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Everything posted by jon

  1. This pisses me off.... And they mean deliberate destruction versus throwing aborted fetuses in the garbage? Maybe they should make miscarriages illegal.
  2. Instead of looking like a retard why don't you just get a proper bike fit?
  3. And we wonder why we are getting our ass handed to us over there.
  4. jon

    The insult thread

    Kevbone, you're the load your mom should have swallowed.
  5. jon


    "Is that your crash helmet?" "I hope not!"
  6. How many kegs should I bring?
  7. Happy 35th Bday dude!
  8. I always thought jokes were funnier when somebody DIDN'T SPOIL IT!
  9. That was nice of Doc to let you borrow the Delorian. Nice picts!
  10. Speaking as someone who loves to chuck their meat once in a while, I'll say I'll never hit a jump so hard the first time that it will launch me 37 feet in the air. You have to be going pretty damn fast to be launched 37 feet in the air, no matter what kind of jump it is. That is ridiculous. He was obviously going too fast.
  11. As of Sunday the road to Beverly Creek Campground was snowed in about 3.5 miles from the TH if you have a good 4x4, otherwise you are looking at about 4.5 to 5 miles. We had to walk about 2 miles and then skinned the final 1.5 or so to the trailhead. Mountain bikes wouldn't be a bad option, especially if your vehicle has low clearance. The snow coverage was fantastic up there!
  12. Yes, and you know what happens when we raise the life expectancy and lower the infant mortality rate? You get this thing called overpopulation. Eventually your demands on the ecosystem outstrip what it is capable of hosting. This is simple evolutionary biology. For the record I've never referred to or even thought of these people as the "little people". Living in the mountains with a crop, a cow, and some goats minus the computer and cell phone seem pretty desirable at times.
  13. ......says the Chronic Sprayer to the Virologist.
  14. Racism? Are you fucking joking me? You GET REAL! Why does everyone believe we need to "Westernificate" everything. Disease? Who brought it there? We did. They seemed to take a shit no problem before, what has changed? If they want these things then fine, but forcing it on society is another thing completely. If they really want hospitals and such there is a great solution... MOVE TO A TOWN OR CITY WITH A HOSPITAL! These people aren't stuck there, they choose to be there and live that way.
  15. It's not the industries responsibility to donate money to "help" these villages. If there is any negative impact on these villages by climbers it should be the climbers taking responsibility for it. Leave no trace! Is the idea here that part of buying gear is that the companies clean up your messes for you in future? These villages have been there for hundreds and hundreds of years. Maybe they just want to continue on as things were before "civilized" man went there and tried to install our toilets and wifi and HD TV service blah blah blah.
  16. http://www.mountrainierclimbing.blogspot.com/
  18. It's just harder because the people in it are dumber.
  19. I've looked into the various fields quite extensively, know many people in it at all levels, and this is what I've found. For research oriented jobs there is virtually no federal money for it, and that will likely not change, so you'd have to look pretty desirable on paper to find a job. Personally speaking, I find most exercise physiology research bogus to begin with. The tests you took can be administered by anyone. There are many coaches and PTs out there that can administer the tests. Being able to interpret them is another story.... If you are looking at becoming a personal trainer you'd be better off keeping your job and studying for the various tests you can take ie CSCS and NCSA-CPT. People who do well in this field are good at selling themselves, which they are typically better at then training someone. Fortunately for you there is a huge demand for nurses and the pay is good. There isn't a demand for exercise science people and trainer jobs typically pay poorly.
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