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Everything posted by pink

  1. pink


    At least the name wasn't changed to "the FARSIDE" or "the DROPZONE"... someone might get cornfused....
  2. pink


    "I am the Walrus" Donny
  3. You're a breathe of fresh air
  4. Mikey Schaefer and he is from the NW
  5. I only remember there being three pins on Fear of Flying... When in doubt...ask Opdyke So is Mr. Gecko.. Micah?
  6. Thanks Bill
  7. [video:youtube]
  8. The DropZone it is
  9. Then it didn't happen
  10. WORD!!!
  11. Another Quote from Kevbone "As far as ethics: I think we can all agree you dont touch another persons route, right? "
  12. is that OZONE?
  13. PICS?!
  14. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1110882/all/TR_Beacon_Rock_Young_Warriors_ "Such a great TR on such a classic Beacon line. If you want a little more adventure. I recommend doing all 5 pitches sans bolts, pitons or any anchor bolts. My partner and I did this last summer and called it the Boltless Warrior. It's a little heady at times but totally doable. Super fun."
  15. I have led the first pitch of FD a couple dozen times back in the 90's as a pretty mediocre climber and i never felt in danger... it would be cool if that route stayed exactly how it is, maybe George can find another 5.10 he feels comfy cozy on, maybe trying Psychic Wound to the right,,,
  16. Tell me about the Rabbits Bill... or better yet, tell Coitus
  17. pink

    Van Halen

    I saw ur MOM at White River..... She was pretty consistent alright
  18. Cool! Sure beats climbing at the DROPZONE
  19. Drama Much ?!?!
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