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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Guys, thanks a lot for following through on this.
  2. He may set the world record for shrinkage.
  3. So back to the original question - what's wrong with a private institution teaching kids to build a socialist republic out of leggo my eggos? Or maybe we should prevent private schools from providing an education on social and economic systems other than our own form of democracy and capitalism? Quick look at the little birdy ... I mean let's talk instead about poverty rates and income levels ... or maye let's talk about infant mortality ... or maybe even (god forbid) a little climbing (as a last resort).
  4. Kind words for the backcountry bretheren from Dave Riley's blog: But with all this DEEP POW, I'm asking that you abide by our Pro Patrol closures. Opening times for the Private Reserve, Jack's Woods, and the Lower Canyon have experienced delays most days but the areas have been opened up and it has been awesome! Meadows 'trollers have been busting butt to give you the goods and everyone owes them a huge THANK YOU! Just give them a chance to get their work done. We experienced an extended delay one morning last week because some fool skied under the rope and we had to clear him out before we could continue using explosives --can you believe that?
  5. This is first-rate stellar legal defense: "It's completely ridiculous,'' said Chris Cannon, an attorney representing the East Bay couple, who asked that their names not be used because they don't want their kids to know about the pot rap. "It's a disaster. I mean, who didn't smoke pot in the '70s?'' Yeah, who didn't smoke pot in the 70's ... but we don't want our kids to know that we smoked pot ... but the Canadians are totally retarded for caring that we smoked pot. Sounds like they're stoned.
  6. Not sure I can help you on that one, but I will try once again. You made a reference about reimbursing rescue costs even thought the rescue is most likely because of bad judgment or stupidity. My question was what if the rescue was because a natural occurrence, like rock fall that is neither bad judgment nor stupidity? Bullshit. Whoa! Better not tell the press about Chris Chandler's acid-induced exploits on 8k meter peaks. That would make kevbone's little ole rock climber friends seem pretty unextreme.
  7. I find it ironic that a thread about herbiage has quickly devoled into a bunch of bickering and pissing and moaning - or perhaps that's not ironic at all. Peace out dude!
  8. Yep, sad. DJ kicked ass. 1979 - I was seven years old. Loved the Sonics - watched them win the title. Then got uprooted and moved to Pittsburgh. The Pirates won the world series in October of that same year. Then the Stillers stepped up and won the Super Bowl for the 4th time in 6 years at the end of '79 early '80. three titles in a year. Ever since then I've been a sports fan - indoctrinated at an early age. Of course then I suffered through another 15 years of mediocrity until the Mario and the Pens won two in a row in the 90s.
  9. Ditto here. Put my long-time feline friend down a little more than a year ago now at 14 - one of the greatest cats of all time. Ugghh. Best of luck to you two.
  10. someone who makes shit up or pretends to be a complete jerk off just to get a bunch of other people to jump in with excessive flaming and ridicule - ala trolling for tuna.
  11. Seems like when the out of towners died earlier this year that the local climbers weren't really willing to criticize their actions publically, whereas when these guys made similar mistakes only with less severe consequences for both themselves and the SAR folks that everyone lays into them. Just my sense, but I think that the responses here have been inconsistent at best, which raises the question of why people feel compelled to post criticisms of people's actions. The best reason would be to learn from past mistakes ala ANAM. A skeptic would say that people like to shit on others that have made mistakes ... unless the people that made the mistakes paid with their lives ... in which case people would feel worse about shitting on them. Just some food for thought.
  12. Ummm, you don't think bringing the dog up Hood in February when a major storm system was coming in wasn't putting the dog in danger? An accident it may have been, but falling 150' (or however far they determined it to be) down a cliff and getting stranded in a blizzard isn't putting the dog in danger? I'm sure the dog has a heart of gold. They all do. Doesn't change the fact that unfortunately the dog doesn't make it's own decisions, it relies on it's owners to keep it safe. I think the dog would have very gladly sat this one out. Especially if it had broken it's leg in that fall and had to be put down. Maybe the owners should think about that next time they want to take the dog "climbing". Hmmm ... I believe I've also seen Matty climbing Five Gallon Buckets in women's lingere. Are there judgment issues going on perhaps?
  13. bottom line sharma sells more mags than reardon. its irrelevant anyway.
  14. hawk a nice sticky green lugy on the nut before trying to extract it. phlegm, snot and spit make for excellent lubricators.
  15. Sweet! Leaving for JTree tomorrow.
  16. Winter


    A resemblence to Bush?
  17. I've been having some of the same problems and have been trying to figure out what it is. Seems that I get it skinning and carrying heavy weight mostly. Are you having pain on the outside of the hip when you walk? Clicking or popping sounds in your hip with movement? Is their a tender area that is painful to the touch on the outside of the hip? Could be bursitis or tendonitis in the iliotibial band. Link to good stretches. Just some more info for you.
  18. Winter

    Shock Art

    Could be. Wanna ride it or crawl inside? At least you wouldn't have to cut her open to stay warm.
  19. Winter

    Shock Art

    Is that a Tauntaun?
  20. Winter

    Shock Art

    I'm telling you, human fat to biodiesel is the next big thing. And it makes for some mean meatballs.
  21. Who is going to invent a biodiesel engine that burns human fat? Think of the possibilities. Free lyposuction!!
  22. Try chugging a tin of Skoal - should take care of that craving for nicotein for about a year or so.
  23. I've always gotten the most out of climbing by setting goals and challenging myself to meet them. I don't have a set a target of a number of days to get out, but I don't think its any different than any other climbing-realated goal that adds value to the experience, IMHO.
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