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Everything posted by YakCLimber78

  1. I'm cleaning out the closet and have a few things I'm wanting to part with: -Garmont Luster Wmn's AT boots. Mondo 26.0, haven't been thermo-formed, lightly used. $75.00 -Mammut Champ pant size 36... Like a US Large. A bit loved, n=but a TON of life left in them.SOLD -Garmont Radium AT boots. Mondo 28.0, very experienced, would serve someone well as a back-up pair or for somebody looking to get into BC. $35.00 -RAB softshell jacket. Men's size Large in grey/black. Great for fall climbing or backcountry touring. $45.00 Email or PM me Yakdriver78@gmail.com
  2. I have a low-volume and narrow foot.... Sportiva for sure. Also, look a Boreal and Salewa; I've tried a few of their boots on and they fit me great!
  3. Looking for a pair of Medium or Small Freeride Pro bindings from a few years back...... The Red and White ones. PM me if you have a pair you are looking to get rid of.
  4. Well, here's an update for anyone that's been reading this. Today I am one month, eleven days post-op. As per my PT, my range of motion is 100%, I've been off crutches for just over a week, and I only need my cane (Big Pimp'in) when I go for longer distances. I feel great! My wife and I went to the Wallowas this past weekend to get out of town. We did a TON of walking, took the tram to the top of Mt. Howard and did a bit of "hiking", and walked around the campground with the dogs. While I was sore, after a night's rest, pain was no-more. I can't wait to get out and play again!!
  5. Monty.... Your story reminds me of myself over the past 10 years. I was in a nasty accident (tried to wrestle with a tree while snowboarding) about 10 years ago and that landed me in the ICU for 5 days. A year later, I ran my first marathon, did a trip to Denali, and in 2009 I saw my son's birth. Over the following years, my left side began to break-down, my knee started to hurt more and more, and I eventually ended up not being able to run more than about 25 feet. I had a nice little visit with my ortho doc and his PA (I ski with both of them) and they concluded that my hip was the issue....... Fast forward to today. I am 3 weeks out from surgery, my hip hurts less than the day I went in, my range of motion is improving, and I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel.......... I just have to keep reminding myself not to over do it. I agree fully that PT = Personal Training (or more-closely Physical Terrorism), but it is worth it in the long run. We all need to keep our heads up when injuries happen and put in just as much time recovering as we do to our training and prep for our adventures. Keep on keepin' on. Yak
  6. I've been on crutches now since the morning of the 31st of July. At this point, I feel like that annoying old man down the street that shakes his cane at the kids riding their bikes in the street. Twice-daily PT is starting to show the progress I've been waiting for; and surprisingly, I actually hurt less now than I did the day before my surgery....... God bless Percocet!! I'll keep y'all posted, can't wait to get back out! Yak
  7. So.... I am T-Minus 48hrs from the day of days. I have done all the research, had a cortisone injection to get me thru the spring and early summer, got my last weekend of climbing in at Leavenworth/Peshastin..... Now it's time to go under the knife. Talk at y'all in August.
  8. I worked for Camp Sheppard in the mid-90's and I wouldn't climb on those cliffs if somebody paid me. I did a bunch of looking around at the base of the falls and further down on the Palisades, and all the rock looks very loose. However, during a late-night session of boredom, we went to the "west end" of the rock cut and put up a route on the buttress with the crack up the middle, went at about 5.8..... I was last over 410 about a month ago and the crack has since been filled-in with brush, etc. I'd stick with the winter options in that area..... just my humble opinion.
  9. The previous responses have been spot-on. I can only reiterate that you need to try on as many pairs as you can before you even prepair to drop the coin on a new pair of boots. Get insoles, the stock ones that come in most footwear are garbage. Once you do finally decide on a pair, wear them around the house for a few days to see if they hit you anywhere you didn't notice in the store; any minor issues could be a trip-ender in the future.
  10. I have the Scarpa Crux as well and love them. On my last trip up the NR of Stuart, I used a super-light pair of trail runners that packed well into my pack and climbed strictly in my rock shoes...... Just one guy's thought.
  11. sent you a pm
  12. go to your local pool/hot tub supply store.... I bought a 3/8 piece of foam ay my local store for next to nothing.
  13. Unfortunately, I have had 4 opinions and they all lead to the same conclusions. Thanks again all for the insight and the positivity.......
  14. I was recently told by my Dr that I will be in need of having a bit of "work" don't to my left hip. He is going to performa laproscopic re-shaping of my femur and pelvis and repair my labrum. Has anybody had this type of surgery or anything close? I understand that it has a bit of a recovery time (I already realize that my skiing next year is gone), but I want to know how you feel in year 2,3,5, etc. Any insight would be great. Paul
  15. My wife has circulation issues and has found great results using a combination of garlic, aspirin, and heated gloves..... I know the heated gloves my be a touch extreme, but they work. when she's touring and the circulation is going well, she uses wristbands and places the little heat packs against the underside of her wrists (keeps the blood flowing to her fingers pre-heated). When she stops, she puts on her gloves and turns them on low and it seems to work. Hope this helps....
  16. I had a chance to climb (hike) Lassen a few years back. A wonderful experience on a wonderful little peak with wonderful views. Great trip, guys!
  17. My List of Favorites and Wants and Never wills 1)Have Climbed: Complete N Ridge of Stuart Zebra-Zion Cooper Spur Exasperator 2)Want to Climb when I get my azz in shape: NE Butt of Slesse Lib Ridge Go back to AK and finish Denali 3)Never Will (but want to): Anything in the Himalaya Anything in Antarctica North face of The Eiger
  18. Cooper Spur on Hood East Peak on Ingalls
  19. I took a course through the American Alpine Inst. when I was in high school and I have nothing but the greatest of memories and learned skills that I use to this very day (20 years later). But as with instruction, ask questions, ask for your guide's resume, and be sure to practice your skills as often as you can after.
  20. Fit Comes First..... All are great boots. Also look at the newer light alpine boots from Salewa. I have a "Sportiva Foot" and the Salewas were uber-cumfy.
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