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Everything posted by rbw1966

  1. 4-5 hours? Maybe you need to add some wheels to your walker.
  2. This is NOT true. They have 2 (two) years in which to uncover any misrepresentations. This is true in WA as well as OR. Should you die during that two-year period and the insurer uncovers any misrepresentations, your beneficiaries receive nothing. When I bought my policy, I told them the truth: that I 'was' a climber but had stopped climbing. The specific language the insurance company used was 'roped' climbing (apparently unroped climbing was cool). After two years I started climbing again, albeit sporadically. Think long and hard about what you say when applying for life insurance. If you are turned down, or make any misrepresentations that result in being turned down, you go into a database that other companies check when you apply elsewhere.
  3. rbw1966

    Sobo's Updates...

    Do you get to carry a gun?
  4. rbw1966


    Like a monkey on crack. Why does that interest you?
  5. rbw1966


    The only thing you should fix is the cable. Still living in the parents basement, Dru?
  6. There was a guy kite boarding on Hood a few weeks ago. He was ripping it up!
  7. Gotterdammerung=Serenity Like everyone else, he probably got bored with this place.
  8. Read the thread title.
  9. Its easily doable in a day with an early start so you dont have to carry all the bivvy gear but it is a beautiful location and you are very likely to be there all by yourself. Unless I do the circumnav.
  10. rbw1966


    Last time I climbed in Hell was at least 12 years ago. Are there still a billion rattlesnakes around?
  11. Is that because your ass works just fine?
  12. rbw1966

    Sobo's Updates...

    Yeah, but its from fucking SEATTLE.
  13. Its always climbing season in Montana
  14. rbw1966

    Sobo's Updates...

    Pick me up some hash please.
  15. Having done the cirucmnav in a day, I've always wanted to go back and break it up into an overnighter. Sounds like a fun time and a wise decision to call it short.
  16. He sounds like the last gasping breath of someone just disconnected from an iron lung.
  17. On a road trip to Nelson and back we stopped at 49 on the return leg and I loved it. If you've ever been to ski bowl on mt hood it's similar to that but better.
  18. Link to your photos doesnt work.
  19. The irony of a backwater thread turning into a country music love fest renews my belief in santa claus
  20. First time I fucked up my neck, shiatsu put everything back. Second time I had some pretty severe tingling in my fingers, etc which is a sign of nerve impingement. Like a dumbass I went to a chiro who nearly paralyzed me. CT Scan showed two ruptured discs pinching my spinal cord nearly in half. Get it checked out.
  21. REI could have settled this matter long ago without accepting or admitting any liability whatsoever. Settlements of this nature occur every day. The ill will generated from this incident will surely cost REI more than any settlement may have.
  22. Native customer service flat out sucks. Lifetime warranty? Oh sure, but you have to pay a $30 "handling charge." I bet the shades didnt even cost that much to manufacture. First pair I bought, I wiped the lenses with windex. Turns out the reflective coating came right off. No mention in the literature or their website about it. Called them up and was directed to their website return procedure, which involved sending in the entire sunglasses. And a check for $30. And a note complaining about a lifetime warranty that costs $30. Couple months go by and I get a brand new pair and they refunded my $30. Cool beans aside from not having my sunglasses for 3 months. Second pair, same thing happened without the windex being involved. This time I was told from the start it was a defect in manufacturing and told to send them in again and I would get a new pair. Sure enough they did, again taking two months, but this time they shorted me on the dummy cord. I really like the glasses themselves but the quality leaves much to be desired. CS is slow. Last pair I bought at REI to bypass the bullshit.
  23. Next Adventure had cleaned them out last time I was there but I will check it out. Thanks.
  24. You forgot poison oak. Its a rare trip to beacon where I dont get it somehow.
  25. I recently made an adirondack chair out of some old skis I had laying around and would like to make another. If you have any old, worthless skis you wanna get rid of drop me a line and I'll pick them up. Thanks
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