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Everything posted by Ishmael

  1. thanks for the video. It really captured the feel. It has been too long since I have been out skiing off of 90... maybe next year (in japan this year)...
  2. good idea, Jake. Had not thought of that one. That was the last climb I have done (approx one year ago). It was my third time and my last on it. At the bivy at the lake, I had my night with the rats. Good times. Good route but not overly casual. And I have decended off the opp side of a peak before. Something odd about having to go back for whatever you left. chad
  3. I used 3/4 inch plywood, two layers of foam sleeping pad material, a nylon cover over the whole thing and two loops of 9/16 webbing. It works like a dream. In fact, I have fallen asleep in it belaying many times...
  4. Thanks Dane for the post. It killed a good part of the evening but was well worth it. I was impressed with the sound. I watched the first couple just with my computer speakers but then plugged in my shure ear buds and it was great. Esp with all the wind ect.
  5. nice. way to make it look casual...
  6. your tr looks just about ave. Thanks for posting. chad
  7. a good auto parts store should have them and if not would know where to get one. Good luck. Stuck fasteners are their own little bundle of joy...
  8. use a penetrating oil (like wd-40). Try to tightening it a bit before loosening it, if it moves, try to back it out. Tapping/hitting the head as you apply torque to the fastener will help a bit. If you round out the hex, get a good pair of vice grips and grip the outside of the fastener. You will cut big groves in the head but it is already rounded out and shot. And lastly, drill it out. if it is a blind hole, buy a left handed drill bit that is smaller then the minor dia of the fastener threads. If you are lucky, the left handed drill will back it out of the hole and your existing threads on the ice tool will be fine. This is easier said then done esp if you do not have a drill press or mill.
  9. Olympic....
  10. That movie is great. Seems like a really bad mix of the Eiger Sanction and Cliffhanger... One of the funnier movies I have seen lately.
  11. nice TR. I really liked the first pitch of that route when I climbed this spring.
  12. good video. I saw the tool thing as well. The big one is the ax for the ride but tools for the climb... mmmmm
  13. thanks for posting the video. Looked a bit cold and windy. Good climbing weather.
  14. yep, bolt it. 1/4" x 1-1/4" or so bolts hand drilled. Quick to drill and it will not come out.
  15. Thanks for the story. It is always intresting to hear history framed in a place you know so well.
  16. when I was up there 4-5 years ago the hardest part was finding the logging road spur as I did not know that was what I was looking for. Once we found that, it was not a tough approach to follow. We got about 4 pitches up Solaris before we ran out of time... late start and all. Fun route that was only some what dirty.
  17. FKA.... And the music was all that bad. It is just a bit of gutter punk...
  18. I have climbed it many years ago. I just solo'ed it. The crux is 5.6 ish and you should still land in the sand if you fell. Not bad. The rock is good till the angle drops off up on the "summit ridge". I like the painting. Many good memoires from that beach. There is also some good climbing on the beach between Ruby and Kalaloch which is in it self, a nice 6-7 mile hike along the beach.
  19. nice. it had been a long time since I have been to the bugs... maybe next year...
  20. thanks, klenke for the laugh... and stunning photos...
  21. As an update, we did climb the west arete on 7/20. That was the third time I have climbed it. No pics as my friend packed his SLR up to the lake and then left it on all night... and it does not have an auto off function... Easily done with tennis shoes as there was just one short section of steepish snow that had to be gone up during the descent and that could have been avoided as well with a small bit of effort. And as reported in other TR's, bikes are nice for the 5 miles of road after the washout. It made the trip from the trail head to the car fun even though were were tired.
  22. alright. Thanks for the pic.
  23. Any one been up to Lake/Mt Constance latetly? I am looking at climbing the West Arete and would like to know how much snow there is. I would love to get away with just tennis shoes but the latested TR is from late May. Thanks for any info. Chad
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