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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Oh yeah. !@#$%^&*()_+
  2. Excess body fat is an excellent reserve that everybody should keep on hand. If you're nothing but skin, bones, and muscles you could be in deep shit if you ever get in a bad accident. Anybody want to go to Beth's Cafe for their world famous 12 egg omelettes? They come with bacon too
  3. AlpineK

    where should I

    BeerCan. I lived under the West Seattle viaduct for a while - that was a sweet loc, lots of industrial noise to cover up the drunken debauchery and raging from gas huffing. Don't let's forget Georgetown, great for you angsty, bitter struggling artist types! My Great Grandfather owned a bakery in Georgetown back when that was where all the recent immigrants from Germany moved to. Georgetown I'll be there tonight.
  4. I was listening to a story on the radio back last week. It seems that the only truly effective way to get rid of cocaine plants is to go out there and dig them up by hand. I guess the spray our government loves is only effective for a bit and then the plant springs right back. It makes a tree guy proud to hear that if you want to get rid of something you have to do it by hand and human strength. Then again maybe they could hire a heard of tweaked out goats.
  5. That sounds like a fun time.
  6. If we had to rank problems I'd say that coke is way ahead of pot. In a real study I'd bet that alcohol is ahead of pot in terms of problems.
  7. AlpineK

    where should I

    We gave a hitchhiker a ride to Kamloops one time. He wanted to be dropped off downtown to hang out with the winos. Kamloops looks like a sweet spot.
  8. AlpineK

    where should I

    The real eastside is cool, but it lacks a bit when it comes to jobs.
  9. AlpineK

    where should I

    Now if you want to move someplace cool on the eastside....Eastgate is the spot.
  10. AlpineK

    Uses for Bamboo?

    no kidding. I thought that was pretty cool.
  11. AlpineK

    where should I

    I don't even know where to begin. Carl's going to find out first hand all the great stuff about Lake City. My sister and brother in law bought a place in Tacoma. It's nothing high end, but it's pretty nice. I used to live in Ballard and party in Fremont and Ballard. Ballard used to be really cool back when it was still a spot for the real fishing crowd. I remember a bunch of cool parties at friends places in Fremont back when it was still a fading hippie spot. Sadly both of those places are in decline to yuppie hell.
  12. AlpineK

    where should I

    Bothell Way the home of Chain Saws Plus
  13. AlpineK

    where should I

    Lake City Way gateway to Bothell Way.
  14. AlpineK

    where should I

    West Seattle & Lake City vs JayBoston DEATHCAGE
  15. AlpineK

    where should I

    Lake City Way AKA HWY 522 the gateway to Index, 11worth.........
  16. AlpineK

    where should I

    What the fuck is your deal with Lake City BITCH You may be a fellow mod, but I should teach you a lesson. Lake City has some good restaurants and a farmers market. Now go back to Boston and your big dig.
  17. AlpineK

    where should I

    There's some great mexican food in White Center.
  18. AlpineK

    Uses for Bamboo?

    Not quite. The zoo keepers would stack them on the ground for the elephants to pick up and toss with their trunks. 's need things to play with
  19. AlpineK


    Wahappened Oly?
  20. AlpineK

    Uses for Bamboo?

    We used to give chunks of street trees that were removed to the zoo for the elephants to play with.
  21. I put my closet back together where I had been doing some repair on Saturday. Sunday I ended up doing a bus ride then an hour long hike to my parents house for dinner and a beer. It's kind of funny since technically I can drive again (which is a good thing), but since I'm not back to full time work I can't really afford to pilot my pig unless I really need to. This week I've got 2 doctor appointments and 2 days of fill in work.
  22. All this talk reminded me of a song from the Robert Fripp album Exposure from the 80s JFkZ2M9inRE Peter Gabriel sings the song on the Fripp album, but it's listed on Youtube as a PG song. I first heard it long before I heard much talk of climate change.
  23. AlpineK


  24. AlpineK

    Uses for Bamboo?

    ahhh skiing.... wait it's the middle of summer. It may be the middle of summer, but I'm thinking about skiing this next season.
  25. AlpineK


    I like the sounds of that.
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