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Everything posted by kukuzka1

  1. Love the summit photo mitochondria "VICTORY!!" I can almost smell the crisp cold air. good job
  2. Its nice, as far as indoor climbing goes
  3. Dont think its been done, be a nice prize.
  4. Also remember some of these climbs involve glacier travel. people have gone missing or fell in even on the easiest of glacies-muir sowfield, interglacier, ect.. the risks should be understood when alone.
  5. the mighty guye peak rivaled only by the mighty le tooth! good job guyes
  6. hi, nice job. when i climbed it in 2000 after the 1st pitch i when a little right, then up a short step. then a little more right to a face with a crack in it. i climed this which i thought was solid 5.8+ with a wide crack near the top. did you do this or stay on the ridge? beckys description is confusing at best?[no offence fred]
  7. no bottled oxygen, no sherpas, bolts hand drilled if any, take your junk off the mountain and camp[if possible]. style matters only to yourself. kinda like cheating in golf, know one will know or care, but you will know you didnt shoot a 74. as long as it dosnt trash the enviornment its all good. even if you have to fix liberty ridge, just take your equipment out.
  8. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/medium/IMGP0224_1_.JPG[/img] alpine outer space
  9. Big four
  10. Well said scared silly
  11. Remind me not to go have a beer with you
  12. Also its like being on a jury where you get the whole story not just what the media feeds you, and then you may know more of the circumstances surounding the tragedy. Not that it was right or just but you may have a different take on it. Its like if you had a couple beers at the pub and you got into a car accident on the way home and the other person died even though you wernt "drunk"maybe you didnt even cause the accident but now the media/law and anyone who reads the story lables you a drunkard that killed so and so. forever. yes his actions were wrong and tragic but unless you know really what happend that night i myself wont cast judgment. but hey its a free country
  13. One of the greats of the 80s r.i.p.
  14. last time i was their it was washed out? or am i thinking of another road?
  15. wow! 4 srews,impressive. that summit pic looks like the hillary step.kinda [minus24k feet] looks like fun
  16. I was just curious, if this was in summer or winter?
  17. true enough
  18. looks pretty cool http://www.throughachildseyesproductions.com/Beckey.htm hopefully this works as ive never posted a link
  19. Well welcome, congrats on the wife and if i can scamble up the extra cash youll be hearing from me soon
  20. Dirth pillar
  21. Wholly shit! he doesnt even hardly look at his dry tool placements. awsome
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