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Everything posted by jon

  1. I can't speak to Rove's standards, but this poll will never be statistically significant. Here's why: Sample is not random Respondents are self-selecting You can only respond if you are logged in Otherwise the sample size is just about large enough (you only need 40 people to be statistically significant). This is not to say that the poll is useless- au contraire. If you want to know the opinions of those people who are logged in AND read the thread AND care enough to respond, then you're well on your way to gathering meaningful information. We can get into Bayesian theory later. Congrats, Fromage, you are the unofficial cc.com statistician. I only wanted the opinion of those logged in who write TRs. If people can't click on a yes or no they don't care enough if there is an ad. There does seem to be a significant number of people who don't want us to do this. Maybe if you can drop me a PM with why you feel this way, and no worries no offense will be taken on your opinion, we just want to do what is best.
  2. Is this statistically significant by Carl Rove standards yet?
  3. We'll use a less oppressive ad format for the TRs then you are currently seeing in spray.
  4. As a logged in user you should only see it in the spray forum, see this post.
  5. I want to preface this post that we here at cc.com have been huge advocates for our local retailers since the beginning and always encourage you to spend you money there when it makes sense. Please support cc.com's sponsors when you can. These guys work really hard and are in a very competitive sphere. So that said most of you probably shop online. Today I'd like to show you a fun project that I've been working on that I think you peeps might really like. For the last few months I've been playing around with ideas on how to find the best deals on gear when you decide to shop online. And here it is what I came up with. http://cascadeoutside.com What I love about this is that it is fast and displays all the information you need in one screen. It also works on your mobile device. And with the help of some magic it is fast as hell. There are other sources for reviews, but I don't think anything beats this as far as getting prices. As you may know we have another price tool here which uses the same set of data. The problem I found from a developer standpoint was that it is really hard to get a bunch of products to align into one price comparison, so you are left with doing some work to figure out the best price. When you are getting data from 50 different shops they all name things differently. It's a difficult problem that I can't solve; at Amazon there is a huge team that works on this very thing. When I was working on the Trip Report search tool, which uses a similar front end, a light bulb went off that this same interface might work for searching for gear prices. The thinking goes that instead of writing a bunch of code to figure out how to get the right comparison, why not use the best computer there is: your brain. I spent the last couple weeks building this out and I'm pretty happy. I'm sure MS Excel users will feel right at home. If not, I have a couple examples and tutorials. If you are still stuck I'd love your feedback on it. If you really like this I'd love it if you liked it on Facebook and/or Google+ and told your friends about. And yes when you use this you help out cc.com. If it's not obvious we are really investing a lot time and money in making this place better; it kind of deserves it! A few features I will be adding in the near feature: Local retailer sale items Use of the OR operator and other advanced search syntax. Review Rating Summaries Price change notifications
  6. There is nothing wrong with people lurking and in the past they see about the same advertising. We aren't trying to punish lurkers, but hopefully this will encourage some to register and login which many steps closer to posting. The idea is if we are going to distribute the advertising those who are contributing should see the least.
  7. We are considering adding advertising between the first and second post to the posts in the Trip Report forums for users that are not logged in. Out of respect for everyone who has posted a trip report here, recognizing the amount of time that goes into it, we want to know your feelings on this topic. We will make sure that none of the advertising is obnoxious and try to ensure it is relevant. As noted in another post 80% of the visitors to the trip report search page are not logged in, so there is a very large number of people reading this info but not necessarily contributing. Please take a moment to reply to our quick poll. Thanks.
  8. jon

    CC.com Turns 12

    I wanted to post a quick note regarding some changes to the advertising on cc.com now that we have a new design. I want to emphasize that the majority of these changes are pretty minor for most users and we'll never bombard you with advertising. We have added and will add advertising between the first and second post in most forums for users that are not logged in. In addition, logged in users will see these ads in the Spray forum only. We have not decided yet whether to have this advertising in the Trip Report forums for users that are not logged in, and the thinking right now we will let you decide whether we should do so. Most people put a lot of time and effort into their TRs and we want to respect that. Interestingly, for our TR search page 80% of the traffic to it is from users not logged in. It's possible these users are registered but not logged in, but it does demonstrate how popular TRs are. Over the course of the next several months we will be testing different ad formats to see which are the most effect both from a revenue standpoint but also from a user experience standpoint. If you have any feedback about these changes feel free to contact us.
  9. jon

    New forum look

    Viel dank der Backpfeifengesichter!
  10. jon

    New forum look

    You still haven't told me which IE version you are having problems with. Is this how you flirt when you get a help desk request? I'm not sure why this seems so isolated. Typically any IE browser crashing is due to conflicting javascript, however I'm almost positive all the forum changes are just CSS and HTML changes. Obviously some version of IE does not appreciate a tag somewhere.
  11. jon

    New forum look

    Yes, but all in IT should know IE sucks. It's cool, I'm a dick too. I'm guessing you aren't a Unix admin if you are using IE. I need some help setting up Nginx and Xcache.
  12. jon

    New forum look

    It's funny cause you are the one kinda being a dick. I asked for a browser version and I never got a response from either of you. My comment about IE being frustrating to develop for is a pretty ubiquitous sentiment among all front-end developers. But being in IT I'm sure you already knew that.
  13. jon

    New forum look

    No, I meant the root of the site cascadeclimbers.com/
  14. jon

    New forum look

    Does the front part of the site show up correctly for people on IE? I'm noticing now that things are not showing up correctly
  15. jon

    New forum look

    Sky, for cc.com IE makes up 20% of the traffic. I just went through the analytics data comparing the two weeks before the upgrade and two weeks after, looking at each each browser version plotting visits and pages/visit, and there doesn't seem to be much of a change. I'm not doubting there is an issue, but I we have received only 4 complaints about it. If you guys could message us your Windows version and IE version that would be helpful.
  16. jon

    New forum look

    No kidding right? I thought the same thing when I read that this morning. Us IE users are scum!
  17. jon


    ROFL http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/13/abc-station-botches-petraeus-book-cover-all-up-in-my-snatch/
  18. jon

    New forum look

    We'll look into it, but developing for IE is very frustrating as they have their own way of doing things.
  19. jon

    New forum look

    Which version of IE are you using?
  20. There are viruses that known to cause cancer. Many of these virus live in a very latent state and have numerous methods of evading the immune system. Most of these viruses are so good at this that by current methods detection would be unlikely. Many of these viruses have a b-cell tropism. These viruses can only replicate when the b-cell is undergoing cell division. When you are immunized the presence of antigen illicit a large b-cell response in the germinal centers (centres in canada).. This stimulation causes b-cells to replicate. .......
  21. I wonder if you guys have as much concern about the food you put in your body as you do vaccines. There is a lot of live vaccines in food these days.
  22. Wow I better keep my mouth shut then.
  23. What was the term on your policy? There was a thread not to long ago about this topic, and I remember some insurance companies not taking climbing/backcountry skiing into consideration, while others do. I know some companies will do exclusions as well.
  24. I was wondering how long it would take for an infowars link to appear.
  25. http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/48/4/456.full
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