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Everything posted by mountainsloth

  1. Banks lake was rain free and we were the only climbers out there... just sayin'
  2. hey, does anyone have the PDF link for the routes on the illusion wall? i know they were made for holy grail and Excalibur, but are there topos for the page, and schizo? thanks!
  3. anyone know if the approach to the illusion wall is looking safe? I was considering visiting the wall this Thurs.
  4. truly impressive. it reminds me that i need to spend more time in the alpine. If not the repulsive 69, what is on the horizon for Tom?
  5. i love this area. Rad you the man! psyched to try some of the new stuff. and Rad... you are never too old to crank hard. keep dreaming and living those dreams!
  6. the first taste is sweet, but be careful how much you dip, you could end up an addict if D-town like the rest of us!
  7. Excellent to hear about Spring, sad about Clear Creek. Any news on how squire creek wall is looking? I assume it is WAY to early for that big mama-jama.
  8. wishing i had taken advantage of that killer weekend. Freaking gorgeous! nice work guys.
  9. buncha kids having fun in the pow pow. Good on ya!
  10. wow. this winter just keeps giving. what a great looking trip!
  11. yea, the crack we climbed was pretty solid and took gear well. The second pitch was just a scramble. it took you to the top of a little ridge just south of the true summit. It was probably 5.8/9. I think it was around 80/90M total.
  12. Trip: Mt Si Haystack - East Face crack system Date: 3/25/2013 Trip Report: My friend is training for Denali and needed a friend to hike up to Si with her. I said sure, but if I am going to humor her, she has to humor me by carrying rock gear up there for some potentially sketchy, loose, and short rock climbing on the haystack. (Others could add pointless to the running adjectives). She was training after all, and the gear will serve its purpose whether it is used or just gets taken for a walk. The east face is surprisingly inviting with plenty of options, that is, if you don't mind semi loose rock. We first tried the chimney/gully thing right of center. I found ice in the chimney, decided to climb it anyway, took a scary whipper after a hold broke and decided it was not worth it, so I down climbed. After reconsidering our options, we decided the crack/flake in the 1st photo left of center looked inviting. Judging from the relative cleanliness of it and the bolted anchor along the way it looked to have been climbed before. No surprise of course, it is Mt Si. It was actually pretty fun! I am surprised I have not heard of anyone climbing the haystack in this way. Anyone know the history? Gear Notes: The flake took gear to 3/4. Approach Notes: You know the approach
  13. you should talk to fish and game down there about this. they will know better. post up when you do.
  14. i practiced some really short aid routes around the repo wall at x32. there are a few nice cracks and they are pretty short. this allowed me to get the basic mechanics down without feeling too exposed.
  15. still one of my all time favorite BC skis in WA. Rock on!
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