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  1. jon

    Photo Gallery Down

    Hello, The photo gallery is currently down but we've identified the problem and it will be back up shortly. Sorry the inconvenience.
  2. True, ours has survived falling in the ocean and on rocks, and it has been fun to take underwater pictures. It's just a trade-off. Dru is right, you CAN take awesome pictures with it, it's just a battle.
  3. Do some searching, there are tons of recent threads about this. Stay away from the Olympus Tough, besides it using it's own proprietary memory format the shutter lag is awful as well as the white balance. Here are a couple good resources for researching as well http://www.bythom.com/nikon.htm http://dpreview.com
  4. I came across that video through this story. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/12/how-a-rc-airplane-buzzed-the-statue-of-liberty-with-no-arrests.ars If you go to the message board and click on the guys profile you can see all his vids. Being a former RC enthusiast it's pretty amazing what you can do now. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=140585
  5. That's right get my paper. I don't care if it's rainin, I don't care if it's snowin, I wanchu out there ho'in.
  6. If you're looking for an Outback there is a lot of information on this page and is where I get my Subaru serviced. http://allwheeldriveauto.com/ They are awesome and know their shit. I'd even call and tell them you are in the market for a used Outback, ask some questions about which year, and have them do an inspection before purchase.
  7. We'd like to welcome our latest supporter Figure Four Packs. Based in Vancouver, WA they make specialized climbing packs and accessories. Check them out http://www.figurefourpacks.com/
  8. True - businesses claim back the sales taxes they pay on purchases made for business purposes. People like to wave that one around and complain that businesses aren't paying taxes. I've got news for you - businesses don't pay taxes. Never have, never will. Their customers pay those taxes. Businesses pass on the cost of their taxes to their customers in the form of higher prices, just like any other business expense. Higher wage cost = higher prices. Higher materials costs = higher prices. Higher rent = higher prices. Higher taxes = yep, higher prices. Sure, businesses remit a lot of taxes to the government, but they ultimately get that money from the customer - you. Just because there's no separate line item on the receipt telling you exactly how much tax has been blended into the price of the goods or services you bought, doesn't mean you're not paying it. I'm not arguing that this is right, or wrong. It just is. As for "loopholes" - have you looked at the income tax codes lately? The wealthy are able to dodge a Hell of a lot more income tax than sales tax. I thought the business were exempt from HST for any inputs related to the production of a consumer good? Am I wrong? Murray I'm not meaning to put you on the spot here but I have a couple questions. 1. Did the HST hurt your business or not? For those here not familiar with the HST it is a 12% sales tax on virtually everything. I see an increasing number of BC plates in Bellingham/I5, and I don't think they are there because WA is purdy. 2. Why are consumer goods so much more expensive in Canada? Is part of it due to import taxes? Or is it that Canadians are less willing to work for cheap then Americans? I raise this issue because I think the same thing needs to happen in the US so that we become less dependent on goods from countries outside NA.
  9. To say nothing of taking pictures of an old man and a sex sheep in the tent. Indeed. Billcoe thanks for valuable interwebs keywords. Traffic increase 47% noticed in the last 15 minutes alone. Keep it up!
  10. They asked for permission to post, but we obviously had a misunderstanding Please support The Hutch, truly a world class organization with some of the best scientists in the world, I work with them on a daily basis and can speak from experience.
  11. I've seen people with these homemade things and let's just say I don't drive behind them. If that thing busts off on the highway and injures someone on the road you are TOAST.
  12. Thanks for everyones contribution to this thread. I am now locking it.
  13. I think I speak for both of us in that if you have a complaint about how a certain poster or group of posters affect the quality of this website that the issue be brought up with Porter and I in a more private manner sooner rather then later. I'm not a huge advocate of public skewering of posters on here however I think some have it coming and the message is better heard from the... hurd. In defense of the moderators, they cannot possibly read every post or thread on this site, and they rely on you bringing things to their attention. Please do so!
  14. I'm with Fairweather. Bicycles are Dangerous. I just got off the phone with him and here is our proposed solution. 1. License bicycles 2. Make bicycle tires wider 3. Add safety reinforcement to bike 4. Make wider tires for bike to accommodate weight. 5. Make beefier brakes to accommodate weight. 6. Make tires bigger, considering adding two more. 7. Fuck this thing is heavy and can barely go uphill. 8. Shit. 9. Fuck it. Let's put an engine in this thing. 10. Bigger tires to accommodate weight of engine. 11. Shit, this thing is flimsy. Need a beefier frame. 12. Crap now bigger tires. 13. And brakes. 14. Wow not looking like a bike anymore. 15. Can I still use the bike lane?
  15. Won't it be some ironic shit when those Chinese, who we long made fun of for riding bikes all around, will have the best transportation system in the world because of their investment into high speed trains and renewable energy, using all the money we gave them with our $260 billion trade deficit and providing us with all this credit to buy their crap to fill the need to CONSUME, and people here will still be arguing over their entitlement to drive their car everywhere with $8/gallon gas with complete disregard for anyone else.
  16. What a great guy. RIP Joe. He posted some great TRs here and on his and David's blog. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/users/2664/joepuryear http://climbtibet.blogspot.com/
  17. Hey Y'all, Dave Burdick has updated his awesome ice article with last years gear, which is great if you are looking at buying used last years tools for this season. We are working on getting it updated with this year new tools. http://cascadeclimbers.com/ice/gear
  18. I want to welcome aboard the Seattle Bouldering Project as the latest cc.com supporter. While the gym has not opened yet they will be starting construction shortly and it will be the largest bouldering gym in the world! We'll be working with them to announce an opening date and a sneak preview of the new gym. Check them out on Facebook for more info. http://www.facebook.com/SeattleBoulderingProject
  19. Bill did an incredible job writing a small cam review for us and I hope everyone has time to check it out in our blog. We'll be adding images and an interactive chart down the road. Take time to check it out and post your own thoughts here. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2010/10/12/small-cams-review-by-bill-coe/
  20. I'd like to introduce a couple new cc.com supporters: Canadian Rockies Alpine Guides and NW Alpine. CRAG is operated by Jay Mills out of Canmore, Alberta. NW Alpine, based in Portland, locally produces some awesome outdoor apparel. We'll have some reviews shortly. Check them both out. Want to thank our other sponsors, some of which have been with us a VERY long time, in no certain order they are.... Backcountry Gear Pro Mountain Sports Feathered Friends Whittaker Mountaineering American Alpine Institute Northwest Mountain School Climb X Gear Second Ascent Please support the people who support us by giving them your business. They help keep your climbing resource up and support other local climbing community. If you are a shop or service provider and want to see you name in that list drop us a line.
  21. Yeah ditto on that, Chair Peak 1993ish when I was in SAR. Same one maybe? Guy had his helmet in his pack. One of my partners took a pretty bad groundfall at the Feathers about 7 years ago, remarkably only broke his collarbone, but suffered pretty bad head injuries, some of which he recovered from, but still has speech and motor function problems. He had a helmet that was in the car and I'm pretty sure that if he had it on his head trauma would have been less severe. I don't climb, ski, or bike without one now.
  22. jon

    Ten Years

    Is it embarrassing to forget your own birthday? Well at least I was in the mountains on it. Anyhoo, cc.com turned 10 years old on Saturday. Yes a decade of spray folks. I don't have a ton to say right now. We want to thank the moderators who have volunteered their time for so damn long and put up with more then I think they bargained for. We couldn't have done it without them. We want to thank everyone who has contributed so many of the great TRs and discussion over the years. Also want to thank our local retailers who have stepped up, even in some hard times, to help support us and keep this resource online for everyone. This is everyone's resource and we look forward to keeping it going for many more years. If you want to support cc.com you can do so in the following ways. Continue contributing great TRs and discussion. Get your friends who just read and poach info to start contributing to the resource. If they don't like some of the spray here tell them the only way to change that is post the content they want to see. It's a two way street. If you have ideas on how to better cc.com please write us to let us know. Lastly, encourage your local shops, gyms, and manufacturers to advertise here. We offer unbeatable rates with almost 1 million page views a month. Cheers!
  23. only put boots into the Keyword Search Terms box. you search for 1 week should give you results.
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