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Everything posted by stevetimetravlr

  1. Best island song and island dude....RIP IZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltAGuuru7Q
  2. Looks like this week's weather might allow a few Beacon sessions. Skied Mt Hood Meadows today and since it was closed yesterday due to extreme storm, it was epic conditions this morning in 2 feet of new, and in the sunshine all day. At 2:30 they opened the upper chair Cascade, and got to plunder the upper part of the mountain, sweet pow. It was warming up there, so I think this week will put a heavy crust up on Hood, and it it chills back up next weekend, could be good winter ascent conditions. Bring it on Ben, anytime!
  3. Whoa, that last photo really scares me. Had a tent all pitched and then.....
  4. you guys must drink allot stronger coffee then I do. Way to get out there in a raging storm. Those pictures make me dizzy...
  5. Makes you wish you had dropped a little coin and put a little GPS monitor in your rig in some hidden place. You could show up on the guys doorstep. I got my van stolen several years ago right before my eyes. they saw me coming, and the guy sped away as I got my hand on the door.
  6. Who's da dog?
  7. What route is the guy on the left coming off of?
  8. a little Gorge chimney climbing
  9. Guess I will stop by and pick one of those up Edelreid ropes. The green New England rope in the photo above, I have the exact one and I love it. Wears well, keeps it stiffness and handling over time, and was pretty cheap when I got in.
  10. Any of the Beacon crew want to drive on out to Hood river and we'll take you guys cragging out here? When its raining at Beacon many times, it will be sunshining out east here.
  11. Red Rocking, way to go get it guys!
  12. Best technical finger splitter cracks in the Gorge by far near Lyle on semi remote crag. Hwy. 35 has some fabulous crack climbs just developed that rivals anything at Beacon. But if you are referring to andesite crags and the general choss, then I agree with you Joseph!
  13. I guess I should qualify my photos are places you climb if you live in the Gorge. Beacon qualifies by my reckoning. Ozone, Horsethief, Crow Butte, Hwy 44 areas and everything in between.
  14. Great resolution on that video. How many people go to Smith and walk under this wall and then keep on trucking past it, quaking in their boots. I have looked at it and looked at it, but always thought something like this would happen, son of a ..... Good for you guys going after it!
  15. Bulo, Area 51, places like that.
  16. Hey!! Thats my video. Made it for my biking/climbing buddies a couple years ago, I know its a little lame but was my first time using a Silent Partner device, so I thought I would get on something 5.6 so mistakenly did the first pitch of Young Warriors which I had never done, thought I was on Broadway. Anyway, I got it down now. The 2nd climb in the video is Crusing It which I had done before several times, but again the back up knot kept catching me unaware.
  17. so we can post photos of Columbia River climbing here? Ok, heres a few for you Beacon guys who don't usually venture out east to far....all the choss you can handle....
  18. Joseph, Thank you for all your hard work and time out at Beacon so the rest of us dick draggers can anchor off with a smile and a binger. Appreciated!
  19. If you are going to aid it, no need for etriers, just french free or hangdog it like Rick does! hahaha, wait till he sees this...
  20. There is a Iphone somewhere in the poison oak below Young Warriors. I was roping up and it came flying down and missed me by about 2 feet and then bounced into the bushes below. Some young chick that Tim Wilson had taken up there. They came rapping down, and she was bumming..
  21. Blownout at 10a is in my opinion more like 10c, while Dods is more like 10a. Dastardly is more like 10a also, or a strong 5.9+!
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