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Everything posted by pink

  1. B.S., you would have requested IPA then as the beer type you requested is currently out of favor with the populous I think you are getting the trolls because you come off as a d-bag for asking for a reward. Obviously, you are due a six-pack and any climber worth anything would give you a six pack and smoke you out without you asking for it.
  2. This happened to me on a route called space on el cap.... a whole pitch pretty much gone! THANKS OBAMA!!!!!!!!
  3. pink

    Go Bernie

    My prediction, is that all you asshats, grow old, crusty and die.... that will be a good day
  4. pink

    Go Bernie

    i thought all the liberals wanted to get all the old people out of office to further their political agenda?
  5. We all do what we do. My condolences for your friend. sickie
  6. it's not cc.com until you hate on Dean
  7. i thought liberals were all P.C. and stuff
  8. Reasons: 1st) Beacon is closed. (not) 2nd) It seems cold, dark, damp, and foreboding. 3rd) Kenny breaking his back on P1. Agree with the rest of your words Steve, great job Ivan. (on fixing Pinks old route?) Impressive line. Any pictures? fixing, as in pitons, bolts, etc. sickie
  9. That's because climbers are wankers
  10. It's obvious to me that Daniel Woods doesn't like Muslims
  11. does screwing the same chick your whole life indicate the same
  12. 'cuz trains work better above water than below?
  13. I always wondered why the tracks are so close to the rock?!
  14. Takes every chance to get a Stone Soup PLUG
  15. always the climbers fault, never the meth heads
  16. Man what a great crack, but the hard crispy lichen sure sucks
  17. so what the fuck are you trying to achieve with your boo-foo fucking climbing videos.... i'm assuming you want someone to look at them... or are you one of those ass wipes who get tattoos and claim to get them for themselves but every chance you get get ur like " wanna see my TATT" go back to EU ya fucking fagg My New Year resolution is to avoid pointless discussions via internet with certified wankers. Happy trails clowpunch. you're a walking premature ejaculation... you were supposed to be a cumshot... instead we got you, and republicans don't wanna give free condoms. live and learn
  18. Almost January
  19. so what the fuck are you trying to achieve with your boo-foo fucking climbing videos.... i'm assuming you want someone to look at them... or are you one of those ass wipes who get tattoos and claim to get them for themselves but every chance you get get ur like " wanna see my TATT" go back to EU ya fucking fagg
  20. next year.... you should trade in ur summer trip to the valley for a winter trip... sure thinking about it now more after this - always thought the valley was wicked fucked that time of year - usually can only squeeze a week out of my winter break for pure adventure and a fat fuck like me can't get up el cap in that little time, even if the weather works out perfect Iv'e done two winter el cap routes, you just gotta climb protected routes... sure beats the sun baked torture you have endured... and you got the whole place to yourself and there is no line for coffee at the lodge
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