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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Oh, that is where all the steps came from at Colchuck col! Cool to see another TR on this one, it was on the spring list until I broke my thumb...
  2. This looks cool! I will have to add it to the list.
  3. Trip: Colchuck - Broken Thumb Direct Trip Date: 06/25/2022 Trip Report: I'm not getting any younger, but luckily neither is @Juan or @Bronco. They would point out that even though my thumb is broken, at least it has 3 pins in it. And so it goes.... In my efforts to not let my infirmities get the best of me this summer, both of these kind gents were game for a slog up Colchuck a couple weeks ago. It had been a long time since I've been up there in the spring and how times have changed. I seem to remember the peaks as pretty busy 20 years ago but the trail relatively quiet. No longer! Several hundred people swarmed the trail to Colchuck Lake but somehow we had the peak to ourselves?! I was a bit in disbelief, but certainly didn't complain....about that. I was sure to complain about my stupid thumb and how I better not fall and bend the pins. As the nurse admonished me a few days before, " bent pins don't really come out very well." Thankfully, I didn't put that theory to the test....yet. There is always next weekend! I still have two weeks until the pins come out. Gear Notes: One pole, crampons. An axe if you have two hands Approach Notes: Follow the hordes to the lake, then your nose
  4. I hang my dlsr (in a LowePro case) off of some cord and 'biners from my pack shoulder straps and hip belt. Works great on steep snow and rock up to low fifth. The cord allows me to adjust how it rides depending on how much clothing or which pack I'm using. This style of carry has served me well for a decade or so, after trying a lot of options. I sometimes ragdoll with it snowboarding and so far I haven't destroyed my camera. It is a heavy d750 too. Your camera would carry even better!
  5. Cool! I should go in there this summer and pull those markers, agreed that they are a bit much. And I know @dberdinka thinks so too... Great TR, thanks for sharing and I am glad your feet didn't slip!
  6. This is TR perfection! Love it. Glad you guys threaded the needle on that one, certainly an accomplishment! And yes, funny running into the Old Guard out there.... I think most of us would get along a lot better in this world if we limited our interactions to in-person.... And wonder of wonders, it looks like you may have brought a real camera??!! Great photos!
  7. @tanstaafl and @Atom....SW Buttress of Dorado Needle! Definitely worth the walk. Shameless link to my TR from 2011
  8. Can anyone name the route (not you @curtveld)? It should be on your list this summer!
  9. A few years ago it took several hours to get a ride from Colonial Creek to Easy Pass, despite chatting dozens of people stopping in to use the bathroom. It was crazy. One person, no packs.... and it would have been right on their way to Mazama. Am I that scary and smelly after 3 days? We ended up looking so dejected after several hours of this that someone heading west turned around and drove us back east!
  10. I agree, a fun romp! I took my dad up it in the 90's because he wanted to do an "alpine climb" to see what all the fuss was about. I think it was the only time I belayed him up anything (we hiked and scrambled together on many trips), and he never asked to go on another "climb". So, maybe don't ask his opinion of the Guye Ramp route.
  11. I thought the "in-a-day" thing for Olympus was pretty normal (though impressive), for both men and women these days....but maybe I'm wrong?
  12. Yep! Hiked our last section, from Shi Shi to Ozette, including a repeat of the section from Cape Alava to Sand Point. Good times as always!
  13. It is coastal backpacking season....who is heading out this weekend?
  14. nice work, thanks for writing that up!
  15. Oh right, the dreaded (from a skier perspective) all green avy forecast! That's a great indicator of good climbing conditions.
  16. until @rat and @Marko weigh in I would say your typical rain on snow event (FL 6-8k) followed by Fraser outflow cold snap (wait a couple days for it to firm up). Seems like we get at least one or two of these a year. But, I know those routes get climbed in all sorts of conditions..... Full disclosure, I have never climbed hard routes up there!
  17. If you click on the photo, it opens the photo viewer, where you can click twice more to get to a level where I could read it on a desktop monitor. Not sure about a phone....
  18. Awesome! Looking forward to the full report. I deleted the duplicate....
  19. https://trailcatjim.com/ptarmigan-traverse-dome-peak-2021/ All things considered, not too bad in there last year.
  20. nice! that is great to hear. And I survived. back at home and on drugs. 3 pins, beer is helping as well.
  21. Awesome @olyclimber! I'm actually in the hospital right now, hooked up and waiting to get this stupid thumb fixed. Hmmmm... let's see if I can add some visual aids
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