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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon


    This pisses me off. http://www.vancouversun.com/Olympic+giant+slalom+Bode+Miller+blows+latest+Games+glory/2602739/story.html He has 3 medals and he's all the sudden "blow it"? Canada spent 10% of it $114 million in "own the podium" money on the alpine team and they didn't win a single medal. THAT is blowing it.
  2. I'm a big fan of the Soles, I've used them for years and I find the heat moldable ones better then the Superfeet. I think Pro Mountain Sports sells them in the Seattle area.
  3. jon


    doubtful. Yikes. If that happens I'll stick my dick in the poutine. I was on Robson watching the Skeleton when Montgomery won gold, the energy was intense. It was literally shoulder to shoulder even with street closed. Pretty memorable moment.
  4. jon

    Display Upgrades

    We were doing a little experiment, but logged in users should only see them in spray. We will be removing them though.
  5. Very cool Bill! We will give you free advertising for this and will chip in on the party.
  6. That pales in comparison to what his henchman did to LeMond. Now, let's talk about some COOL people.
  7. jon


    There is a certain aesthetic we want to maintain here and at least in my mind I'd rather turn down the opportunity to make a couple extra bucks a month to ensure people here are happy then drive people away with unnecessary advertising. Since you are the ones contributing most of the content here it's in everyones best interest to keep that frame of mind (ours, yours, the person who might visit this site a year from now looking for info).
  8. jon


    I'm sorry for the McNugget ads. As many have probably figured out we have some google advertising to pay for our costs. Google searches the pages for keywords to target the ads, but for spray it doesn't work too well given the nature of the content. I manually blocked the mcd and walmart ads so you will likely get summers eve ads or something like that now.
  9. It's really a shame the media decides to post pictures and video of the guy dying. It's disrespectful at best. I got to see the track this fall and I was shocked at how steep it is at the top.
  10. jon

    Script Error

    Is that Toyota ad showing when you get the errors? Glad they can fuck up more then cars now. They and MS should co-develop some products together.
  11. jon

    Script Error

    Yes? No? Anyone other then on Windows and IE8 getting this error?
  12. jon

    Script Error

    Let me know if you are still getting the errors.
  13. jon

    Script Error

    And which browser and OS you are on? Thanks!
  14. jon

    Script Error

    Can you PM me the error you are getting?
  15. Pope, I looked into your issue. I even took the time to talk to the person who posted your name, which BTW wasn't breaking any privacy rules on this website, but I'll get to that part in a minute. Upon asking said "third world citizen" about the incident, the person said he would have had no problem removing your name from his post if you hadn't been such a dick to him about it in a PM. At which point I dropped it on my end. We as administrators of this website do everything in our power to protect your privacy. Privacy as your email address and account information that you enter when you sign up for this website. We have no information about your identity except what you give us; no drivers license, SSN, credit card number. When a person posts your name or information about yourself it is because you as a poster have revealed that information on your own behalf, in your case which you have done over the course of 9 years. You and your friend have both posted your own name in your own posts. At that point the issue is between you and the keeper/s of your "secret", not us. I can more then appreciate your situation and your desire to keep your information private. But you have made you own bed in this situation about how you chose to deal with it, so the blame lies squarely on your shoulders.
  16. This person wants me to help them. Should I? YOUR votes will determine whether I help this person. Take these very important facts into consideration. -Generations ago my family migrated to the US from said third world country. -My wife is from said third world country. -I'm living in said third world country. Thank you for allowing third wurld resident to post.
  17. I would definitely go see a PT, and find a good one. If you don't have insurance at least go once. About a year and a half ago I got in a fight with a car at about 20mph while on a training ride. I miraculously didn't break anything, my bike was fine, bruised my spine into my back, had a large contusion in my shoulder and strained the ligaments in my sternum. The muscles pretty much shut down on that side of my body that stabilized my shoulder. I kept going to the rock gym but there were movements I just couldn't handle. It's a year and a half later and I'm still having problems with it. I was fairly rigorous about it, doing PT and massage, but in hindsight probably not enough (read doing it everyday on your own). It might seem obvious to just go lift weights but like my case you likely have certain muscles that are dysfunctional and need to be brought back to life. You do not appreciate shoulder stability until it's wrecked!
  18. jon


    It's shit like this that make me ashamed to be an American. Teabaggers are largely closet racists.
  19. DID SOMEONE SAY VIA FERETTA!?!!?!?!?!111
  20. Bug, here is an official policy. Threats are not tolerated at all. I have stated this many times in the past here. Maybe I need to add it to the FAQ. If there is a threat it needs to be brought to the attention of me and Porter and we will quickly deal with it.
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