tell me why the system is uploading each of my photos to the gallery two-four times per photo? For some reason, when I upload a pic, it shows up in the gallery multiple times, and when I try to delete one or two of the versions, they all disappear. Anyone else have this problem?
  7. the thought of having five screaming kids running around my house.
  8. Anyone know why my machine seems to upload every photo at least two and sometimes three or four times into the gallery? I haven't been able to figure it out. Thanks.
  9. Leavin for another trip and finally got around to cleaning out the camera. the crux the climb the crux from the col the post-climb scotch on the rox
  10. Hey guys, I live here in Oregon and am working on several law suits regarding Measure 37, which is Oregon's equivalent. Both 933 and M37 are written very poorly and result in incredibly difficult problems of application and interpretation. If a more reasonable compromise had been worked out by the private property folks, then a limited number of people could actually have moved forward with rasonable projects (such as a single family dwelling on farm land). As it stands now, they reached too far and ended up with a law that is so confusing and difficult to apply that no bank will fund any of these projects. You can't just reverse hundreds of years of American political theory by suddenly deciding the government has to compensate people for every exercise of its regulatory power that results in some financial consequence. How the hell would we ever regulate anything?
  11. So how does someone use a fake id card to withdraw money from account? Sure you didn't leave it in the canadian brothel?
  12. yo keith what up buddy. i'd go climbing with ya but i'm off to california with the s.o. hope you been gettin out.
  13. Winter


    One of my climbing buddies' kid brought home a botfly in his forehead from Costa Rica. Apparently the maggot had started its transformation into a fly before they figured out what it was and removed it from his head. He put it in formaldahyde and took it school and became known as the "Botfly Boy." The home remedy involves duct taping a raw piece of meat to your head so the maggot has to burrow into it in order to reach the surface for fresh air. Parasite are cool.
  14. Thanks for sharing the stoke!! The wife and I are packing for a 10-day Cali swing as we speak - ETD Wednesday evening.
  15. shouldn't this be in cafe sensitivito? or perhaps the pirate forum? maybe a new butt pirate forum for kevbone?
  16. the US government provides flood insurance becasue rich white people like to live in floodplains. they have nice views and are clost to the water. duh.
  17. how many geomorphologists does it take to grind a thread into spray?
  18. Nothing like orals to cure a good hangover!
  19. If I dies tomorrow, I'd be dead AND hungover. I'll probably feel like I'm dead tomorrow morning anyway.
  20. come on Jim cut it out with the spray and be serious. its clearly the plame plant.
  21. Being that the event will have free beer and PRG is within stumbling distance of the doug fir and Mary's Club (google it if you aren't at work) I think the choice is obvious... WTF?! False advertising. Mary's Club is downtown on Broadway next to US Outdoor. You must be referring to Union Jack's, which is famous for being run by the Russian Mafia. Get your PDX dens of sin straightened out if you're gonna appeal to the leacherous.
  22. Nice! Thanks for the stoke. Headed to the area with the wife in a couple of weeks.
  23. unplanned bivy due to our suckness. brrr. couple hours of toe rubbin and no worse for the wear. full harvest moon and no wind.
  24. Getting worked up about who posts what is only going to lead to misery and frustration. Fuck it. Use what you like and ignore the rest.
  25. Sry no pics yet. Jeff is the A/V stud. Telemarker, I've talked to other people that rapped the Big Hose as well. I'm pretty sure what happens is that once folks rap into the gully from the top of p15, they head straight up the first gully all the way to the ridge and end up North of the summit. If they rap down from there, the get the Big Hose. The route goes right into a second gully after the rap from p15 that tops out to the south of the summit next to the fixed rap stations. Easy mistake we almost made in the dark.
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