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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. [video:youtube]QJygJQNQHkw
  2. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

  3. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Look, fellas, we got freakin Captain America ovah heuh! Lookie fellas we got a freaking Richard Simmons type ovah heuh! [img:center]http://paxarcana.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/richard_simmons.jpg[/img]
  4. Skis/bindings/skins in excellent condition. Skis alone retail for over 1100.00 Will part with entire set for 700.00 Also have avalung, and assorted ski touring devices including transceivers to add to a BC package deal. PM me only if honestly interested, will send pictures.
  5. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Furthermore, since your so gung-ho to get these guys out of Gitmo, how about you personally house one of them in your spare room, feed them, clothe them, make sure they get to their court appearances, pay their attorney fees, wipe their ass, give them psychological counseling to deter their hatred and anger towards the US, etc. Oh, and don't call me or 'my kind' to come help you when you're getting choked the fuck out by that same person.
  6. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    I think it's pretty funny reading what you troop of blowhards have to offer up here. You guys are so far out there, you don't even know how close to the edge of the ice flow you've gotten. http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/01/17/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry4730094.shtml http://www.thehotjoints.com/2008/11/25/rasmussen-poll-49-want-to-keep-gitmo-open/ Looks like more people actually support keeping the site open for it's intended use, and that was the detention and debrief of combatants who do not fall easily into a geneva conventions category. You guys seem to want to play by the rules for a game that has changed.
  7. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    These guys should have habeus corpus? http://www.newsdaily.com/stories/tre52a6o8-us-security-usa-somalia/
  8. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    It costs so much because there are people out there, like yourself, predominately non military types who second guess/armchair every move on the battlefield. This rhetoric and over the shoulder two step aids the enemy more than it aids your own troops trying to do their job. Then once we incarcerate someone openly conducting warfare, we have to justify to someone, like you, despite every common sense indicator justifying use of force the guy on the ground utilized to capture PUC. So when did non citizens start receiving due process under US law, with an almost ferocious backing by liberals bent on establishing new world order. One people, one government?
  9. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    So in all seriousness, according to your logic we would have had to grant a trial to every German, Japanese, and Viet Cong 'soldier' we captured, granting them rights reserved for US citizens. Oh, and BTW our enemies don't wear uniforms anymore, or generally work for recognized governments. Also, according to some of your arguments the government should be compelled to put every classified document or piece of information into an easily accessible .pdf format so you can peruse it at your leisure, so that you can gain a better understanding of the world in which you DON'T actually reside in. Therefore allowing you to critique and harangue every move that's being made in the world from the safety of your Seattle office tower. Wow, that sounds smart. So much for your logic.
  10. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

  11. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

    Translation and summation of previous nine posts: http://break.com/index/hippies-wail-for-dead-trees.html
  12. Serenity


    So corrupt business practices and corporate greed had nothing to do with it? It was out enterprise to dominate the world as you put it?
  13. Serenity

    Close Gitmo?

  14. Serenity

    He's no messiah

    Perhaps you should learn to read, and understand, rather than being so dismissive and superior in your tone. I understand you are tackling/defending so many important issues here on CC.com that it's probably difficult for you to keep up with all of your various threads or engage them properly with your superior intellect. If someone orders an upper and lower receiver from a manufacturer, and then reassembles it in their own home, with the express intent to sell, they have become a manufacturer under strict law. Their home would then become subject to inspection. Now I could understand if it were the sellers sole source of income, but if it's just a onesie-twosie type of transaction this puts a tremendous amount of authority over that domicile. This is just one of many issues that certain democrats are starting to raise, and I do have to agree with you when you say this is just going to cause democrats to lose votes and increase their own alienation from voters with narrow interests. Like I said why are certain democrats even raising this issue other than some kind of childish political payback. I mean after all certain markets are returning to 1980's levels, but let's reengage in this endless consuming political issue. Right... Anyway, I'm done here for a few more months. Have fun in your litter box.
  15. Serenity

    He's no messiah

    There is a big difference between enacting legislation that was at face value designed to weed out elements within our own nation intent on causing deadly harm to it's lawful citizens, and using those tools to punish lawful, legal gun owners because the same government is unable to defend it's own borders due to it's ineffective legal policies, and border law enforcement. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of illegal drug users who have created this situation because they can't keep some white fucking powder from going up their noses. There's a solution to the problem and it doesn't involve making it illegal for me to own a firearm.
  16. Serenity

    He's no messiah

    A lot of firearms transactions do occur from home. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-45
  17. Serenity

    He's no messiah

    The Draconian measures being put forward by the Blair Holt are more invasive and of greater risk to personal freedoms than anything I have seen in a long time under any administration. Giving no knock access to someone's house so whatever legal authority can make sure a legal gun owner is storing their firearms correctly? You wanna be the Sheriff or agent that has the job of enforcing that one? I don't. What's next? Making sure your stoned housewife has her prescription meds locked securely in a kitchen cabinet. It's a slippery slope. I say leave well enough alone, quit sending Border Patrol agents to federal prison for doing their jobs, and stay out of the middle classes ass. There are bigger fish to fry.
  18. Scott Backes = St Paul, Minnesota...just saying...
  19. At least it's 50,000 people who aren't standing in an unemployment line.
  20. It's not if you're in the Combat Outpost with like a platoon of dudes. Then you feel really-really tiny and screwed. "we're going up above the Do-Long bridge!!
  21. Serenity

    Dead Snake

  22. At least I have chicken.
  23. It is your legal right to openly carry a weapon in the woods. Read the RCW's.
  24. I climbed with Don often during the short time I lived in Portland in 1996-1997. He was then, and remains now, a wonderful memory of the time I spent there. He opened up the true beauty of Smith Rocks for me, and I owe him a debt of gratitude for that simple gift. I recall reading of his, Marty, and Matt's escapade under Snow Creek Wall in Washington during the fires of 1994. Later when I met him, Don told the story with great relish and great humor. His memory will remain with me forever, and I will celebrate Don's life on this sad day. Farewell friend, journey well.
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