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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Fuck illegal immigrants. Fuck Cascade Climber liberal shit dicks.
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1259813/Mars-Ice-walls-Red-Planet.html
  3. Does anyone have experience on trekking peaks with this outfit? I've met Matt once when he helped pull me out of an avalanche over ten years ago, but have no real idea on how good the trips are. Thanks
  4. I wouldn't let talk radio get you too amped up. It's going to lessen your life span if you stare at this thing for too long. Civil unrest is a byproduct of both parties recent inefficiencies. Both sides have legitimate bitches and complaints at this point. The guy at the Pentagon was just a regular wing-nut one each issue. Not a McVeigh type. They were a totally different beast all together. Prole chill the f
  5. Anyone here from the USFS? Curious to know if you have experience with this tent and what your impression of it is? POD TENT
  6. Prole, Excellent point!
  7. I'll be your Huckleberry...
  8. The following voted to pass SB6843: Senators Berkey, Brown, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Gordon, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Jacobsen, Kastama, Keiser, Kline, Kohl-Welles, McAuliffe, McDermott, Murray, Oemig, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Rockefeller, Shin, and Tom Senate Bill 6843, introduced yesterday, received a public hearing today Democrat leaders in the Senate yesterday introduced Senate Bill 6843, which would repeal the voter-approved Initiative 960. The initiative put in place several transparency measures related to bills that have a cost to taxpayers. It also required a two-thirds vote in the Legislature, or a simple majority vote in the Legislature along with a vote of the people, to increase taxes. Rep. Norma Smith, R-Clinton, had this to say about the legislation: “In an unbelievable breach of public transparency and the political process, the Senate introduced a bill yesterday afternoon that would repeal voter-approved limitations on taxes, and then fast-tracked it for a public hearing today. There clearly has been no courtesy given to the general public to read the bill, call their legislators about it or plan to attend today’s hearing and share their thoughts. I not only oppose Senate Bill 6843, but I am appalled the voices of the people are being silenced by rushed political maneuvers. “Two years ago the voters of this state sent a clear and compelling message to the Legislature – live within your means. Initiative 960 created the framework for this. The majority in Olympia has chosen to grow government spending despite the storm clouds that were clearly visible on the horizon. Now we are at a point where the budget is at an unsustainable level, but instead of finding ways to craft a budget that lives within our current revenue, the Legislature has chosen not to heed the voters’ wishes. The people put into place a sound mechanism for fiscal restraint, and legislative leaders should not be looking to undo it. “I want to urge my constituents to have their voices heard by calling the sponsor of Senate Bill 6843 Sen. Margarita Prentice and Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown. We cannot allow policies that are detrimental to citizens and our economy to be shoved haphazardly through the legislative process.” ■Sen. Margarita Prentice, the bill’s sponsor, can be reached at (360) 786-7616 ■Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown can be reached at (360) 786-7604
  9. And thanks for posting! That is really awesome to see and hear about.
  10. I can't tell you how bizarre it is to see terrain and weather like that. The only people who would be more bewildered live in Alaska and the BC Coast Range. Is that a multi-use trail? As in could I ride a mountain bike down it?
  11. You can drive to the base of that climb right now. I rode my moto up there 2 days ago. You can sling trees along the way, but it's only about 50 degrees at the steepest section.
  12. I'm going to start riding my moto on Tiger Mountain in protest.
  13. Yeah, I left those there in 1994. You can have them. Jens you must have been been feeling pretty nostalgic to climb that old choss pile.
  14. Those Woodson photos are classic.
  15. That's the crag above Emerald Bay in south lake Tahoe right? If so that is an awesome place to hang out. We used to camp there and have the place to ourselves in the winter.
  16. Bingo! Pay to play...also don't forget your forest pass, the theft of your NOVA funds, Sno Park Pass...blah blah blah...
  17. Well heck I can see the brain trust is hard at work over here. Let's go ahead and give them their gun rights back too. You masters of political science haven't realized this was a Federal Appellate decision not a policy debate. Moron. Don't really care fuck-stick. You internet blowhards need to get cleaned out.
  18. Why introduce more infected people. Why not put those resources to assisting the people IN this country that already are infected.
  19. Have you lost your fucking mind?
  20. Delusional retard
  21. Serenity

    Another beauty!

  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/americas/8438865.stm Another fine piece of work by the new administration.
  23. Good report. Captain Caveman, myself, and one of Jim Nelson's store minions did that thrutch about 8 years ago. Pretty entertaining piece of woods. Won't be back.
  24. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

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