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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. That's the US Federal spending for the year 2009. If past wars are wrapped into total outlay for the DOD then so be it. Sorry there isn't an extra special "past war" category. As far as SS being separate, no where did I say it was part of the general fund. Its irrelevant anyway. Its a social program and part of the US government's spending. It may be separate from the general fund but its still paid for by the government. I get that you want the expense of war to look huge and SS excluded to help achieve that goal but if the government pays for it then it gets included in total spending because...its spending. Sorry if you don't like SS being called a Ponzi scheme. It wasn't originally designed to be but that is exactly what its become. The only way it can continue at its current rate is if we boost new contributors (amnesty?) or reduce spending and pay back the IOU's in the fund.
  2. Except that your pie chart is highly misleading because it includes trust funds like SS within the general fund and the expenses of past military spending are not distinguished from nonmilitary spending. Where your income tax money really goes: Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion MILITARY: 54% and $1,449 billion NON-MILITARY: 46% and $1,210 billion http://www.warresisters.org/pages/piechart.htm The pie chart isn't misleading, it's total spending broken down by percentage. Total spending, not total spending plus debt and assets. The next chart shows gross income broken down by category of origination. Current spending is current spending, past spending that had to be borrowed to pay for is called debt. Your pie chart mixes current spending with debt. That anti-war site seams very confused on how Social Security is currently being run. The Social Security trust fund doesn't have liquid assets because its routinely borrowed from for programs such as the new healthcare bill ($65B). To say that it is self sustaining is a joke. Hence, why people call SS a Ponzi scheme...because its been borrowed so heavily against that current payments in are not even sustaining current payments out. However, if we choose to accept that all spending numbers put out by the government is a lie then we can conclude that the $900B(conservatively since it doesn't include the "doctor fix" passed separately) estimated for Healthcare is a lie too. Medicare was estimated to cost $10B in 1964 and increase $2B over 25 years...it's currently over $500B. Hmmm, what's 50 times $900B? At what point do we reduce spending? Cutting defense spending isn't enough and judging by Obama's current course not going to happen.
  3. Bush didn't force Obama to pass ARRA (Stimulus 2) and Healthcare, both of which eclipse all spending projects and war under the Bush administration. Bush also didn't force Obama to spend the unused TARP funds. Over-Achiever.
  4. There isn't one singular event but generally government was mismanaged for over 30 years (we could also include Social Security and Medicare) as well as the repeal of Glass-Steagall by a Republican majority congress under the Clinton administration. It doesn't help that Bush came along and set a new standard for deficit spending and back room deals. However, its important to blame the guy before you so lets pin it all on Bush (who certainly shares responsibility) and ignore the fact that we have an out of control government. I love the bar graph though, Obama is looking like an over-achiever compared to Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2. I wonder what year 4 or 8 (god help us) will look like.
  5. In recent times that would have been the war in Iraq... The wars that we're engaged in are nowhere near the cost of our actual entitlement programs. I just looked at my W2 and realized I'm not making enough money so I maxed out all my credit cards and took out a payday loan.
  6. I'd rather buy Greek Treasury Bonds.
  7. Nitrox

    Whatever Works

    so you like sucking on balls? If you're lame insult is a half retarded attempt at asking if I'm a Tea Party member then the answer is no.
  8. Nitrox

    Whatever Works

    The Bush administration was far to the right, which explains the hyperbolas and a good deal of truth from some left wingers. The Obama administration is center right, which doesn't explain at all the loony rhetoric of the right wing. Wait, so he was too far right so they called him a Nazi? Not only is your 9th grade history teacher spinning in his/her grade but so is your 6th grade English teacher.
  9. Nitrox

    Whatever Works

    Or maybe there is enough disdain for the government that any incumbent has his eyes firmly locked on his six? Nah, that can't be it. By the way, lets not get all high and mighty, this was the left just a few short years ago: [video:youtube]
  10. Semi-auto semi-rigid crampons are what La Sportiva recommends for the Glacier and Glacier Evo.
  11. Its largely a function of the rear bail and the height of the plastic adjuster. I have a pair of standard Glaciers and I had to try a number of different crampons before I found a pair that fit the heel correctly. I currently use a pair of Camp Ice Riders and the adjuster sits low enough that it does not dig in. Here is a link to just the rear bail. I don't know if its compatible with the G12 but it is worth a try. There are a few members here that mix and match their crampons with good results. http://www.camp-usa.com/products/crampons/automatic-heel-bail-1124.asp
  12. Maybe we could get a politician who doesn't lie? It's a lot to ask for, I know. [video:youtube] You'd think that after the screwing we got from the last President we'd be a bit more selective but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  13. A soundbyte is generally six seconds.
  14. So the next time a Republican says something utterly stupid you'll be the first to stand up and say he or she has some other redeeming quality not readily apparent on said sound byte?
  15. I've never felt especially compelled to make excuses for the actions or words of others. In this case I don't need to assume, the Congressman from GA is clearly a doddering fool. Whether he was indeed making a terrible joke or he is in fact functionally retarded I'll leave you to decide.
  16. Call me crazy but reading the single largest entitlement program in the history of this country seams like a smart thing to do. I've no doubt that some or all of opposing votes didn't read the bill but that includes members of both the Republican and Democrat party. We deserve everything we got in that bill because we, as a nation, are more concerned with six second sound bites and shiny free trinkets. We truly are our own worst enemy. You mean like the six second soundbyte about Guam certain posters are going on and on about, like, right now? I love this site. I love this site too, so much ironic goodness at every turn. If I could just wrap bacon around irony...
  17. And maybe he's got $90,000 in his freezer. A lifetime's worth of work as a professional politician and all that... Voting for idiots and calling them smart is beneath me. I would hope it was beneath you too but here we are.
  18. Call me crazy but reading the single largest entitlement program in the history of this country seams like a smart thing to do. I've no doubt that some or all of opposing votes didn't read the bill but that includes members of both the Republican and Democrat party. We deserve everything we got in that bill because we, as a nation, are more concerned with six second sound bites and shiny free trinkets. We truly are our own worst enemy.
  19. Money and a pulse? It must not intelligence because that guy didn't display any. At least that officer had the courtesy to ignore the congressman's obvious lack of ability to even put together a sentence.
  20. I can only hope for his sake that it was indeed a metaphor. However, I watched the entire video and didn't get the sense he was doing anything other than making himself look like a fool. He's a terrible public speaker, it kind of makes you wonder how he got elected. But then again, after listening to some of our other elected officials it doesn't really.
  21. There is always an ebb and flow to politics in this country. Much like when Medicare was originally passed in 1965 there will be swing in power the other way. However, what bothers me is this new win at any cost mentality that prevents either side from making a logical and sound decision. We continue to elect complete idiots and expect to get good results. Obviously this country needs healthcare reform but could it really hurt to even read a bill before its voted on? It doesn't matter what side of the issue you're on, there is a new standard by which our government passes laws and sooner or later we're all going to be on the shit end (if you're not already).
  22. Why should there be subsidy? Surely if it works then it'll sell on its own merrits.
  23. We've elected the government we deserve, sadly.
  24. Sounds like life support for a dead carreer.
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