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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. You're only free if everybody has guns and actively defends their freedoms with guns. "Honey can you pick up a few cases of bullets on the way home from work. I'm starting to run low on messages of freedom."
  2. I think this Repub will win for sure. [img:center]http://www.motorcycleanarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/Evil%20Clown.jpg[/img]
  3. I'd help put on a party for freedom seeking residents leaving the state.
  4. This is an interesting comment. Let's say they do have health insurance like you want, and you providing them a string of checks for their work. Then one day they suffer an injure while working and loose the ability to work for an extended period. Since they now have no income they may catch on that they are an employee. Work related injuries often come across the L&I desk and hospital automatically send information on work related accidents to L&I. L&I is going to look at their financial info, bank records, and agree they are an employee. Once that happens expect L&I to send a large bill with fine and or want to talk to you about the situation in court. Maybe you hit the jackpot last time you went to Vegas due to your advanced dice rolling skills, and you figure you'll make out fine.
  5. Remembering that they don't play by human rules is crucial. I imagine they drop rocks on other goats all the time. Pissing on a rock at an appropriate distance from your base camp is one strategy for making friends with goats. Just a guess, but due to the weather conditions this year, they may feel like defending their turf is a high priority since that's where they get food. Others mentioned staying away from them when they are in rut. Kind of a stay away from our goat ladies thing. They know what climbers are always talking about
  6. You need to learn how to make friends with goats [img:center]http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/medium/Kurt_doesnt_think_the_goat_is_all_that_tough.jpg[/img]
  7. From the pagoda the world is so tiny. [video:youtube]
  8. AlpineK


    I have a feeling buddy didn't realize this was a comedy routine that actually conveys a different message. [video:youtube]
  9. Yep, there are always routes to climb that eagles or falcons have no interest in. When they do like an area they only hang out for a couple months.
  10. Lots of controversy at the rattlesnake roundup [video:youtube]
  11. NWAC is closed for the season. They stop posting regular avalanche risk assessments in April. If there is a major event or change in conditions you might get a bulletin, but that's a long shot. NOAA is a great source of information right now.
  12. A friend owns property out that way. Back a couple years ago we all walked over to an old house/cabin near his place. The cabin was falling apart. Inside the place there was stuff indicating the primary use of the cabin in modern times was crack cooking. My friend has a motion detector camera mounted on his property and a fairly secure looking shed.
  13. I agree rock climbing in Colorado is good. I never did enough ice climbing to comment. The things that are named glaciers in Colorado will make most folks from the NW laugh. Colorado skiing is an interesting subject. Ski areas do open early, but the, "snow," is 95-percent man made. You'll ride on a lift looking down at trees, logs, and rocks but lacking more than a dusting of snow. Until the lift goes over the managed ski run that is. Then you'll see snow makers and icy man made snow. Temperatures drop in late fall and the ground freezes. Then the winds start pumping. When it does snow you'll see the wind scraping off all the snow that landed on the mountains. This pattern continues till January. At some time in late January or February winds die down a bit and the mountains receive their dumps of natural snow. All these factors make avalanche conditions in the backcountry hairball for most of the winter. If you do go out in the backcountry mid winter be careful. I remember a lift ride at A-Basin. The other guys on the lift found out I was from Washington. They commented about how I must love the snow in Colorado. My response was, "Yeah the powder here in Colorado kicks ass. I love it, but ya know you ain't got no base." Be prepared to spend time and money at ski shops getting the bases of your skis fixed several times a winter. Powder skiing can be really good in February and March, but that's about it. Spring skiing, and or safer bc skiing continues on for a bit after that. It does get warm in the State and snow goes away quickly. The region around SW Colorado does get a better dump than the Front Range. In terms of 300 days of sunshine. I like sunshine, but with little if any variation in the weather it starts to get boring. Changing weather provides free entertainment.
  14. Add the question: Are you currently unconscious or dead?
  15. I know two other folks who plan on climbing something while there. I'm sure you can find a climbing partner. See you there.
  16. Fun Rock >> Skiing... ;-)
  17. You won't want to leave once you get there. [img:center]http://www.walnut-creek-california-real-estate.com/walnut_creek_intro.jpg[/img]
  18. 800 cases in a 3 state region as opposed to 76 million cases in Canada, US, and Mexico???
  19. So go climbing. You could hang out with the ski crowd, make fun of them in person, then head off to the crags the next day. Of course if all you do is climb at Fun Rock the skiers might make fun of you.
  20. Don't fuck with me, I gotta shotgun [img:center]http://www.muppetcentral.com/guides/episodes/tms/season1/pics/14_chef.jpg[/img]
  21. Bump The NOAA forecast for this weekend (4th-5th) calls for sunshine. Campsite [img:center]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/S98dtD5ejsI/AAAAAAAAAWE/eT0HCxER8Fk/s912/17-Ski-In-Camp_Panorama2.gif[/img] Skiing [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/515/medium/Descent_up-day-2.jpg[/img]
  22. Thanks So, like, I drank this beer today. Only one, but it was a good one
  23. AlpineK

    Big Wall

    I'm sorry I didn't post sooner. A Big Wall is a route with a NCCS Rating of V or greater. Off hand I'd say Kevbone is not qualified to rate climbs.
  24. Canadian postage stamps come with beavers [img:center]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Q_G8tOtOEpg/TUMEuh5WtRI/AAAAAAAAAKY/fLdTikTmeSs/s400/Threepenny-beaver.jpg[/img]
  25. Hmm...I'm pretty sure that doesn't sound like anything jb has ever said (and he's said some weird-ass shit!). Can you send me a link to where he said that the taxpayers in the US have unlimited money, or where he said we shouldn't consider our budget or our debt? I must have missed it. Yep, I missed that one too. Defense spending is a major part of US money problems. Sure we were the king after WW2, and telling the world what to do became a habit. The problem is maintaining dominance by building new toys and being the, "Decider," when it comes to new wars costs big bucks. Somehow I don't think we would have racked up the debt if we spent money on crazy things like education, health car, and other social programs. Of course Dick Cheney and his corporate buddies would have felt sad and neglected
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