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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Grab Your Ca-nkles....

    JayB, you'd love this blog vancouverpricedrop.wordpress.com.
  2. A few things I read recently that came to mind.
  3. Janet Evans was 17 when she crushed in the Olympics and the Chinese swimmers she beat were part of state sponsored doping.
  4. Another Month, Another Giveaway. This month we are going to mix it up. We will be picking at least one randomly as usual. To spice things up we are also going to give at least one prize for a TR that either is for a peak OR route where there is no previous TR, OR a crag where there is no or limited info on cc.com. Prizes Seattle Bouldering Monthly or Punch Passes, or sweet NWAlpine gear. Plus a cc.com T-Shirt. Rules? Pretty simple. - TR needs at least 2 cc.com hosted pictures. - Needs to have a fair amount of writing that provides sufficient beta. - Links to blogs etc do not count. - Trips don't have to be from August, they can be from any point in time.
  5. We had 113 TRs this month which is the most we've had in several years, so I'm picking a couple extra TRs for prizes. And the winners are.... KaskadskyjKozak - Pro Mountain Sports or Seattle Bouldering or NWAlpine + CC.com T-Shirt Josh Lewis - Seattle Bouldering or NWAlpine + CC.com T-Shirt Steph Abegg - Seattle Bouldering or NWAlpine + CC.com T-Shirt Devin27 - Seattle Bouldering + CC.com T-Shirt Riley 81 - Seattle Bouldering + CC.com T-Shirt Thanks everyone! Edit: Drop my a PM to claim your prize. I'll need shirt size and address to mail prizes. If you have multiple choices tell me which one you want.
  6. Condolences to Chris' friends and family. http://blogs.seattletimes.com/today/2012/07/seattle-hiker-dies-in-fall-near-cle-elum/ Chris developed a software tool at the UW called Consed which was used extensively in the human genome project and sequencing projects big and small.
  7. 3 Days to get your TRs in for the giveaway!
  8. Got a PM from someone saying that "select all" function isn't working. Thanks for the tip, I'll get it fixed.
  9. My first iteration all of Ivan's TRs actually associated with the closest bar or liquor store to the climb. To explain a bit how I did this, I took the peak name and then stripped it of it's prefix or suffix ie mt mount mountain peak etc., so when the search executed against the TR db it hit anything with Bacon in it. Where this has really caused problems are things like West Peak etc. But again, this was just a quick attempt to populate a table in a database. I'm going to attempt to clean up the results a bit, and then allow people to report TRs that are either associated with the wrong peak or not associated. Moving forward I need to add the ability to people to add peaks and crags and have that process go through a confirmation/moderation process, and then allow people to add peaks to TRs, and finally allow people to go back and add them to old ones. Lot's to do
  10. I'll be adding Cali shortly. There are currently no crags, just peak data that I got from the USGS servers (thanks to Steph for starting me out on this!). I'll be adding crags shortly.
  11. jon

    What's next

    I've got this partially implemented, more info below. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1076927/Re_New_Trip_Report_Tool_It_s_B#Post1076927
  12. Ok. So I just pushed a pretty major change. With it comes a lot of things that need to be fixed. But the goal this time around was to get something working and to see if it makes sense. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/tripreportsbeta You'll see now there is a Google Map. On the map are pinpoints for each peak that have a TR associated with it. What I did was write a small script that went through all the TRs and associated a peak with it, in a one to many fashion. It's not a simple process and there are a lot of TRs that have the wrong peak associated with them or vice versa. This is something that can get fixed, and again this is just a proof of concept. When you click on a pin on the map it will bring up info for the associated peak, including name, elevation, and the number of TRs. There is also a link that if you click on it will bring up those TRs in the table below. Click on a different peak it brings up the TRs for that peak. So, here is the DISCLAIMER and all the catches.... -The table and the checkboxes do not drive the map data. You cannot filter the map data. It is what it is -The map data is rough associations made by a script. It by no means does it represents total coverage, anything resembling accuracy, and does not include recent TRs (I generated this data back in March I believe). It also is only displaying peaks over 7000'. - One you use the map you are screwed if you want to use the Table on it's own; I need to add a reset button. Until then, refresh the page. I know people will want to be able to filter the map in a similar fashion as the table and I can make those changes. I'd love to get some feedback on whether people find the map usage and association with the table confusing, or any other feedback.
  13. That is the direction we want to take things. However, we need to have a system in place where that metadata can be entered and stored.
  14. I just pushed some functionality on my lunch break that I was banging away on last night. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/tripreportsbeta You now have the ability to select the Months, Route Type, and Forum which you want to see results from. So say for instance you are looking for Alpine or Ice routes to do in Jan or Feb in the North Cascades or BC, you now can do that. In the development process for this we came to realize a few things, mainly that searchers can be grouped into several categories: you specifically know what they want info, you in general know what they want to do and are looking for ideas, and lastly you are just browsing around. I feel like we are serving the first and third group pretty well at this point, but what we are striving to do is improve functionality for the second group. There are a lot of gems and obscure routes hiding in this system and we are looking for ways to make those easier to find. I think the final piece of the puzzle is displaying all the results on a map. Lastly, I'm purely focusing on functionality at this point. When we have the feature set nailed down then I will work on putting some design polish on things so they look purdy.
  15. We have 81 TRs this month with a week to go so we are going to throw in another prize. I believe the one month records is 127 and if we break that we will certainly will come up with more prizes.
  16. It's a great suggestion and we have it in the plans for the upgraded system.
  17. jon


    We love you long time.
  18. I've included a link in the trip report page to the new tool so you no longer need to visit this page unless you are providing feedback
  19. I've updated the tool with month faceting. Again it's pretty crude and I have not added "Check All" or "Remove All" buttons yet, but it works. Suggestions and Feedback are welcome
  20. I think I've decided on checkboxes for each month, since that is the only way of really effectively choosing one or more months for all years. BTW this might interest people; number of TRs per month first column number of TRs per month second column month. count(*) monthname(FROM_UNIXTIME(tr.TR_POSTED)) 985 July 783 August 706 June 683 February 562 May 493 January 490 September 406 April 399 March 352 December 310 October 237 November
  21. What kind of capability do people want when searching by date? Do they want to be able to pick a month range for all years or between a specific time period. I'm trying to sort out what dimensions people would like to search for. I think in a lot of cases it's not necessary as you can visually pick out the right dates, but in other instances where there are a lot of results like Hood and Rainier you might want to pick a specific season.
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