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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Climb: South Howser-Beckey-Chouinard Date of Climb: 9/6/2006 Trip Report: Alzner and I climbed Beck-Ch on Wed-Thur of this week. After a start slowed by a delayed departure, a speeding ticket in Stanfield, and a flat tire in Radium, we finally made it to Applebee. We hung out with Arnold from Squish who generously donated a full beer less than 5 minutes after our arrival at Applebee. Apparently his partner had bailed and left him with an "extra" beer. Never heard of "extra" beers before, but who were we to ask questions? Thanks Arnold! Things were turning around. Next morning we moved up further and then climbed the route the next day. Ended up bivying 200 ft. short of the summit after a long day of climbing. Beautiful route in a stunning setting. We didn't see anyone else in East Creek or on route. Woke up after a chilly bivy, topped out and rapped off. The final rap station was a 25' extension from a slung block. We both hung from the cord on 40 deg black ice, rerigged the rap and then rapped over the bergschrund. Touch down was sweet. Conditions are still excellent, but the B-S Col was tough to descend with tennie runners, aluminum crampons and a full pack - getting pretty icy and broken up. By the time we left, the place was empty and weather looked like it may move in. Still, this is a great time to be in the Bugs and not too late in the season. Gear Notes: alpine rack, axe, tennies, aluminum pons
  2. has anyone ever heard of an alien failing?
  3. So Mike does this mean you are getting shock therapy for your personality disorder?
  4. Don't know. I'm pretty sure I climbed what you're talking about a couple weeks ago and I assumed that had to the be the .9 lieback. The crack I climbed was pretty obvious from the base and looked like the crack went left at the top but I finished it striaght up or slightly to the right in a small corner.
  5. That's the 5.9 layback variation in the Beckey guide. Fun fun fun. Should be able to run it all the way to the base of the bear hug.
  6. You sound like yet another condescending environmentalist with unacceptable manners and lagging intellect. Pick up the shit and STFU. FW's true hypocrytical colors come screaming through in technocolor. BTW, try a penis extension next time. It'll prolly help you self-esteem more than flying your ass hole flag on the internet.
  7. Winter


    ok douche bag, let's here how you're roughing it in the ghetto (suburbs), workin in the mills (cubicle), roughing it like the Boss (Elton John), and scammin hairspray (guzzling jiz)
  8. Winter


    yep - have spent nights getting too wasted at the Penn Brewery. what the hell else are you gonna do on visits back home? i stopped cruising the monroeville mall for hairspray when i got married.
  9. Winter


    Hail the Pittburgh Steelers! Double Yoi!!
  10. Relocating the Kalaloch Lodge? That seems like a pretty big project - wonder how much that will cost.
  11. Winter


    DHarry you're a fucking pussy for dissin the Iron City. Myron Cope would kick your ass all over da Burgh. Now stfu and go back to drinking your wine coolers lady boy. BTW, TG's distributor also happens to be the only distributor of IC this side of the Mississippi.
  12. go with the one that fits better/more comfortable - prolly the xcr is my guess. I don't think you'll need the bulk of the cruiser.
  13. So who's slaughtering chickens up at Asgard? How does food or water get contaminated with Campylobacter? Many chicken flocks are silently infected with Campylobacter; that is, the chickens are infected with the organism but show no signs of illness. Campylobacter can be easily spread from bird to bird through a common water source or through contact with infected feces. When an infected bird is slaughtered, Campylobacter can be transferred from the intestines to the meat. More than half of the raw chicken in the United States market has Campylobacter on it. Campylobacter is also present in the giblets, especially the liver.
  14. Nate, there's at least two good books out there on this topic as well as lots of info on the web on this site and others. Do your homework, and I'm sure folks will help you out if you have specific questions.
  15. Climb: Washington Pass Nirvana-SW Rib SEWS; NWC NEWS; DEB SEWS Date of Climb: 8/18/2006 Trip Report: Just thought I would pass along some stoke from a freaking great weekend. Jeff and I spent three fantastic days at Washington Pass capped off with the DEB SEWS on Sunday. Met Ross and Jesse en route from Bellingham - nice folks. If you're reading, PM me cause we have some shots of you. I thought the rotten rock at the bottom kind of takes away from the route a bit, but overall what a great time. NEWS was busy on Sat. Two parties on the NW Corner and one on the West Face. Stellar climbing! SW Rib was fun as well. I had done it several years ago and thought the 5.9 lieback directly to the bear hug pitch as way better than bypassing it. Haven't gotten any pics uploaded yet - maybe later. Gear Notes: pro Approach Notes: approach DEB from the gully to the south and then across the loose ledges. A bit scary at the bottom but not big deal.
  16. Yeah we almost missed the exit ramp to the ledge and had to rap in from approx 40ft above before getting committed to the direct finish. I thought the routefinding through the first several pitches added to the attraction of the climb.
  17. Woot! Surf's Up is fun fun fun. Way better than then Krause-McCarthy looks from the rap.
  18. quit worryin about the pocket glacier and just go get it!
  19. Stay away from them - they make you shit blue.
  20. Haha! We saw the donut at the parking area. Sad looking thing. Did ya hit up the Darrington rock fest dude?! We tried to bargain are way in after climbing but they wanted $50/person to watch some dude from Styx play with some loser from Foreigner. Cheap Trick cancelled due to lack of payment. Classic Rock Rocks! I mean sux!
  21. Thanks. Bumb. Leaving soon. Anyone else with suggestions?
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