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Everything posted by jon

  1. Hey folks, I've been working on trying to fix the PM problem this morning but it looks like we are screwed. I'm not sure if this is sign of more attacks from Al Qaeda, but basically our host's servers were compromised and the database server which hold all of the PMs (at last count around 50,000 of them) was hacked and all data was lost. Really sorry about this folks. ----------------------------------------------- Dear DreamHost Customer, As you are aware, earlier this week one of the websites we host was subject to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that caused our routers in the network operations center to severely malfunction, taking down all services for a good portion of a day. The past couple days we have been upgrading our current router hardware and adding another layer of redundancy to ensure we wouldn’t have this kind of problem again. Unfortunately one of the new network routers we installed had a major vulnerability in the linux kernel and allowed a hacker to compromise this system and gain access to most of the servers in our cluster. While most of our systems were unharmed two of our dual processor (DP) database servers, Jenna and Silvia, were compromised and all data was lost. Since these are redundant servers running a RAID level there was no tape backup for these servers. Since we encourage our customers to back up their databases locally, we hope that you have done so and are able to restore your data. We are very sorry for this inconvenience but unfortunately for reasons that we don’t fully understand we have become rather large targets for DDoS attacks and spamming, but please be assured we are talking all the precautions necessary to prevent this from happening again. Sincerely, The DreamHost Network Operations Team
  2. How bout 'Smells like teen orthodontia'?
  3. jon

    Better than spray!!!!

  4. GPS is really cheap now, the Geckos start at like a $100 and they work great, and they are super small. It's actually kind of fun learning how to use a compass and maps, especially really high quality maps and navigating around just by those. I think it is an important skill no matter how archaeic it might be, never know when your GPS might unexpectantly die.
  5. I'd really like to try this out in the mountains, especially in the evening when the rocks are still warm but the ground has cooled. And with lakes. http://www.naturfotograf.com/index2.html
  6. jon

    Just a stupid rant

    I normally don't do this, let alone read this kind of stuff on here. This really isn't an anti-Bush rant. I can't say I really fall in any category as far as being having a liberal stance, I believe in our military and I don't have problem spending money on it, I'm also an environmentalist but I'm realistic in expectations. I supported the war in Iraq, maybe I made a mistake, but I hold hope that things will stabilize in that country and they will embrace democracy and freedom from the dictatorship. My two biggest beefs with the current administrations agenda, or lack thereof, is education and American jobs. Falling into the same category as American jobs is homelessness. I have lived in the Redmond/Bellevue area all of my life and I enjoy living there. Quite a bit has changed in the past 10 to 15 years there, but the parks are still there for me to enjoy, albeit a bit more crowded. One thing I've noticed recently though is the number of homeless people standing at intersections. These are people who are well dressed and quite normal looking. I saw a guy standing at an intersection today, saying that him and his family are homeless and unemployed. It saddens me that there are families homeless while these Tyco assholes appear that they may get a mistrial after buying thousand dollar waste cans, where is fucking Sally Struthers when you need her. Something that has bothered me for quite some time, and before W was in office, was how much money we spend on foreign aid and battles overseas, when our own people are homeless and American children are starving. I find it incredible that someone can dance over our border and get better medical care then one of our vary own citizens. With homeless up 50% under the current administration the problem is only getting worse. I don't have a figure on joblessness in America (where is PP when I need him), but judging from the number of people I know who are out of work and what I hear on the new it is obviously worse. America is all about coming to the need of others and I would never argue that we shouldn't help struggling nations at all, but for instance how much money have we spent on this thing in Haiti and how could have that money been better spent here at home. It seems like every President's, let alone every candidates, agenda includes bettering education, but unless I'm blind I don't see things improving at all. Test scores are still down and schools are still crowded. The cost of higher education is skyrocketing, for instance the cost of the UW has gone up from $1200/quarter five years ago to over $1700/quarter starting next quarter, and this is a public school. How are people in middle to low income families able to afford this college? It seems our solution to our failing education program is to import people from other countries to take our jobs where they take education seriously. India for instance has probably one of most competitive education systems in the world and some of the best schools. Anyways I'm done, I'll get off my soap box, just something I was thinking about today and needed to get off my chest. I'll be honest I don't really know who I'm going to vote for. As Andy Rooney put it best, "you aren't voting for the person you like the most, your voting for the person you dislike the least". Maybe someday America will wake up and get these problems fixed and then we can worry about blowing up other countries.
  7. In other news, researchers have found that food prevents hunger.
  8. According to the config file you should be able to. Let's see what gT says.
  9. When are you guys going to quite your whining
  10. 3 out of 4 sprayers one this thread have rock on next to their name
  11. jon


  12. Why don't you guys just exchange PM's or something and save us the drama. SAVE THE DRAMA FO YO MAMMA!!!!
  13. The Dave Chapelle show has to be the funniest shit I have ever seen, I thought the neightbors were going to call the cops I was laughing so hard.
  14. Will if you were getting the shit at half price you would do the same thing so EAD
  15. Iain it's covered with rubber, that adds another $30 right there. I have to say the markup on this stuff is crazy, I got it at just above cost and lets just say that it was less then half of retail.
  16. No I traded in the Volvo for a Sub. The Yakima towers work better with square factory racks and the Thules fit better on the curved ones found on the Subaru.
  17. Will, tell Yakima to make some towers that fit actually fit on my factory rack.
  18. I just spent too much on a rack for my car. One of the pieces for one of the bike holsters was had a manufacturing flaw in it so I gave Thule a call. The guys said he would have the part out no questions asked and it just showed up, about a week later. That is customer service.
  19. Josh enjoy the silence.
  20. First, the thing starts at $300 so it's 1/3 the price. Yes $100 is expensive for a battery, but like it has been pointed out cell phone batteries are the same way. It's how these companies make money. In that movie that guy even said he used the thing NON STOP for 18 months. If you talked on your cell phone like that, the battery might last a month. Second, battery technology continues to be the limiting technology in ANY moblie electronic technology. In your laptop example, the iPod would be using NiCad batteries and not be able to charge through the firewire cable connected to your computer. How many products do that? For $100 they aren't only giving you a new battery, they are essentially giving you a new iPod. If you also consider the form factor of the iPod it would be very hard to make a user replacable battery and keep the thing water tight.
  21. Loren, this is the reason you will be stuck in Bill rams me from behind PC hell forever. You read something on the internet about a movie some guy made and you believe it to be true. Yes the movie was true at the time it was filmed, but if you look at his website you will find that he comments on the current process and how it is really good. For $100 you send your iPod in, and they either give you a new or refurbished iPod of equivalent or larger size. Pretty shitty deal huh? Also I hate to break it to you, but there is no such thing as a infinite-life battery (yes I know you are talking about life of use versus life of charge), I know people with $3k windows computers who's batteries have died in less than a years time, actually it's common place. What's more disgusthing, a super expensive laptop battery dying after a year or the iPod dying after 2 years? Last time I looked on Dell's site those batteries weren't cheap either. WHO ELSE WANTS SOME?
  22. Greg have you ever seen a tower crane pick up post tensioning cables off of a truck?
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